Monday, July 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 15, 2019

The permanent A+ list singer wanted nothing to do with the alliterate former actress. The singer put her in the same category as she does the realty family. Forced to take pictures but never going to be friends.

Beyonce/Meghan Markle/The Kardashians


  1. I'm not really sure Enty's MM sources are particularly airtight..Beyonce, of all people, wouldn't have gone out of her way to have a moment with MM (not to mention, she and Jay Z accepted their Brit Music award in front of a PORTRAIT of MM) if she really didn't want to. This really just doesn't make any sense and is totally inconsistent with what has been happening (oh and Beyonce put a pic of herself and MM on Insta. I don't remember her doing that with Kim!)

  2. Beyonce takes being Queen Bey to heart!

  3. You really think the person/people who write this site have sources? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It is entirely 100% fabricated.

  4. She looked happy to be there and I don't think she's that good an actress to be faking we know she doesn't like the KTrash and she can't hide it.

  5. Put those three in a room and summed IQ might break two digits.

  6. I believe it:
    Protocol at the movie premiere: royals arrive last.
    So Queen Bey took that to heart and arrived last, instead of being there to welcome PH/ MM. I know - pictures look one way. The truth is Queen Bey received "My princess" - take the honorific anyway you want.

    Bey is a user - that is how she lives and manages her life. That is why she stays married to her husband despite his public / private lifestyle that would humiliate any other woman. Bey is using MM just as MM is using her. Sad commentary on their Life.

  7. very good comment, Humor

  8. Let's face the truth here, Bey doesn't have friends.

    Megs only friends are people on her payroll, her stylist, her make up artist.

    These 2 are the same side of the coin, too much alike, so it wouldn't work.

    Not to mention, the palace wouldn't like Meg being friends with a pop star.

    1. Really? I thought Elton John was quite friendly with the royal family, most notably Diana, but her sons, too, and QE2 and Marge have at least danced with him.

  9. Wallis Simpson must be throwing a little party in her grave at the trainwreck that wretched Markle is throwing.
    Royal family, you betta eject that thing before she brings down the entire franchise.

  10. All the same reality tv gossipy no-talent hypestronauts. At least the Kardahsians' fame isn't due to some man doing the heavy lifting.

  11. Didn’t Bey say “nice to meet you” at the Brit awards when she saw sparkles? Hard to be friends with someone you’ve just met.

  12. Here come the racist trolls...

  13. Okay, so I get MM is D list no matter what and Kim is trash, but Bey get OVER yourself. You are not the Queen you think. She too is lame but an image and monster company with Jay Z but for her to think she is above anyone else ala J Lo makes me want to barf.

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Who cares if the are friends?
    Both are low vibration, shadow side idiots who sold their souls and bodies for fame. Can't take it with ya girls.I wouldn't want your karma waiting in the next dimension.

  15. I don't think Beyonce would have wanted anything to do with Meghan Markle when she was just an actress (neither would Oprah or anyone else) but now that she has married into the Royal Family they all kiss her ass like the fake ass Hollywood people that they are. And Beyonce needs to get over herself. She is a singer, she hasn't cured cancer. She isn't royalty in any sense of the word.

  16. Yup, +1, what @kiki71 said. Also, I don't get the "they're both using each other", for what? Front row tix to see Beyonce and Tea at BP with MM? Nah, they don't get anything from each other from what they'd already would get. Well, B would get more knowing M, but if they're too much alike and in their world, it won't work out as friends. Okay, next blind!

  17. @Thursday Knock it off because when it comes to Markle, nobody GAF what colour she is. She's pond scum, pure and simple, and pond scum has no race.

  18. @Thursday November,other Royals have had pop star friends,Princess Diana many. Prince Charles has been friends with some of questionable reputation. Beyonce is just a fair weather friend at best anyway.

  19. No, but the Kardashian’s fame is due to Kimmy filming a sex tape and her mum releasing it. Kool.

    If this true, good on Bey. I have more respect for that than the Clooney’s thirst and their strategic “friendships”/extremely targeted approach to forging a political career for Georgie.

  20. @OKay.. Except you care. A LOT! Too much.

  21. Call me crazy but between these 3 imbeciles, Kim Kardashian comes out on top for me.

    his doesn't so much reflect in Kim's superiority, as it does in Beyonce's (borderline retarded, left school at 12) and Meghan Markles' (sociopath, utterly talentless and hugely unlikeable, only lucky because ease met a Prince who's got the IQ of dishwater) clear and obvious inferiority.

  22. Enty.. stop with the BULLSHIT

  23. Yeah Beyonce was definitely kissing MM's arse.

  24. Very obviously fake.

    And the person who's obsessed with MM not having friends (I've seen them leave the same comments word for word on half a dozen different forums), how do you explain the same group of best friends she's known since college/early acting days showing up at the wedding, bridal shower, showing up in Windsor all the time, and supporting MM in the press?

    List copy and pasted from elsewhere (none of these people are "on MM's payroll" in any way, unless you count Daniel doing her makeup one single time.)

    Benita Litt (MM's best friend since college, MM is godmother to her kids, she sat next to Doria at the wedding, and her two daughters were H&M's bridesmaids)
    Genevieve Hillis (friends since college, she co-hosted MM's baby shower)
    Lindsay Roth (friends since college, they "met in a Toni Morrison literature class")
    Daniel Martin (a makeup arist who met Meghan in 2008 when she was a struggling actress, he did her makeup for the wedding)
    Heather Dorak (friends since she was first a struggling actress in LA)
    Markus Anderson (one of her best friends who she's known for more than a decade)
    Abigail Spencer (met at an audition more than a decade ago, when they were both struggling actresses. They later worked on Suits together but they were friends before that)
    Janina Gavankar (friends for more than "fifteen years" per MM's old instagram posts, they met when they were both struggling actresses)
    Serena Williams (friends for eight years, met at a charity benefit, she co-hosted the baby shower)
