Friday, July 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 3, 2019

Considering how much they are not getting along right now and what a disaster that last overseas trip ended up being, this upcoming trip should be one for the ages. I wonder if the foreign born permanent A+ list celebrity really knew what he was in for when he got married.

Prince Harry/Meghan Markle


  1. What a nightmare. An amusing one, though. Hope it plays out for many miserable and hilarious years.

  2. Back in the early 1980's, a former co-writer friend once told me that he'd only marry an Asian woman because they are so submissive.

    (I laughed under my breathe!)

    I just let him think that since one of my brothers married an Asian woman and she was submissive while they were dating.

    Once married, she was in charge -- according to my brother!

    He's now a Colonel in the Army and a 30+ year career officer.
    He liked the fact she took care of everything family while he was away on duty.
    They've been married 30 years!

  3. Harry is going to learn that Megan wants to be in charge regardless of her royal status.

    I say good for her!

  4. It is not good for her though. There is protocol that they will not adjust to suit her wants so she will be more and more frustrated and take it out on him.

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Harry was thinking with little Harry and rushed to the altar. William tried to warn him. So did his grandfather. I've been hearing that Harry has been meeting with friends discussing ending his marriage. Specifically meeting with Chelsy Davy on multiple occasions. That they are behaving (no cheating) but Harry has been bending Chelsy's ear trying to decide about his marriage. MM wasn't supposed to be at the polo tournament but she heard that Chelsy Davy was in town and decided to go. I'm trying to find out this morning whether Chelsy was at the polo tournament. If anyone knows please post.

  6. I hope he makes her do ass to mouth.

    1. I heard she's an expert at tossing the salad.

    2. That fine dumper and a salad tosser...i'd marry the loon too.

  7. she stops him from seeing his friends. That is emotional abuse.

    1. I tried telling my ex that, and she stopped banging me for a month.

  8. This is the gig of her life. He's never going to be able to get rid of her.

  9. The question is, does Harry want to kick her to the curb now, and if he does, who's stopping him?

    Charles, because so much money was spent on the wedding and fixing up the house? Granny, who doesn't want another high-profile divorce?

    Anyway, this weekend will be Meg overdrive, because she's scheduled to attend both the Wimbledon final (Serena Williams will be playing) and the Lion King premiere in London (appearance by Beyoncé.)

  10. Meh, that first year of parenthood is a marriage-killer. If you can survive it, it gets better.

  11. Ssnooorre

    In the meantime, people love your children and enjoy motherhood, however it comes to you xo

  12. When I think of MM, I think of the Witch's giant hourglass from The Wizard of Oz, quickly running out. Everyone has a breaking point, and Harry is no different.

  13. Someone said here that Harry must have picked the craziest woman out there to troll his own family. I tend to agree with that theory.

    Does anyone else notice the BRF creates a Megs Wimbledon drama to deflect the much bigger story of prince Andrew/Epstein connection? I just don’t think the reward is worth all this intense scrutiny of marrying into a really dysfunctional royal fam.

  14. Poor Harry, it seems so nice and down to earth

  15. Queue the trolls....with their "nutty" conspiracy theories.

  16. I am starting think that Harry picked the craziest and blatantly opportunistic brash American woman he could find to troll his family.

    Also, I have really started to notice the negative Megs story to deflect from the bigger and creepier story of Prince Andrew/Epstein connection.

  17. She really blew it with her Wimbledon scene the other day...Royals have been there in the box since the beginning, without the obnoxious ring of isolation around them. Ridiculous.
    Nutty- wow, lots of public appearances this weekend! Should be interesting!

    Im personally interested to see the public interactions between her and Beyonce...will they be chummy? Battle of egos? I wonder, bc both seem to have declared themselves Queen.

