Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 25, 2019

Considering how many women have accused him of sexual assault/inappropriate behavior/coercion, this A-/B+ list actress from an acting family might not enjoy answering questions about this A list actor from an acting family, but SHE is the one who decided not to fire him after all the accusations became public. She has never given an answer as to why she decided to keep him employed. She just sidesteps questions about his behavior and shames people for asking them.

Maggie Gyllenhaal/James Franco/The Deuce


  1. Enty was accused by kympossible of not paying his child support. Should we lynch everyone based on the claims of bitter exs?

  2. Help me out... are there ANY celebrity #metoo crusaderess types who aren't obvious hypocrites, cutting slack for their friends?

    I am sure there are some... but I can't think of any very quickly.

  3. lolol... no one else can think of any either!

  4. She’s def apart of that sick shit

  5. @Count, are you saying that Enty inspired Afroman?

    "I was gonna go to court before I got high
    I was gonna pay my child support but then I got high (no, you wasn't)
    They took my whole paycheck and I know why (why, man?)
    Yeah, hey
    'Cause I got high
    Because I got high
    Because I got high"

  6. I hear he packs a stem w/ a mix of crack and bacon bits. Been doin it fer years, too. Poor Enty is wasting away, down to 340lbs.

  7. Guy’s great on that show
    I wish this wasn’t the last season

  8. Unless I've missed it, I'm surprised you didn't do a blind regarding Franco being subpoenaed by Depp for his lawsuit against Amber Heard, Enty.

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