Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 27, 2019

This former A list mostly movie actor has multiple Oscar wins/nominations. He also has been one of the most difficult to work with actors of all time which is why he has trouble getting work. It is rich that he called out an actor/former co-star for being difficult to work with. It is true, but still, he should look in the mirror first.

Richard Dreyfuss/Bill Murray


  1. Must kill Dreyfus that Down & Out in Beverly Hills is the best project he was ever a part of.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Scenes from the class struggle in Beverly Hills is better

  2. Mr Holland, your opus is showing

  3. Let's throw them both off the planet.

  4. At least Bill Murray has potential to be fun at parties. Dreyfuss wouldn't get invited.

    1. Bill Murray? Creepiest creeper ever.

  5. Dreyfus said Bill was a drunk while filming What about Bob?. Dreyfus called him out, Bill lashed out at him calling him mediocre and that everyone only tolerates him.

  6. Have read that Dreyfus was bi polar years ago. Working in psych. ,and knowing some outside mental institutions, seemed like they had a mean streak. More than other diagnosis.

  7. Bill Murray is overrated as fuck.

  8. Down and Out In Beverly Hills, The Goodbye Girl, Close Encounters, Jaws, Dreyfuss has a LOT of projects to be proud of.

    I enjoyed seeing his early cameo on aBewitched rerun the other day, his shoepolish black hair and all.

  9. What was it Dreyfuss was diagnosed with? How is he doing?

  10. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Down and Out isn't his best. My favorite movie of his was Let it Ride, and Tin Men was fantastic.

  11. Touchstone back in the day, figured out that they could hire former A listers for cheap (more like A sliding down to B list to barely there list). Down and Out in Beverly Hills was a big hit, and proved this formula. Dreyfuss was washed up at the time. They were a smart studio, and looked at talent as investments. Eventually they sold to one of the bigger studios.

  12. And Bill Murray was washed up like Chevy Chase is now, until Lost in Translation came along. So he's no one to talk.

  13. That was a funny movie, but they are both assholes, so call it even.

  14. Anonymous3:54 PM


    Dreyfuss has bipolar disorder.
    He has talked about it during interviews.

  15. There's a HUGE difference between being mercurial and demanding and between just being a fucking creepy drunk uncle.
