Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 1, 2019

The one named former A list singer solo and in a group who is struggling for success right now needs to get some steady income each month which is one reason she did that legal thing this week.

Fergie filing for divorce


  1. So is she also gonna turn out to be the yachting blind?

  2. Life seems to have taken an odd turn with her

  3. Rumor was...meth?

    Remember that time she went on stage with (alleged) urine soaked trousers?

    There were pix of it. Really soaked with *something.*

  4. He was a great pitcher though.

  5. Fergie is a multi-millionaire. Why would she need more money? Why would divorcing Josh create new income? Both have money and don't need financial support from the other.

  6. Not sure Josh is pulling in huge $$$ right now. She probably gets paid some good royalty $$$ for her songs

  7. Samantha! Yeah, she's got that whole redneck riviera thing down to a T. Poor dear, doesn't she know that kegles helps with incontinence?

  8. Fergie dancing like she doesn't have a care in the world.

  9. @CJ Fergie might have *made* multiple millions, but that's not the same thing as *having* multiple millions. Especially if she's got a nasty little habit or two.

  10. @OKay

    I think the Black Eyed Peas offered Fergie her old job back. That would have generated good income. I wonder why she turned it down.

    Also not sure what the divorce has to do with getting some money. Doubt if Josh gave her any money??

    If she is spending like crazy to supplement a drug habit, I'm so sorry for her. She has a beautiful little boy, a good family and is still famous so she can create some kind of career from that.

  11. what Okay said. she could've easily blown that all by now. celebrity lifestyles are pretty expensive. they have to pay pr people and stuff we don't think about. josh was in that tupac biggie series on netflix last i saw him but i don't think he's exactly raking it in either.

  12. To quote her song ‘if you aint got no money take your broke ass home...’

  13. Yuck. Who would pay to yacht with her? She has jowls like a freaking bulldog and the sex appeal of a 90 year old. Which she only looks slightly younger than. The definition of “mutton dressed as lamb”. Her milieu really seems more “truck stop lot lizard” than yacht. Her little son is adorable though. He deserves so much better than that garbage bag for a mom, and that absolutely retarded name they stuck him with. Poor little Axolotl 🥺

  14. Astra - they named him after a lizard? (Quick Google: okay, "walking fish/salamander.")

    I think Fergie's cute, or at least last time I noticed. I don't really follow her. I liked some of her songs back in the day.

  15. The axolotl itself is rather cute too. Looks like a cartoon or something from a video game and it's got a resting smiley face.

  16. Money disappears quickly if it goes up your nose.