    I dont know if it is Disney endorsed or just the media thinking it is what the public demands, but I'd swear this movie coming out is the Lion Queen starring Beyonce. Granted, I haven't seen the original in its entirety since it was in theatres, but I thought Nala was a charming 10 minute part, TOPS. Everything Im seeing is ALL her. Except Donald Glover on Jimmy Kimmel in a lion onesie. The man is darling, smart, Childish Gambino AND funny AND SIMBA, ffs, why isnt he getting all the attention? Jon Favreau has become the champion of this particular style of animation/filmaking, give him some airtime. Nope, all Nala, all the time. I dont even dislike Beyonce, just her PR machine tactics and oversaturation

  18. I am sure there are tensions in H & M's marriage. Wedding and quick pregnancy are stressors, being in the public eye just adds to it. If it's true (a big if) there's no way the powers that be will allow a divorce so quickly. They'll have to sit tight & no doubt there'll be restrictions on Meg (money, staff etc) assuming Harry goes along with that. The optics of a quick divorce just won't be tolerated by the royal family.

    Having said that I am leaning towards calling BS on this.

  19. I am now thinking that the marriage was a shot gun marriage due to becoming pregnant. Maybe they have a contract/pre nup agreement, to keep it going until such and such a time and then call it quits. Or she dies in a horrid yachting accident. Shit, that was in poor taste.

  20. Nobody knows what they are in for when they get married. LOL.

  21. I finally saw the footage from Wimbledon when MM was there, girlfriend was feeling niiiiiiiiiiice lol.
    oh and that moment when her friend was like put your hat on and she rushes to put it on and then claps and delivers a fake smile way after the point was over... damn girl.... i had no thoughts about her before, but she's just proving more and more she's a fame hungry thirst bucket. Oh and the pics from the polo match - looks like she was trying to hold a friggin dog , so fucking awkward.
    Something is unraveling, fast. I got my popcorn ready. The BRF has never been interesting to me until now lol

  22. Only fools rush in

  23. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Nutty, I wonder if the RF are trying to decide if keeping her on is worse than getting rid of her. They just thought Diana was a nightmare, Meghan has the potential to be much worse. How disenchanted are the British becoming with her behavior?

  24. What happened to the couple's good works and activism? Are they still going to Africa? Shopping French and Italian designers, seeing an American play at Wimbledon and an American Broadway play doesn't help "the Commonwealth. " Perhaps their goal is to look so dreadful that everyone wants to wear the British clothes Will and Kate wear.

    Megan doesn't even dress her doll baby well. Couldn't she find one cute pairs of shoes or sneakers? Better yet, a nice Shetland shawl for the baby or a modern Kaffe Fassett quilt - imagine the upsurge in sales of British needle arts!

    Guess the bronzer queen doesn't realize that allegedly half redheaded children need sun protection either. She needs a designer diaper bag too. Earthy crunchy organic mothers use unbleached cotton nappies not the dreaded synthetic superabsorbant Pampers.

    Makes sense that Meg may have decided to attend the polo game at the last minute. She didn't have time to order designer outfits for her and the ever changing doll baby.

  25. @ann +1. I have always had a soft spot for Harry. Hope he finds true happiness.

    1. Soft, moist and warm spot for him?

  26. Count -- I usually read the comment first, then who posted it. 9 times out of 10, I know it's you before I look. Today is no different. LOL.

    1. If she is going to have carte blanch to an ego maniacal attention whore w/ diplomatic immunity, he should be rewarded w/ unfettered deviance.

  27. Megan's a narcissist. They can never keep relationships.

  28. Hmm. I had problems believing certain things, like I believe she was pregnant. I'm really starting to get that she's a huge asshole. It's sad, because she's screwing with an historic family. She should have adapted to their rules, not make her own. So, uncle! I believe!

  29. Wow! The only significant overseas trip the duo have taken has been to Aus/NZ which was an overwhelming success. The other trips were to Dublin and 2 days in Morocco.

    The match where Meghan watched Serena play was on Court 1 which has no royal box. So to make direct seating comparisons is not accurate. The dressy dress code is only for Centre Court. So, Meghan was dressed appropriately. I have no idea why the seating was so funky but it may have been the idea of her protection officers.

