Friday, July 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #35 - Old Hollywood

June 25, 2019

This permanent A list actor was A list on television and even sold tons of records even though his contribution to the records was minimal despite what he might actually have said. He has actually been in a blind a long time ago for one of his main interests. A researcher going through his library though discovered some personal correspondence which alludes to something that happened long ago though that is much more sinister.

Our actor believed in life after death. He also believed someone could be resurrected. He wanted that for himself, but wanted to see how it would work and if it would be possible. So, our actor who was probably the most well known television actor in the world at one point in his career set up a ceremony at his home where he followed the instructions in a book. The person he sacrificed was the daughter of his long long time housekeeper who the actor had also had a long running sexual relationship with. It is unknown whether the daughter of the housekeeper was also his daughter. Despite following all of the instructions, the girl could not be brought back to life. When the housekeeper discovered what had happened and the experiment, she was hysterical and tried to call the police. Even if the police had come, it is doubtful they would have done anything to the actor considering just how powerful he was and the favors he could call in. Instead of allowing the housekeeper/long time lover to call though, our actor decided to kill her too. He then called the police and told them the mother/daughter deaths were a murder suicide and that is what went down in the official records. A five minute investigation would have shown it all to be ridiculous but everyone wanted to meet the actor and just hang around him.

Jackie Gleason


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