Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 22, 2019

Up until his death, this permanent A list singer/actor who was in a very famous unofficial group was the biggest donor to the Church Of Satan.

Sammy Davis Jr.


  1. Sure. Roll eyes. Parody church

    1. It very possibly is not

    2. Actually he really was a Satanist.

  2. Replies
    1. Pedos and worse. In the not-too-distant future it won't even be safe for those identifying as part of that group to walk down the street.

  3. Good for him! The Church of Satan has much better values than any other religion.

  4. At least he made a pact with the devil and lived a long life. Robert Johnson and JFK weren't so lucky.

  5. Think Frank Sinatra was pretty satanic himself. Makes you wonder now about the entire group, as well as friends ...mafia for sure but certainly compromised.

  6. The CoS are just Agent Provocateurs making a point about Judeo-Christian religions. They're harmless. One of their rules is to not harm children. It's amusing when people react in horror to anyone who's a member of the CoS.

  7. The only God in Satanism is yourself.

  8. Spot on @CountJerkula.

    Anyone see in the DM about Leo, George and a bunch other so called environmentalist/ celebrating going to a Greek temple in Sicily and partying all weekend at Google Camp? Freaky.

    CoS are just loud mouth atheists. Although Sammy Davis Jr on his own Wiki page talks about converting to Judaism from his Christian heritage.

  9. Sammy Davis Jr = satanist

    Roman Polanski = satanist

    Woody Allen = innocent as in his pedophilia deflected satanism

  10. Where was Satan when that steering wheel column poked out his eye?

    Where is your Dark God now, old woman?

  11. I mean you want more atheists keep baptizing babies catholic because THAT shit’s an atheism factory.

  12. James H that's what they claim -- but what are the rituals about and the praising that entity about then?!

    For devout people of some religions, anything that puffs up mankind over God or anything that turns people away from God is 'satanic' though.

    But LaVey specifically mentioned that entity didn't he?

    Seems like a sideways way to make it seem less evil/dangerous? "The cleverest thing the devil ever did was convince people he does not exist."

  13. VikingSong are you a Scientologist?

  14. mooshki said -

    "Good for him! The Church of Satan has much better values than any other religion."

    mooshki are you a satanist?

  15. Yeah, I'm an atheist myself but if I had to be forced to pick a religion, I'd go with the Church of Satan. Seems to be one big "be cool to others, take care of yourself" thing, compared to the insane Christians who talk about peace and love but then try to claim you're going to Hell for not believing what they do, then bringing us a Satanic Panic every decade because they don't understand something that's harmless.

  16. @Samantha No, but I agree with their philosophy.

  17. Lol I was thinking of the Sammy Satan blind when I watched Eddie Murphy on Seinfeld show and he told the Sammy Satan story he had. So crazy. Also he was on loads of blow. Brings new meaning to the candy man song.

    1. I was just going to post the same thing. I guess enty watches the Seinfeld show too.

  18. mooshki which philosophy is that? How do you know there's nothing bad about them? You're touting them as the best w/out being part of it/knowing it?

    "@Samantha No, but I agree with their philosophy."

    Lucky13 said -

    "Yeah, I'm an atheist myself but if I had to be forced to pick a religion, I'd go with the Church of Satan. Seems to be one big "be cool to others, take care of yourself" thing, compared to the insane Christians who talk about peace and love but then try to claim you're going to Hell for not believing what they do, then bringing us a Satanic Panic every decade because they don't understand something that's harmless."

    Sounds like you are pretty on board with it despite claiming atheism. Since people re saying there's no entity worship in that belief, why would those 2 be mutually exclusive anyway?

    I think you are confusing it with wicca though. "If it harms no one, do what you will" is Wiccan.

    Also: there are billions of Christians. Not all go around judging and telling people they'll burn. That's a bigoted stereotype. On the other extreme you then say that the other belief is "harmless."

  19. I read May Britt's book years ago. She and SDJ got death threats when they married. Maybe things like that are why he thought he needed to be shrouded in the dark force.


  20. I'm a satanist (have been since I was 18 after being raised Catholic) and honestly, good for him! Satanism is way more chill and does actually have better morals and values than the Catholic church! I mean one of the 11 Satanic rules of the Earth is to not harm children which is something te Catholic Church really seems to struggle with. Another one is no unwanted sexual advances which is why I converted. I'd rather be around Satanists than Catholics any day!

  21. It wasn't some ancient Church of Satan where they are calling up Azazael. It was founded in San Francisco in the 60s as a humanist group to counter the authority of the Abrahamic religions.

  22. calling bullshit on this one

  23. "Good for him! The Church of Satan has much better values than any other religion." end quote @mooshki
    Values like a blood oath signed in fresh blood from an underaged sacrifice?
    Thanks to cheap hi-tech (low light) they are filmed for ones Blackmailing pleasure.
    Sure makes it easy to silence whistle blowers with everything to lose.
    Yet sometimes suicide is the answer for these "winners" of Pedo-Blackmail.
    Very lucrative evidence that can be "accidentally" leaked. Wink, wink. (snicker)

    Knock, knock.
    Is that the Feds at your door?

  24. C.J. Seek help. Seriously.

  25. @CollateralJustice I'm a Satanist and it's literally against the 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth (basically like the 10 Commandments) to harm a child at all let alone sacrifice one for some kind of blood oath! You obviously know nothing about the religion and would rather listen to fear mongering propagated by the Catholic Church against the religion during the Satanic Panic of the 80s. If you took even two seconds to google what Satanists stand for you would know the shit you see in movies is exactly that; shit.

  26. SMH the insults toward Christian religions...those do NOT say to hurt children either.

    However any individual has free will and regardless of any other affiliation, can act on their free will -- that is not the same as "struggling with it" or "endorsing it," cheap shot and really low hanging fruit at this point...plus, the RC church has done all it can to address the scandals. How about other groups?? (INCLUDING both religious AND secular groups.)

    PUH LEEZ trying to imply no one else harms kids. I"m not going to insult you-all's religion back, (obvious troll bait there), but puh-leez.

  27. "to counter Abrahamic religions" - then why did SD Jr claim to be Jewish?! Literally the religion of Abraham.

  28. The RC church had nothing to do with "satanic panic" and btw I've met people who said they were abused by cults...whether those were fake cults designed to scare kids...who knows? The 'satanic panic' thing had more to do with talk shows trying to get higher ratings.

    But people imply that there's no such thing as rituals designed around scaring kids into complicity - ALL while claiming the same is true of another religion! Hypocrisy.

    Implying that it's OK to harm kids in any "Abrahamic" religion is just dishonest. There isn't just one sect though, which people who are against Judeo-Christian religions won't admit; but they then claim there could never be a sect that does harm in any other type of religion.

    satan is the father of all lies btw.

    If they don't worship satan why's it called satanism then?!

  29. Please stop insulting other people's religion and lying about it. It's so offensive.

  30. Sinatra was a pedo

  31. BP I don't believe that.

    His wife Barbara took him to a place that counsels victims and after he had realized the victims were children and had met one, she said he wanted to kill somebody.

  32. He also converted to Judaism, coincidence?

  33. He converted to Judaism, Anton Lavey also Jewish.

  34. This is old news. Jayne Mansfield was in the Church of Satan too. Anton LaVey was a con artist just like L.Ron Hubbard.

  35. Wonder how that's working out for him now in his afterlife.. LOL
