Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 8, 2019

This is what I hate. Just like with Harvey, you are going to see dozens of people come out of the woodwork and say they were horrified, but yet they did nothing. An example. This long time A- list-ish actress who has a Golden Globe nom for a movie and an Emmy win for television and a Tony award for a play KNEW about the trafficking. Heard it from the trafficker herself. What did our actress do? Not a damn thing until after the guy was in jail and now says something should be done. You had your chance and only said something when it couldn't hurt you professionally. This is identical to when Harvey went down. People knew, but it was not in their best interest to say anything until after it couldn't hurt their career.

Ellen Barkin/Ghislaine Maxwell


  1. What's new they're all in the same dirty ass shower sharing soap

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Barkin Dog is one of the biggest phonies in Hollywood. The only thing she ever did was **** the right **** and she got lucky doing that because there's nothing interesting or special about her. You also notice right on cue she's been upping her TDS on social media to detract from what a complete garbage person she is.

  3. Pot meet kettle for how many years now Enty?

  4. I hope Ellen will be OK.

  5. Remember Ellen was married to billionaire RON PERLMAN, so there is No Way she didn't know. It's all so weird. I'm wondering what they found in the search. Did they search his desert location as well??? Enty???

    1. @Castint Girl, is Ron Perlman that dude who looks like a lion in the face? Who was on Sons of Anarchy? That dude is a billionaire?!?!?!

  6. Nailed ittt......... (mad, Derek??)

  7. Better she married that Ron Perlman than Ron Perlman the actor who played the Beast on Beauty and the Beast

  8. One shouldn't throw stones in glass houses

  9. Ellen has been in the business a long time, yes she knows things, and has heard gossip, but proof? If she publicly said anything it's her career and life that would've been ruined if not worse.

  10. Ron Perlman, Nyc businessman..was he revlon or stock market, I forget. Messy divorce.

  11. To be fair, this site often knows about horrible things going on and doesn't take the chance to expose it. Then again, I know that the page only avoids legal action due to the items being 'blind'. Maybe behind the scenes you're actually sharing information with someone who can make a difference. Especially in the case of child abuse/rape.

  12. Ron Perelman, NY billionaire, not the actor.

  13. @Thursday November,Barkin said in her own Twitter that this woman told her what she was doing,flying girls to the island.

  14. Ron Perelman, Revlon. I had to write off shares of Revloon that became worthless during his tenure.

  15. Avery how do you know the page doesn't tell LE? No one knows either way.

  16. @Guesser, Read Enty's Reveal-you just restated what he stated. She didn't speak up until it all became public.

    I stated she ain't no fool, she ain't gonna speak up with no proof & get her career ruined, if not her life ended.

    Take some more English classes at your local community college.

  17. Another connection to the Clintons, it was Ron Pearlman's Revlon that they were going to quietly place Monica Lewinski in, before the intern scandal broke.

  18. Ellen is a part of this
    Superbinx on IG was her assistant
    She went out with Sebo Bear, new husband/daddy's money to Emily Ratajkowski.

    Superbinx is friends with all the rich jerks like Questlove and her and her friends are broke but go on long YACHT vacations.

    Who do you think linked her to all these people....

    Superbinx on IG
    Thank me later

  19. Here’s the issue that I have with people like Ellen. You knew then and you didn’t say anything so STFU now. BTW, Ron Perlman is one of the nastiest men on the planet. Don’t forget Ellen, you are judged by the company that you keep.

  20. Perlman didn't give Barkin much in the way of a divorce settlement. It was a drop in the bucket compared to what he's got. Barkin got crumbs. Sold most of her jewelry she received during the marriage.

  21. I'd marry Ron Perlman. :)

  22. @OKay: Trust me, you wouldn’t. I knew a few people who worked at Revlon and it was so horrific they quit. Really long hours, nasty atmosphere, but high salaries (which isn’t really worth it if you feel that you’re on the verge of having a nervous breakdown because of your job.)

  23. Correction Ron Pearlman: SEVERAL messy divorces. He's the type that if you piss him off, you're cut off forever, he will cut a bitch. He actually changed the locks to his home so Barkin couldn't get in. He manipulated the courts and received full custody of his daughter with Patricia Duff (altho she's a bit of an entitled nutter too). He seems to be a truly horrible person. Read about his fights with his first ex-wife's family, Claudia Pearlman, a very wealthy woman in her own right who was a gossip columnist in the 80's and worked on Page Six of The Post. and died years ago. He's always suing them. Claudia's poor Dad spent the last years of his wife fighting off lawsuits Pearlman. Very sad.

  24. I had an interaction with Barkin about this on Twitter just the other day. It didn't go well.

  25. SlimKeith did his exes at least receive financial enhancement?

    MattDaddy what happened? What did you say?



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