Friday, July 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 3, 2019

This recently married A+ list mostly movie actor has an appointment next week for a hair transplant consultation. He is fast going bald.

Chris Pratt


  1. One of the many side effects of PED usage is male pattern baldness. He might eventually wind up with worse side effects like failing kidneys or unexplained strokes.

  2. He already looks like her dad... ew.

  3. A plus? Jeesh that's the scandal here

  4. 😂😂😂
    I hope he gets fat again 😈

  5. Prince William, Bruce Willis, Yul Brynner, Mr. Clean. You're in good company, Chris, wear it with pride. Only if you're going to do the bald look, shave your whole head and don't let it get to that combover or shoehorn pattern, that's lame.

    Also don't do that fugly Bernard Kerik look with the bald head and mustache look. HUGE no, at least for white guys.

  6. Aren't we all!

    This AM, my wife picked a hair off my shoulder and said, "It's NOT mine!"


  7. Maybe he should pray not to lose his hair.

  8. I just don't see anything wrong with this LOL. Botox, whatever. Do you

  9. karma is a bitch!!!

  10. Anonymous11:08 AM

    It's unfortunate. He's not a man who will look good bald. This is probably his best option.

  11. +100000000 8ana8 🤣🤣🤣

  12. He should go where Elon Musk went.
    His before & after is shocking.
    Benjamin Buttoned

  13. lol PEDs have to be why the rock went bald. wonder when jason momoa's day will come and he has to shave that glorious mop

  14. I'm no fan of the dude (although he was funny in P&R) he did AF wrong, if he's going bald and wants plugs, do it. I mean, women in Hollywood are walking plastic so who gives a F? You have to look good if you want to stay at the top and make more money than they should be making. That's the fact Jack.

  15. I'm surprised Jude Law never went this route. He was so gorgeous in the late 90s with that blonde mop. I applaud him for shaving it down and accepting it, though. Travolta never had the strength to do what Bruce Willis did. At any rate, I don't think the shaved-down look would flatter Pratt so this is a good route for his career.

  16. I just to think he was so cute when he was married to Anna Faris. Now he just looks like he has the asshole smirk I've never noticed before.