    With respect to the baby--yes, the way she held him looked odd but subsequently "experts" have said it was ok. I also thought the no hat was odd but in a bunch of the pics little Archie is covered head to toe with a blanket.

    I swear I don't get the full on HATRED this woman engenders. (Also, I'm not Meghan nor a bot. I actually comment here quite a bit--on the Brit posts I often talk about my own struggles with bipolar disorder.)

  30. It amazes me how everyone is ready to pounce on anything that MM does, including how she holds her son, but they conveniently ignore Uncle Andrew's prominent role in the whole Epstein saga. If I were a taxpaying Brit, I'd be pissed off at having to support this guy.

  31. I'm not a Meghan fan, but I do think the powers that be are letting her deflect from Andrew. He's a full on pig and jerk. Meg's still got the training wheels on, but she'll get there!

  32. +1 Gator - people forget that the press used to call him "Randy Andy"... As for MM, at least she holds her child, considering how many times I've seen people walk in the door and hand their baby off to the first person they see.

  33. Unknown, respectfully the downunder tour was not a success. There were several reports of temper tantrums, attention-seeking antics upsetting the programme (such as when Meghan was escorted from the markets because she felt afraid or some rubbish), and the focus was entirely on her bump rather than any of the causes they were there to support.

  34. Tennis day her weight looked back to her normal self. But, then the polo match she was wearing a tent. And looked like she was 11 months pregnant. What gives?

  35. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The AU embassy staff didn't consider the tour a success. Certainly not the embassy employee that MM threw the teapot full of hot tea at her. Neither are the restaurant employees where MM threw her tantrum and Harry was forced to apologize. Harry spent most of that tour apologizing for her behavior. The embassy staff had to pick up Harry's part because he was too busy playing honeymoon with Meghan to do his job preparing for the Invictus Games. Harry basically did nothing more than show up and smile for the cameras. That slacking on Harry's part was reported back to KP.

    The disastrous tour in Enty's post is the Moroccan tour. Both of them totally dissed Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco. They walked right by him like he didn't exist. A staff member had to turn them around and aim them to the Prince. MM broke protocol and introduced herself first. She broke protocol yet again moving ahead of Harry at the introduction to the King. In a Muslim country that's a major breach of protocol and they weren't happy. That's when that Moroccan reporter was heard on the video saying "she's repugnant". Diplomatically it was a shitshow of epic proportions. It served it's purpose though by keeping MM away from the Academy Awards in Hollywood.

  36. Markle is her own stylist, that's why she looks so bad much of the time. She has an over-inflated sense of her own "talents."

    Some narcissists manage to stay married, though the spouses are long-suffering, usually not very assertive, go along with the program types. If they're lucky, the narcissist is out of the house doing their important activities.

  37. I don't agree with this idea Markle is being used to cover up from Prince Andrew's connection to Epstein.

    I've seen major articles in the NYPost, Daily Mail, and Daily Beast on that connection in the past couple of days, and a quick Google search shows there have many more.

    What's missing is a big reveal about Andrew. The Virginia Roberts story is well known and has been for years; while it is unsavory, it's not "news" because it isn't new.

    The pieces I've read so far are about Andrew mingling with women in their 20s in Epstein's presence, and in one case taking a woman back to Buckingham Palace, showing her around, and not getting lucky because she had to work the next day.

    They're going to need something more scandalous if Andrew's misdeeds are going to take down the Royal Family.

  38. Lion King got HORRIBLE reviews!

  39. Hope:neverlosehope - Sometimes if a woman is 3-4 months along and doesn't want to 'show' a good pair of jeans acts like Spanx, especially since Spanx came along and can be worn underneath them.

    I still wonder if they used a surrogate and then MM became naturally pregnant in the third trimester. Might explain drawing out the birth date of this one, and the puffy look *after* the birth.

    But women also wear (equiv of) compression garment / jeans or baggy clothes to just hide a post baby loose belly, or 10-15 extra pounds.

    I think the outing with baby at soccer was a good idea but, poorly thought out in terms of fashion and not smiling and handling her own child like a sack of spuds.

