Friday, July 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 17, 2019

The foreign born producer who is seemingly always being the puppet master on yachts is offering up the foreign born Victoria's Secret model to certain men on board. Off limits is the A-/B+ list actress although the men were encouraged to take as many topless/nude photos as they wanted.

Stella Maxwell/Kristen Stewart


  1. So this is yachting in the traditional sense - actually on a yacht.

  2. Who is the producer?

  3. Mohammed Al Turki I assume as puppet master, guess MRod is busy elsewhere

  4. Kristen Stewart from Twilight? That Kristen Stewart? Why???

  5. Why would anyone want pictures of that slop?

  6. I look forward to more pix of K-stew leaking. Her tender, soft, soapy buttocks in the shower were quite arousing.

  7. lol, because of this site's content (I assume) all I see now are ads for rehab with some scientologist-looking twink. No thanks on all fronts.

  8. @J,I get ads to find sexual predators and background checks. Sometimes ticket sales for people who coincidentally are answers to blinds!

  9. lol, Guesser. Keep google confused.

  10. Sounds like nonse2. What is the motivation for Kristen? Is Kristen hard up for money? Plus 4 or 5 of her close friends were on vacation with her? Where all the men supposedly there for Stella?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nonsense, that must have been one big crowd on that boat.

  11. @J and Guesser.

    Count yourselves lucky. I get ads from Muslim charities. I'm possibly the least Muslim person on the planet being brought up Protestant and with close Jewish relatives. Christ (or Mohammed) knows what fucked up algorithm worked that one out.

  12. Use an ad blocker?

  13. What a corrupt life these two young women lead.

  14. I believe the ads here are generated on your own searches. Mine are all L'occitane, Sprint, and mortgages.

  15. My ads are all for products I bought on Amazon or comicxology.

  16. Great! My ads are for HIV and hearing aids. WTF?

  17. Yeah, your search history matters too. When I'm not getting the rehab ads I'm seeing eyeglass frame and Greece travel ads.

  18. Still doesn't explain the Muslim ads I get, J, it's literally been months since I was on Stormfront.

  19. @Flashy, I'm similar. Protestant, but technically Jewish through my mother's line, although I've never really been interested in that. My mum told me I was Jewish while watching 'Fiddler on the Roof' when that first came out. She just said 'You're one of them!' (What, a Russian peasant?;)

    + LOL @MissJewel22 !

  20. Kristen hasn't much to look at on top though has she? Aren't they gnat bites?

    1. 32b according to google. Perky lil boobs to go with a hot lil ass, fine by me.

  21. Never use my phone to surf (it's so small), so it's always my laptop. I've downloaded an adblocker so just don't have that problem.
    god knows what ads I'd attract. Fashion, weather, London, anti-aging, weight gain in menopause, fear and what's it all about Alfie?

  22. How about using Duck Duck Go? No ads, they don't follow you.

  23. Tempted to turn off my ad blocker to see what I'll get....

  24. Shit. Are you guys just trying to get me to turn my adblocker off? Because now I want to know what kind of person they think I am.
    I bet 50 bucks they are way off

  25. Thank you, Mr. Ent Lawyer, for not making us 'white list' ads. I refuse to do that, because I do not want to undermine the wonderful Ad Block app.

    So many sites are forcing people to white list now, and allow ads. It's aggravating. Why don't they simply stick to ads that are not obnoxious?

    I don't want audio to suddenly begin playing from some ad higher up the page that I didn't even see because it hadn't loaded yet. I don't want to fight numerous pop ups, or have ads that obscure the entire page, forcing me to click to get rid of the ad. I don't want to be forced to watch something just to read a story everyone else has, or to take a survey, or to click no, I don't want to be on the mailing list.

    I don't want ads that are on an open ad stream that puts all kinds of nasty things on my computer.

    So thank you Mr. Ent Lawyer for not forcing that upon us, or forcing us to undermine Ad Block.

  26. @Marisa - My ads are totally based on my amazon searches and purchases. CDAN totally gets me with the Gilmore Girl and GoT coffee mug ads. haha

    I read here and then in another thread on CDAN about Kirsten nudes and then Sophie Turner. Found them online. Blind in one eye.

  27. Stewie-Puss. I thought you had good taste Count....I'm disappoint.

    1. Mrs Libnish: breaking that cunty attitude would be a great challenge. I wrote a few paragraphs about how a few years ago on here, and received my first death threat on here. It was my 3rd e-death threat, the first 2 coming from High Pitch Eric and a lovely chocolate porn whore.

  28. when will people realize that all the victoria secret models and are actresses are literally prostitutes?

  29. Sooooooooo fake lmao

  30. Fakest blind I've seen in a while. Ktew and Stella vacationed with their long time buddies. The dudes are all gay except one and he is the long time boyfriend of Kristen's childhood friend who was also vacationing with them. LOL Enty came up with this pile of bullshit on toilet seat.
