Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 8, 2019

Just when the disgraced news host/anchor not named Matt Lauer was about to get a gig again, all of this news popped off and everyone wants to know just how many times he visited Epstein's house. He is definitely in the black book and the younger the better for him.

Charlie Rose


  1. I'm so bummed he turned out to be a turd. I used to really enjoy his interviews.

  2. @Samantha - me too!!!!!!

  3. agreed...I miss his show

  4. All these TV presenters are gross.

    I constantly see CNN ads with Anderson Cooper looking serious... yeah, sure CNN, he's really a noble truth-teller and not some spoiled rich kid with nice bone structure.

  5. Krgl and OldFart, isn't it awful :(

    I miss it, too.

    My creep-dar was not working, with him.

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    His show was great. What a shame. How many men can you tempt with young P and they turn it down? I wonder if Epstein got some of these guys on the plane then had a young girl seduce them and filmed it? The man may have not known the girl was under orders or being threatened so he gives in to his urges and does it.
    Makes guys like Mike Pence seem a little less silly doesn't it? Never get yourself in a situation in the first place.

    1. Pence is a self-righteous psycho who wants people to believe Jesus tells him exactly what to do every morning.

      It's impeccable Jesus-logic: Jesus tells Mikey what to do. Since Jesus ordered it, it must be the correct thing to do. Therefore, Mikey's deeds are infallible.

      Stop falling for that crap. As IF Jesus would sully his reputation talking to ANYONE in the current White House. Jesus, if he speaks to anyone (which I highly doubt), would only talk to children. What divine being would talk to Mike Pence if they didn't have to?

  7. I hate Mike Pence... arrogant godbothering jagoff.

    But I wouldn't call his no-meetings-alone-with-women policy stupid. Not these days.

    1. It's worse than stupid. It's vile. Women aren't the problem. Men like Pence with their pervy minds are the problem. A dreadful and evil problem.

  8. Gross. Just burn him already.

  9. He played the upright gentleman of broadcasting quite impressively. Just bc he looks like a dignified grandpa doesn't mean he acts like one. Another big eyeroll and sigh.

  10. My husband has worked in this crazy industry for over 25 years. He would tell me things I found to be unimaginable about some of the people on the films he has worked on. I would tell him, no way and he was glad I was naive. Many years ago, think it was fall 1998, we went to Georgia where he was working on the film, General's Daughter and he told me about one of the actors and his fascination with watching midgets have "intimate relations". Said the director told him, so I said well may be he just made it up and I really refused to believe it. But as the years have gone by, and really after reading this site, I see he probably was correct with all the shenanigans he told me about. At least we have gotten to go on some amazing locations together.

  11. Say what you want about Pence but he is smart to insist on not being alone with women. One false accusation ruins a person, so best way is to prevent those accusations in the first place. A lot of men are adopting this tactic and I don’t blame them one bit. My husband always goes in every single appointment any of us have. Do I give a shit what people think? NOPE. This world is fucked up, you have to look out for yourself and if people think that’s dumb or weird, who fucking cares? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    I have never seen this guy in anything, only in pics online. He looks like a creep to me. But they all are. To get to that level of fame you have to be compromised in some way. That’s just the way of the world, unfortunately.

    1. Stop advertising that you and your husband are the two pervs in the room. That's the sort of information one should keep to one's self. You obviously have an issue with your husband's fidelity. Don't blame perfectly innocent females for 1) his inability to keep it in his pants for a 30 minute meeting and 2) your desire to keep tabs on an immature male who married the wrong person instead of staying single which would have been more honest of you both.

      But what's a little innocent dishonesty among two cheaters who brag about it on a Hollywood gossip sight?

    2. Omfg I love this so much
      You literally made me lol

  12. I'm glad they replaced him with Christiane Amanpour

  13. The veiled reptilian eyes told the whole story.

  14. MissDavie - I dunno (on the 'how many can you tempt') it's like how many angels can fit on the head of a pin...how many licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop...

    But I don't excuse people for not controlling their libido from trespassing where someone else's rights begin, just because they are male.

    Women control themselves. So can men. If men are that untrustworthy, they can abdicate control of the world, give it to women.

    (I won't hold my breath.)

  15. The subjects and people of Rose's interviews were seldom covered elsewhere.
    I miss his show,
    but he deserved to go.

  16. For every epstein there's a ghislaine.

    Behind every male predator is a female egging him on.

  17. @MissDavie: What a naive comment. So men got on the Lolita Express and didn’t know where they were going or what was going to happen? Ha! Ha!Ha!

  18. @RobertaJoan +1

    @Astra W., @J: Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had a business dinner alone with a man or several men? Or how many times I’ve had to travel on business trips as the only woman? Probably 100’s as I used to travel almost every week. (And when this started I was 25.) Yes, people tried to hit on me sometimes, but I told them, in no uncertain terms to stop it & leave me alone. Had I refused to attend these dinners or trips, which were a key part of my job, I would’ve been fired. As I should have been.

    People like Pence and his ilk who say that they will not have a meeting alone with a woman should be fired, as they are incapable of doing their jobs. And I don’t want to hear the BS that they don’t do it because of their dedication to their wives, blah, blah, blah. If a man or woman who worked for me refused such meetings, I would fire them immediately. End of story.

  19. Pence was the most popular guess on a blind about a male hooker being called to the room of a man attending a conference in Florida. After the 2016 elections, the man in the hotel room was one of the most recognized faces in the world.

    Yeah, I can see Pence in the closet. What man calls his wife "mother" FGS!

  20. pence is attractive and I don't blame him. smart move

  21. Calling their wife "mother" seemed to be a thing with past generations. Ronald Reagan called Nancy "mother."

  22. Charlie Rose did something that gave me goosebumps and he was on camera when he did it

    he was on his way into some event and Alex Jones stopped him for maybe 30 seconds just to have a chat

    somewhere in the middle of that chat Charlie looked at Alex and said 'leverage'

    that shut Alex up
