Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 9, 2019

Proving again what a horrid person she is, unless you are an A+ lister or a billionaire, this alliterate former actress/play for pay one night stander wants nothing to do with you. Period. If anyone in modern times would say, let them eat cake, it would be her. There were a group of four or five students who are 10 or 11 on a field trip to Wimbledon who wanted a picture with her and she said she didn't have time and then had security move them away so she didn't have to see them. As in move them from the seats they were in to some out of her view.

Meghan Markle


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this were true. She seems like the type that would let the fame, money, and privilege would go to her head.

  2. So behaving like a typical royal then Enty? The idea that white trash like the Windsor's treat their staff with any decency is ridiculous.

    1. Why even bring race into it? Reaching much?!

  3. This is her dream come true! Royalty! We will see how long it lasts.

  4. Harry, you were born stupid.

    Now look at the mess you've gotten yourself into.

    You may not have Charles' genes, but you have his shit judgment when it comes to women.


  5. MM being secretly horrible is no longer a blind item. These are just facts of life at this point. LOL

  6. I think y'all are right but the British media would have been ALL OVER THIS if it actually happened.

    1. Nope...only the paid for PR.

      She has been booed and there was nothing in the UK media about it.

      She's FAF and we all know it.

    2. What’s FAF? I keep thinking fat as fuck but she really isn’t that. Urban dictionary isn’t really helping - fratty, funny, fly, fine...

    3. Oh I think I got it. Fake. (Duh)

  7. I believe it only for the fact that that basic bitch actually made her security team leave the two rows close to her unseated just so she could have some "privacy" while being at Wimbledon, you know, that highly public sports event? Yes, that one. She's so fucking insufferable and delusional, who does she think she is? She was nothing but a third rate Z list actress before that dumb ginger removed her from that ho life but now she wants to act like the rich lady she never was, pure pretension and nothing of substance, that's what she is. Not even Middleton it's this pretentious and she actually comes from money and has spend all her life with aristocratic people. Yes, Markle it's so useless she's making me side with Kate, ugh.

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Not to mention that Kate will actually become HRM one day.. can you imagine having the narcissistic balls to demand more accommodations and special treatment than the woman who is in the line of succession to actually become The Queen of England?!?! She’s too stupid to figure out that those she is revolting against and ostracizing (RF) are those with whom she will eventually have to curtesy to.. the same ppl who can oust her.. uuh. Maybe she should have read Fergies book instead of Dianna’s- ( NOT THAT FERGIE IS DEPLORABLE LIKE MM- but so she’d know what happens when you upset the cart at the Firm.. She’s the opposite of Dianna. MM is Disingenuous, Self- Absorbed, and crass. I think her sister Samantha may be rough around the edges, and maybe not a super sharp pencil, but it seems as though she was pretty accurate in her description of Meghan.. She’s a Classic Narcissist-

  8. This is sad if true. It fits the overall agenda of her past week in the public eye., AKA "I want to be alone...."

  9. It's actually so sad comments need to be moderated now. Fucking Derek! Why can't Enty just ban him and leave the comments section alone? Ugh, the only fun place of the internet gets crushed by some asshole with no life or hobby whatsoever, so lame.

  10. I wonder what other, less judged royals, interact with commoners? I suppose Camilla plays hide and seek? Charles surely reads them cute stories.
    This MM sure isn't acting like a royal. For shame.

  11. & nothing on SM about this?! find it highly suspect, especially since there were pics of that old guy taking a selfie EVERYWHERE

  12. did you hear that she said to Beyoncé 'they don't make it easy for us', bitch please, you're a jumped up 2nd rate actress. You are not the Queen, she has more class in one of her fingers. Why is Beyoncé and her ugly husband sucking up to her anyway...

    1. I heard she never presented herself as mixed race previous?

      If she said that... the UK is one of the least racist countries in the world. Most people are mixed race here. You wouldn't dare!

      Her race has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that's she's a pay for play spendthrift on my tax buck

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    MM. This blind is like saying the sky is blue. MM has always treated people she didn't need like garbage. That's why I don't understand her stans. She wouldn't give any of them the time of day.

  14. I thought Megan was smarter than this!

    With this attitude, she is NOT going to remain a princess for very long.

    See Diana for an example.

  15. @totto. Wouldn’t that be hard to do? I mean, the guy just sets up another profile and he can continue on with the b.s. comments.

  16. Harry isn't much better. He had signed on to go to a memorial for 40 soldiers blown up in a terrorist attack in Deal, UK and canceled at the last minute to go to the Lion King premiere instead. He reaped a $3,000,000 donation to the Sussex Foundation from Disney for that bit of assholery. I bet Meghan was pleased. More money for her private coffers.

