Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #45

May 28, 2019

This comedian is not just a comedian. He is an actor too. Also does voices. Foreign born. Several movie franchises. A hit television show in which he starred is in his past too. Married. He is probably A-/B+ list.

A former adult dancer was telling about some of her past clients and said this celebrity was for sure in the most strange behavior of anyone she had encountered, celebrity or otherwise. Six or seven years ago this comic actor visited her club. She didn't recognize him at first because his hair was gray and he looked older than he did on the show he was most known for. He made eye contact with her while she was performing and wouldn't break it. It wasn't normal ogling. She said it felt more like a predator stalking his prey.

Then one of the other dancers told her who he was. Being a fan, she went over to him and they talked for a while. She mentioned wanting to be an illustrator and he said his child liked drawing too, and he showed her toddler sketches of monsters on his phone. Bragging about his child made him seem less creepy to her.

After she got off for the night, they went back to her apartment and he orally serviced her. She was going to reciprocate when he asked her if she had a dildo. She grabbed a dildo and lube thinking he was going to use it on her. Instead he used it on himself and had her watch. He asked her to verbally abuse him because he gets off on humiliation. After he was done, he put the dirty dildo in his mouth and sucked on it while making her shout more insults at him as he masturbated with his other hand.

She said she never was able to watch anything else he has done since because of the images stuck in her head.

Jemaine Clement ("Flight of the Conchords")


  1. I guess vampires really do get bored with eternal life.

  2. Too bad. I think he is very talented but he apparently has some serious issues.

  3. Assuming this is true then it goes without saying that he is one fucked up dude.

  4. I still would. He is hawt. Plus that's not that kinky.

  5. Wow wow wowie wow wow.
    Would have never guessed Jermaine and now I’m not sure I can see him in the same light

  6. Congrats Unknown, "aging like left out milk."
    This one really got everyones wheels turning. I guess he's A list as he's in the next 4 Avatar sequels.

  7. Don't forget he was in the first two seasons of Legion as a pretty important character, plus What We Do In The Shadows.

  8. Takes the meaning of “Business Time” to a whole new level.

  9. I did not see that coming

  10. Well there’s an image.

  11. Checked goog images...he looks like a wierdo

  12. I didn’t want to know who this was really. But I can see this dude doing this. Ick.

  13. So what if the guy lets his freak flag fly? None of my business!

  14. Well that's enough internet for today....

  15. fuck. i love flight of the conchords. oh well, at least he serviced her, at least he isn't a selfish creep, just a self-hating self-sabotaging dude who probably has mommy issues


    Who. The. Hell. Cares? We've got assholes like Weinstein out there, but this is the gossipy bullshit people want to dump on? Really? If it's consenting adults, I don't give a damn who uses how many dildoes.

  17. I have to agree with Sook and Daemon.

    What he does turns me off, but he took care of her first, didn't force her to do anything against her will, and he has an unusual fetish.

    It's his bedroom. I don't see a problem here.

  18. I'll pretend this is not true.

  19. Who's shocked about him putting his shit covered dildo in his mouth? I mean, he ate a stripper's pussy. That's way filthier.

  20. WOW I was so stuck on will arnett! Atleass he didnt hurt anyone....I suppose

  21. People triggered by folk who are understandably repulsed by a dude, allegedly, sucking his anal juices off a dildo he used on himself. LOL!

  22. Shit. Literally. Now I can’t unknow this. Sad face.

  23. Ah man, can't you put some kind of rating system on these blinds? That fucking image is burned in my eye balls and I'm a delicate flower, damn it.
