Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 14, 2019

The recording industry is colluding to lower sales and the value of the estate of this permanent A+ list singer. They want to make things look as if there is very little value so they can convince the heirs to sell everything at a discount.



  1. Don't do it, Prince heirs. DON'T DO IT.

    That vault is priceless.

    Think long term. Think 1000 years.

  2. Revive Paisley Park, make it its OWN label. With that and the internet you do not NEED record companies, and would keep 100 percent o the profit (split between heirs.)

    Prince was so against the fat cats and their exploitative ways.

    They would also be able to edit it any way they pleased, remix it, etc. Or withhold it forever.


  3. This is just a damn shame, and validates every bad word Prince ever said about the industry. I hope there isnt so much greed and impatience amongst his family that they cant work together vs this nonsense.

  4. Vita - yes, everyone, please, send your good energy the family's way.

  5. All Prince went through with his 'symbol' was for a reason. So he could leave his vault unencumbered, not only to his family, but to the world.

  6. No one is that stupid right?

  7. Someone better save that fucking man's work. He was a damn guitar god.

  8. This is what the industry does to its stars

  9. his sister does not seem to be too bright. hopefully the other half siblings will guide her.

  10. Please Lawd, NO! 🙏

  11. I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't know the value of what they have. The two albums they've put out so far have some actual thought behind them, they're not just slapping crap together and rushing them out. They have as close to a literal goldmine as you can get in the music industry.

  12. Pretty much every thing worth it's salt is boot legged.
    Or will be. If they sell it will be bootlegged sooner.
    Sure hope they don't sell. Don't have the time to clean up another control freaks output right now.

    May Pedowood rot from the inside out.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Who’s surprised? Poor future time orientation with the family.

  15. Sorry folks the sibs have recently had their hands slapped by the estate for giving out finacial information to possible investors in exchange for loans.
    Only running to the estate managers for help when they realized one of the lenders was trying to get estate assests.

    I suspect they may have used their future earnings as colleteral for loans and went running to the estate when they realized what they did. They have also been asked numerous times by the estate managers to provide a plan for running the estate when the probate is closed and they come up with nothing.

    Yes people are this stupid.

  16. The estate is sitting on what is easily a billion dollars in intellectual property and the sharks that be know this so they want to get as much of it as possible on the cheap. I agree that this can all be done without the help of labels. For each "era" have "that band" finish off the music and release it along with the corresponding dvd of the tour and all the merchandising. Ka$hing!!!! Lather, rinse repeat for the next 100-200 years. That "Originals" thing was brilliant because they can do several volumes of that. I would pay $100 for a cd with the demo of "Sugar Walls" on it. And YES it DOES EXIST!

  17. Yes, all the sibs have to do is continue to use NPG LLC find a lable like Sony to distrube like Prince did for 20 years and continue to put out product. They just need to hire a compontent manager and legal team. Prince left them a business model fully in tact. Why would you give all of that intellectual property away for a small amount when you can get income forever.

  18. Never gonna happen. Prince fans are rabid and make themselves known.

  19. They don't even need a label to distribute.

    The vault could be worth upwards of a billion dollars, done right.

    It contains film and other things not only music and the music can be added to, remixed, redone with future technology we can't even imagine yet...endless possibilities.

    They can make their OWN everything. I think that was Prince's vision to begin with.

    They can build a city AROUND Paisley Park. It does not need to be a museum, although it's nice they are letting people see it for now.

  20. ^ They don't need to use an existing label/outside company to distribute ^

    was what I meant.

  21. Some of Prince's friends need to pull on their CAPES and go ride to this family's rescue then "Fan who know the truth." For serious. Immediately.

    He has a lot of very knowledgeable and caring friends.

    That family is about to shoot not only itself but the world in the foot.

    The labels do NOT care and have no taste. They can wreck a legacy. They will gouge fans for inferior sound quality, they can withhold, they can wreck, they can license his music to sell douche water if they want to.

    NO no no hell to the no.

    Get ALL the damn lawyers. But ask the closest most trusted friends WHICH.

  22. Also...the labels could still be upset that Prince called them out. Can anyone spell revenge?

    This bothers me a lot as is plain.

  23. And get Mayte in on this. She got NOTHING In the divorce just a house no one wanted and a pink car. After a longtime friendship/romance/marriage and 2 kids. It wasn't her fault the kids did not make it.

    And no I do not know Mayte never met or spoke or anything else. But I think she has integrity. She knew him back in the day. Maybe she can help. Maybe she can give advice or ideas. She knew all his old crew, too. And IMO, she's owed, a little. (I don't even necessarily mean $.)

  24. "There is enough material in the vault for 1000 years" is how I think Prince described it?

  25. Mayte is probably the person who knows the least. Leave it to the musicians who worked with him during the respective "eras".

    Get a James Mtume or a Questlove to curate the collections and have the actual musicians finish them off.

  26. Wasn't Jay-z/Tidal involved in trying to get hold of his music?

  27. Mayte was in his band for years, before they began dating or married.

    Before anyone says "she was a dancer," according to her book Prince told her explicitly that she's part of the band, not a dancer in the band. When she said she din't play any instrument, he told her her body was her instrument.

    She has a daughter to raise and has MS now. She could use a crumb from the table.
