Friday, July 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 11, 2019

This disgraced actor is teaching acting classes again and is focusing on barely legal men to teach. It seems as if nothing has changed from several years ago other than the fact the men probably know to expect they are going to be hit on with or without their consent.

Kevin Spacey


  1. Ugh. I hope he ends up like his character in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

  2. Lesson learned, if you bring charges, be prepared to back it up.

  3. Full-on caveat emptor at this point.

  4. Well, it's nice that he's taken this time to reflect upon and be humbled by his past actions. Pffft. Going right back in the deep end, as boldly as ever.

  5. They must know who the teacher is and still went in. Fuck em

  6. Predators will keep praying.

  7. Sick son of a bitch he is

  8. Being "hit on" is not so much of a problem IMO. Sexual assault is a different story - especially the drugem and rapem until they almost die thing.

  9. I bought that movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" solely for The Lady Chablis (RIP.) I thought her parts were the only ones worth watching.

    Spacey is rather one-note as an actor, although he does "creep" well enough.

  10. At this point we are talking MM Brown parents, I know my child will get abused but think of the acting opportunities!

  11. So stupid. Ya gotta hit on someone to figure out if there is consent or not. The only sure sign of someone consenting to be hit on is broads wearing short skirts.

    1. Aaaaanddd... you're back. 😂

  12. Like I said in the original blind, if you sign up for a Kevin Spacey class at this point you're looking to get your junk fondled. Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and you'd have to be living under a rock to not know by now.

  13. Who cares? At this point any f*cking moron who WILLING CHOOSES to be around Kevin Spacey deserves what they get.
    These are not 5 year olds, they are of age starf*ckers who will do whatever and whoever to get their 'break'.
    The courts seem to have no problem with Mr Spacey being a free man so the song remains the same...

  14. Friend of mine says the main character in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is true to the main character's life. .....she knew him well. Only thing, he didn't get along with his sister.Loved that movie!

  15. I assume any guys attending his acting school not only expect to be hit on but are hoping to be.

  16. texasrose: Some people won't believe it of anyone. Some people even reflexively "defend" all men who are accused, and claim all accusers are lying.

    But do we know if anyone has signed up for his "classes" yet?

  17. Meh, he's done for. He might still be attending to victimize kids and he might be in denial like the rest of "upper echelon" HWood, but his attacks on kids are going to end him AND all the rest of the pedos/Satanists.

    Now THAT'S a show I'll really enjoy watching

  18. Sam- make no mistake- most of these powerful abusers are probably guilty of some type of sexual assault or abuse of somebody- my comment above relates to guys currently signing up for his 'classes' given all the information out there (although my be a bit hyperbolic for effect.)

  19. Kevin Spacey as a creep was fact for at least 20 years in the gay NYC entertainment crowd. And he worked regularly. I was told never to go into elevators with him or Jan Wenner alone. That was the solution back then!!!!

  20. texasrose I understood your comment. You were not the target of my annoyance. But I think people forget not everyone is that aware, has good creep-dar, or believes accusers.

    There are multiple rapologists in every similar topic on this very site. At least some of them actually believe no one's guilty and everyone lies.

    Then there are the starstruck folk who don't believe it or don't care.

    Then there are the folk who, as someone said to me, "would just tell them to get their hands off me" if assaulted.

    It does NOT work that way...

    but not everyone thinks it can happen to them.

    STILL - no one "deserves" sexual assault.

    As to your post - I don't agree that signing up or his class means they "want" it, no matter how facetiously your comment was meant.

    Hope that clarified.

  21. TheBPlot yep they blamed victims pre-emptively then. Now they do it retroactively.

    Don't get on the elevator with a stranger then, don't hitchhike, don't work, don't work until dark, don't walk alone, don't jog without a guard dog, don't wear this or that, don't get in a car with a guy on a first date...

    Some of that might be good advice but most of that is "don't live life."

    Victims were told if anything happened it was their fault, and a lot of that outlook is still being perpetuated today.

  22. lets be clear, these accusers are over 17 years old. He isn't a paedophile, he's just a bit of an old perv that finds younger men attractive, so like most straight middle aged men in the entertainment industry. This whole thing is so being blown out of proportion.

  23. Anonymous5:45 AM

    People saying being hit on is okay. Really? This is a class they will be paying for. They're not paying to have to reject the advances of a huge star and then have to deal with the resulting awkwardness and tension that will no doubt surround them.

    1. They knew what they were getting into, same as bimbo singers and actresses.

      After watching the wonderful 1976 film Nashville Girl, featuring the lovely Monica Gayle in the title role, there are a few more generation of female entertainers that i have ZERO sympathy for. The movie follows the tale of a corn fed nymphette's progression to stardom and the horrible dues paid along the way. If these abuses were well known enough in 1976 to make a feature film about it, how can i have sympathy for someone shocked at the things asked of them in 1986 or 96? Sympathy shouldnt be wasted on the stupid.

      P.S. i look forward to seeing Monica Gayle's other noteworthy films The Stewardesses and Southern Comforts.

  24. Yeah, they know who he is and what he's done. I hope they see sense and get out of there regardless.