  17. She's just a common low-rent mentally ill Cnut and she's lucky that Harry is such a dim wit.
    William wouldn't have looked at her twice.

  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    This is why the royals need to stick to marrying royals or someone from the very upper classes in Britain. Just too much potential for disaster otherwise. Harry should have remained a bachelor.

  19. Fun facts: Marie Antoinette never said that it was propaganda (much like Alexander and the knot) and she had , by the time of her demise, in a real attempt at fitting in and helping her husband and family, become quite a diplomat by the time she was executed. But you needed a reason to be okay with chopping someone's head and equality wasn't good enough back then. It was a concept that didn't really exist.

  20. MM might not intend to come across this way but she comes across dismissive and remote.

    Pharrell was being super flattering and friendly, then he said "this is my wife." MM snapped "I just met her." Something about the tone.

    A diplomatic person - and she's now in that field - might've smiled and simply shook that hand again. Big deal, right?

    Then there was another exchange at the Lion King with what appeared to be production staff. A lady was smiling and chatting with MM, when all of the sudden, MM disengaged and reached around her, causing the lady to have to dive/lean sideways, then stand awkwardly as MM chatted at length with the one behind her.

    From one extreme to the other? Both times making the other person feel awkward.

    It was just odd.

    She does not strike me as being very...diplomatic. Maybe they can train her.

  21. longtimereader - I've read books by the servants. Sarah wasn't nice according to them and Di had her moods at times, but for the most part, they know how to treat the staff. They just don't pay very much.

  22. Lisa - the press WAS all over it. You didn't see all the stories about Wimbledon? I thought Piers Morgan was going to blow up a la "Scanners."

  23. LondonGirl = "they don't make it easy" - MM said that to Pharrell, somewhere around the time she gave his wife the deep freeze.

  24. not a libtard - I have to admire women who know their worth, though. Who know what they want and beeline for it. Too many women, my former self included, let themselves be chosen instead of choosing, in life; or believe any sob story or fake crap a player hands out. Raise women to be ruthless, because men are.

  25. she should give Sarah Ferguson a call ... thats her future!

  26. Kate Middleton did not grow up as part of the aristocracy. Her parents are--gasp--self made millionaires

  27. The Middletons were roasted in the UK papers over the years. The friends of Billy made jokes about Catherine's parents middle class life. Ma Middleton didn't raise any fools and worked her arse of to make sure her children could move in those circles.

    The Markle family are the gift that keep on giving. It looks like Dad and Sam are keeping quiet in hopes of baby pictures.

    But wait, all the bad press for their girl and suddenly the half brother is back in the news.

  28. For SwishyFishy. Those were not soldiers who were killed by that IRA bomb in Deal, Kent. They were Royal Marines Commando band members. This disgusting turd Harry Windsor was recently made Captain General of the Royal Marines when his grandfather, Prince Philip, retired from the position. The ceremony was to remember those men, murdered 30 years ago. Harry had known about the ceremony for 11 months, he let them know 1 month beforehand that he would not atten, too busy. After all he had the Lion King London premiere to go to, where Disney had promised him $3million. I knew he was a tart, I now know his price.

  29. @longtime Actually, the RF treat the staff very well. That's just how it's done. It's usually just the nouveau riche who behave like a*holes.

  30. This was reported in one of the tabloids, Daily Mail or Daily Mirror and removed the day after her trip with her rent-a-friends.

  31. Ouch ... conclusion from NYPost article tonight re: Andrew Epstein and the BRF

    It’s well known that the British royal family has been fighting for survival — for popularity, for relevancy, for the continued financial backing of its subjects — since Princess Diana’s death in 1997. Modernizing the monarchy has since been a Herculean effort, and it seems the palace regards the addition of a young American woman of mixed-race heritage great progress.

    But the palace and its most trusted advisers should take note: Much has happened between 2011 and today, including, for Prince Andrew, a movement that could not be more aptly named: Time’s Up.

  32. @Samantha: ‘They Don’t Make It Easy.’ Who are they: the public, the press, the BRF? I think they’ve made it very easy considering her huge, expensive wedding, almost 3 million to renovate their house, over a million in clothing expenses, etc., etc. etc. SHE is not making it easy, and every time she does something stupid, she digs herself a bigger hole. But narcissists don’t grasp that.

  33. Samantha - I don't admire her at all. A tiny bit of humility goes a long way, and she has none. I agree with commenter caring her a jumped-up 2-bit actress. Before Harry the dim wit, nobody knew her, she was pushing 40 and had a forgettable role on a cable show. She's neither particularly talented, nor pretty, and she's certainly not likeable. She's just dreadfully common and average, but her ego is one of Meryl Streep with a touch of Princess Diana, wrapped inside Mother Teresa, with a bow made of Gold Meir.

