Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 22, 2019

Only ONE reporter/pap who has run into this former A- list singer/actress/possible murder suspect has asked her about the pedophile. They don't even bring it up. If I see her, I'm asking. Repeatedly.

Courtney Love/Jeffrey Epstein


  1. Unless she was drinking the blood of virgins, Epstein probably got her high and banged her once, just for the story.

  2. You can ask, she probably has zero memory of anything she did 20-30 years ago. I'm not sure if she remember shit she did last week.

  3. What is the innuendo? Courtney is too old to satisfy his pedophilia...did she provide girls?

  4. Kurt Cobain killed himself same reason as Heath Ledger

    when he reached a certain level of success he was invited to those parties and what he saw was so disturbing he would rather die than join in

    1. That makes alot of sense actually, he could have been in too deep and couldn't live with himself.

    2. Or just been a hopelessly depressed drug addict with a shotgun and a dwindling supply of H. Lots of entertainers have mental health problems before becoming famous.

  5. I am shocked that the widow corbain is involved in this.

  6. I doubt any reporters actually care to talk to Courtney love.

  7. Eh, Cobain had a debilitating illness since childhood that got worse as he aged. He killed himself because his heroin addiction wasn't helping with the pain any more and he wanted an escape from that agony.

    I'm not even sure what Courtney's connection to Jeff would be, outside of banging him once, if that. She seemed like she wasn't of sound mind from all the drugs and alcohol since the mid-90s.

    If they want musical connections, they should check out Epstein's party yacht, and who were guests on it.

  8. @Jerkula even Epstein has standards!

  9. Courtney seems endlessly curious. She's a voracious reader and was ambitious, so in the post-Kurt, starlet phase, she was probably collecting names and numbers like a human Rolodex. Someone like Epstein, with his circle, was probably a very shiny token to this magpie. I could see her having some friend overlap, maybe a drug supply connection, maybe met with him enough to get a vague picture on what he was up to, but distanced herself once she caught on. I dont see her willingly getting into this lifestyle.

  10. Enty at least provide the connection- how did they know each other?

  11. Yeah going for Kurt's suicidal thoughts and out of control drug addiction is reaching.
