Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 2 2019

This former multiple A list mostly television actor who all of you know has also done some bad movies. He is in outpatient rehab.

Matthew Perry


  1. That's a relief. Hope it sticks!

  2. Chandler was always THE best. Best wishes Mathew Perry. <3

  3. I knew someone who was in rehab with him once. Said he was the nicest guy. Really hope for the treatment can take hold and he can beat it!

  4. He needs in patient treatment. Too many enablers. With his health issues,his next relapse could be his last.

    1. He’s done in-patient.. short term. Opioids are a bitch to kick. Long term treatment is house. I so wish him the best. But for the Grace of God, there go I.

  5. The Whole Nine Yards was a cinematic masterpiece.

  6. He's done it before, for long periods of time. I heard he's in the St. John's outpatient chemical dependency/recovery program in Santa Monica. St. John's is known in the community for this.

  7. I really wish him success in his recovery. Selfishly, for me, it would be really discouraging to see him succumb to his addictions, because there have been times when he has been a strong example that there is a way out of the personal hell of substance abuse. I know there are plenty of examples closer to home that I can use as a template for how to recover or as a example of how some people do find their way back into usefulness and a chance at a healthy life, but I still want him to beat it. @Randaleese, and others who have struggled and suffered but have found a way out, my hat is off to you.

  8. I hope he can get it together for his well beings

  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Unfortunately as deep into his addiction as he is inpatient is a better option. At least getting some help is better than nothing.

  10. He was the only person on Friends that I thought I might like to hang out with. I hope his demons can be conquered

  11. There's so much good will towards him, and rightly so. In a way, I hope he knows about it, and I hope it does him some good.

  12. Honestly, outpatient rehab for a longtime addict is the most flimsy bandage for such a deep problem. I guess it's better than nothing. But, most rehabs are the same, they follow the 12 step program and you can keep going back through those doors but it's never going to stick unless you truly want to change. I wish him the best, though.

  13. Also, why are my comments not showing up until being approved? I barely ever talk shit here lol so I dunno why I'm being screened 😫

  14. Best of luck to him, and anyone else slogging through.🙏

  15. DM had an article w photos yesterday of him going into a hospital.

  16. Best of luck to him.

  17. Perry seems like a good guy, but haunted by something.

    I recall an interview, years ago, in which he said he would drive around the Hills at night blasting Tori Amos music and other "female artists that are in pain" or words to that effect.

    He's been hurting a long time, I think.

  18. Anonymous9:24 PM

    A lot of nice people fall into addiction, but they don't have millions rolling in every year from the repeats of an old tv series.
    So, we spit on them... hospitals reject them... and they are now living on a sidewalk.
    That's where my compassion lies.

  19. Anonymous9:25 PM

    A lot of nice people fall into addiction, but they don't have millions rolling in every year from the repeats of an old tv series.
    So, we spit on them... hospitals reject them... and they are now living on a sidewalk.
    That's where my compassion lies.

  20. Glad to hear this. Best of luck Matthew

  21. Brayson always says that relapse is part of recovery. Whatever the addiction is, it’s a fight being in it, and it’s a bigger fight to get out of it. The biggest fight shows up 10 years later, ready to battle. Sincerely, best wishes to him and his journey.

  22. @A.: Major chaos on this site today. You normally don’t have to be approved.

  23. @DarylsBigFan: I agree that sadly, many people don’t have access to the treatment that they need and deserve. That needs to change. But that being said, I still feel compassion for Matthew Perry and anyone else who is struggling.

    @Heather: Can you explain what you meant by the ‘10-year’ comment? I’ve never heard that before.

    @Samantha: do you have any recollection as to when that interview was? I know SO many people (my oldest nephew is one of them) who were so upset when Chester died—they said he saved their lives and they used to drive around or sit at home listening to Linkin Park. But their average age was probably 18, which I’d sort of consider a rite of passage. So wondering about Matthew and when he said that.

  24. Aquagirl I think this was it:

    "Cosmopolitan May 1999 issue
    Interview with "Friends" star Matthew Perry

    "So for now, Perry is still single, still looking, and still hoping he can find a woman who likes his sense of music.

    'If you're a woman and you're in any kind of emotional duress and you write a song about it, I will buy your album and listen to it over and over. Tori Amos and Sarah McLachlan I love."

  25. People don't seem to appreciate addiction can be intermittent.

  26. I really wish him the best and hope he can find lasting recovery. And I wish we helped all addicts regardless of their financial status. I have long thought we should legalize all drugs, have the government sell them in stores like ABC stores, and take the profits and use it to help people who want to get off. Or put them on maintenance for life. At least they’d be getting real versions of the drugs, and be less likely to suffer health issues/OD from that, because you’ll never stop addiction ever. So why not manage it? But this would also require media to stop glorifying addiction, addicts and drug dealers. Which I think is a big part of what gets people to do it in the first place.

    Anyway. All I know is what we’re doing as a society isn’t working, and the “solutions” they’re coming up with now only punish those who need pain relief for legitimate reasons, whether short or long term. And it certainly doesn’t help addicts.

    Either way I wish Matthew well, and am not surprised that he relapsed, because he had a bowel issue and I’m sure he needed painkillers for that. As he should have gotten them. Nobody should have to suffer in pain for any reason. Sometimes you just have to treat the immediate issue and then go from there. But I hope it works out for him and everyone else suffering.