    It's highly entertaining how she turned the BRF into the Kardashians, but I feel it's all going to end in tears. William seems to be a chip off the old Granny block, not suffering fools gladly, unlike his father and brother.

  34. It doesn't seem fair calling her 'fat as fuck' - She just finished faking a pregnancy, give her a break.

    1. 😂 apparently some people have not yet seen the footage of the "baby bump" suddenly dropping to "her" knees and thighs!

  35. Proven fake. There were no "school children" at Wimbledon, unless they are invisible. A zillion people were present and the entire world was watching on TV, no sign of any school party! Wimbledon is the last place you'd expect to see a school party anyway and certainly not in July!

    Clearly yet another fake submission from the nutcase Megziteers.

  36. "If she said that... the UK is one of the least racist countries in the world. Most people are mixed race here. You wouldn't dare! "

    Clearly you've never been to Britain. I'm a born and raised Londoner and racism is very bad here. And "Most Brits are mixed race"? Err NO! According to official statistics only ONE PER CENT of Brits are mixed race, and they are mainly in London and other urban areas. Most of the UK is still primarily white and there are many areas (like where my grandmother lives in the SE coast) that are almost entirely white.

    The Meghan trolls really should do some basic research.

    And whoever said Kate will be Her Royal Majesty, no, Kate will be Queen Consort, not Queen. She will never be the monarch, only ever consort, same role as Prince Phillip. And she will probably be in her sixties before she becomes Queen Consort.

    1. Queen, queen consort, title doesn't matter, she will be thought of as a Queen. And she will still be higher in rank to Meghan. Honestly you Meghan lick arses

  37. nobody is talking about a 'school party' you broke paid-bot. All it said was '4 or 5 students who are 10 or 11 years old' - why on earth wouldn't that be believable? They could have come with somebody's dad, a charity, a competition they won Wimbledon tickets for, or another 100 reasons they'd be there! And why the fuck wouldn't they be there in July? Are all children shipped off to North Korea during the summer months, or banned from leaving their homes?
    Reading is hard for the sub-educated Sparkles defenders...

    And no, you are not from London, I AM FROM LONDON! One of the most racially inclusive and tolerant western cities in the world. If you don't like it, then feel free fuck off and take your pathetic lies with you.

    The dirt under Kate's shoes isn't worth 100 Sparkles. Kate is everything Sparkles wishes she were.

  38. the 2 most fitting words used ever to describe this common, talentless, poser, greedy and clearly mentally ill ex-hooker are:




    The latter having been used by a journalist in Morocco, audibly, caught on camera. You can google it 'she's repugnant Morocco'

  39. Aquagirl - "Who are they: the public, the press, the BRF?"

    Same question went through my mind yesterday, nearly word for word. Who is "they?" Another public show of a lack of diplomacy - do not say things near hot mics that can be taken in negative ways.

    She's behaving like a Hollywood actor/celeb -- not the same line of work although PH said he concluded she would be "good at the job part." Working with the public - depends on why. Actors are in that for themselves, and work with/meet the public as suit themselves (in most cases.) Royals are supposed to be all about service.

    It's sad because like Tatum O'Neal said "I wanted her to be awesome."

    "not a libtard" - maybe I failed in communication. I was specific in what I admired. However I had thought/hoped she would be more selfless or less vapid once she got there.

    They really need to train her in diplomacy, and she needs a seamstress or stylist or both. If she will accept she's not born to the job and not perfect.

    I wanna know who the dames were with her at Wimbledon, (one story said "college mates"), and why her staff keeps quitting so quickly. Hardly anything out there about that. And I wanna know why I care. Lol in the end none of this has a thing to do with me. Maybe that's why it is safe to obsess on it.

  40. Thot Crimes - I think they meant "fake as f" not "fat as f."

    And yay, comments are back.

  41. Complete bull ftrom Enty AND I WAS THERE! I SAW EVERYTHING! NOTHING could be further from the truth. But hey, you hate her so why not make up another bull rumour about her?

  42. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I'm just laughing at the assertion that London isn't racially diverse. Umm... are you thinking of the same London, UK? Have you taken the Tube in the summer time? Or ever? Gee, I guess all of those Middle-Eastern and Indian folk were figments of my imagination. I could have sworn I had some amazing Lamb Curry from this fantastic hole-in-the-wall restaurant over near my flat in Euston area and that the store keep to my favourite Sainsburys was from Afghanistan, but I must have been mistaken. Silly me.

  43. Meghan. Wonder what his real name was?

  44. Monkeyweather are you saying Meghan was male? I don't think so.

  45. Monkeyweather... No...not Male. Lol. Perhaps, still not “she”. Let the Sparklers come for me now!

  46. No...”she” is not a Male. Lol. But...
