Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 19, 2019

This one hit one named former A- list singer is trying to land a reality gig. She needs something because her label dropped her and her team dropped her and yachting has been a big loser for much of the past six months.



  1. I don't think the shieks and mullahs look too fondly on black girls, except possibly Naomi Campbell. I don't think Tinashe is all that good looking, but she does look youngish, which I sure they like. A lot.

  2. A hot bod is only as good as the dirty things you are willing to do with it. Her attitude and laziness is her biggest hurdle.

  3. People are paying to have sex with Jordyn Woods? Hahaha you MUST be joking, right? She looks like she just got off the short bus (no offense to the developmentally disabled). Dumpy, derpy, bad shape, hideous face, execrable style, there’s just nothing that would make her worth a buck fifty, let alone whatever these clients are paying. I guess it’s true, a fool and their money are soon parted. I’m never surprised by anything here, but this! This is shocking. She must allow all sorts of really gross stuff. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  4. @astra- idk fuck all abt Jordan woods, but +100 for wonderful insertion of the underutilized ‘execrable.’

  5. I'm sure Jordan has been well trained by her Kardashian residence.

    You KNOW it is PMK who is managing her bookings and paying for all her DM article placements. Don't be distracted by the manufactured drama.
