Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #42 - Kindness

January 23, 2019

The tipster said it best, so I will leave it as is. Unfortunately they didn't provide any type of description for the kindhearted person, so I shall tell you the person was a foreign born permanent A list singer who was a multiple Grammy winner and has an iconic song all of you know.

When I was younger than I am now... There was a festival. I guess you would call it a foreign festival. But it was THE festival. My Dad and I went. The weather was great. We were camping. There were loads of activities, drumming, crafts etc it was crowded. I was old enough to wander off on my own but clearly not old enough to find my way back.

So I lost my Dad. We had arranged a meeting place if we got separated. Problem was I couldn't find the place. Because I was a chronic daydreamer. So there I was, in the biggest crowd I'd ever seen, surrounded by hippies. No dad in sight. I wandered around for what felt like hours but was probably minutes before bursting into tears.

Someone tapped my shoulder. Asked if I was ok. It was a nice old man. I'm snot crying and can barely speak at this point. I said I'm lost, can't find dad. He said 'It's ok we'll find him together.'  We looked for our meeting spot which I barely remember.

While we were walking he told me about the time he lost his mom at the park and how scary it was. Trying to help me feel less embarrassed. "We've all been there. Everyone's had this experience at least once. We all found our parents again." Etc. It was a while before we found it. He probably had better things to do than babysitting me.

Anyway Dad was waiting for me. I hugged him and started crying again. Meanwhile he shook the man's hand and thanked him etc. He seemed unusually taken with the guy. I thanked him. He said I was most welcome. Tipped his hat at me and away he went.

Dad. Starstruck says " DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?"

Leonard Cohen


  1. Kindness blind.☺

  2. Now this is the stuff I came here to see

  3. Love the kindness reveals!

  4. A man as beautiful as his art. Hallelujah.

  5. What a great story!!

  6. Another great one that warms my cold, dead heart

  7. awfully nice of him!!

  8. Leonard Cohen has more than one iconic song we all know ...

    He is/was a very humble and accessible person with the kindest of hearts.

  9. Aww, that's a great one!😍

  10. I just want to know what festival it was!

  11. Sounds like Glastonbury

  12. Most likely is huge.

  13. The gossip is okay but I love the kindness blind reveals. Thank you, Enty.

  14. Ah, this helps bring me back to into balance, some of these blinds are just disgusting, we need something nice once in a while.

  15. There is the coolest mural of him in Montreal looking over Peel St. Love this story.