    Someone really needs to work with MM on these types of things. Is it MM who isn't willing or doesn't anyone want to help?

    Noticed MM and KC will appear together at the next Wimbledon.

  40. Unknown with timestamp 3:28 - I doubt people "hate" MM, people just like to gossip and she is something new and different. There are those who "hate" anybody for the slightest reason and of course there will be the garden variety royal-haters and racists looking for any excuse.

    But I think a lot of this is just fueled by very poor PR choices, and the revolving door of her staff. She's been through a LOT Of staff of every type in a very short pan of time.

    To get along and have longevity in the RF I think people have to be a bit blah at least publicly. They don't need sparklers they need someone who is willing to be in the background and put the good of the "Firm" ahead of their wish for attention/press/fun.

    A Leo is probably not the best bet. Not to put much stock in astrology but neither is a Virgo/Leo pairing. Both will wind up suspicious of the other's values or intentions. Virgo is very much a born Lieutenant willing to take one for the team. Leo craves the spotlight. Virgo has no trouble putting others' needs first and live to serve. Leo has a fragile ego and has to be # 1 in whatever they do.

    OK that's just an excuse to say what I think I guess.

    I hope it works out for her and for them as a couple and family. I hope all of this is just new parent stress. I don't know if MM will find royal life stifling and dull. I think the royals by blood probably have a rough time with isolation and private depression. What perfect person could withstand the type of scrutiny their mates receive?

  41. @Samantha, never met a 'Virgo" who is like that. Always starved for spotlight, and no "Leo" ever met was. But, not a believer of astrology to begin with here.

  42. Anonymous7:10 AM

    @Samantha Meghan is supposedly a big new age person. I don't think so. I believe it's just something trendy that she thinks makes her look hip. Otherwise she would have consulted with experts before she picked her wedding date. They married on a "divorce" day. (I can't remember which expert publicly predicted that though.) Simone Simmons (Princess Diana's friend and personal psychic) predicts Harry and Meghan's marriage will survive less than three years. A numerologist (Glynis McCants) pointed out that while MM and Harry share a soulmate number they have three challenge numbers. That means unless they both work diligently to keep their marriage alive it won't last. Their wedding date was really an inauspicious date for this couple and I would have expected a true new ager to put more effort into picking an ideal date for the marriage. That would have given them an extra karmic edge. BTW Glynis also accurately predicted that MM would have trouble with Kate who doesn't want MM stealing her spotlight. (Which matches the new rumor coming out of the palace saying MM shouted at Kate at Archie's christening warning her not to steal MM's spotlight.) So Glynis hit that relationship prediction perfectly.

  43. I have some Leo friends and they are all very unchanging in their behaviours. One is still complaining of exactly the same stuff she was 20 years ago. And none of them take any advice. That's because Leo is a fixed sign, so Leos get stuck in the same rut and don't adapt. They also crave the spotlight.

    One Leo friend I have is at least 60 pounds overweight and complains that she doesn't get any attention when going out with her trim, fitness freak, toned abs, pierced belly button friend. She feels that attention is owed to her. She doesn't understand that that's not how the world works, and no matter how many times I explain it to her, she doesn't modify her attitude/behaviour/expectations. She is a very unhappy person because of that.

    This same friend used to go to weddings in bright pink Indian garments, and she is not Indian. No one wanted to dance or interact with her because she came off as odd. We tried to explain it to her in a nice way, but she didn't change her behaviour and did the same thing a second time with the same result.

    I see a lot of that in Meghan's behaviour.

  44. Unknown w/timestamp 6:14 - fair enough. Like I said I'm probably just hiding behind that stuff to say what I feel.

    I'm also basing it on Virgo and Leos I've known. Miles vary.

    Ann - very interesting comment.

    I've read that "divorce day" here somewhere in the past. What does that mean? Could you expound on that a bit? (How is it a bad day?)

    Maybe MM did not pick the date? There is always a lot of calendar and schedule juggling and conflicting dates consulting when you get the entire RF together I'd think.

    Or maybe she's not that into new age after all? I don't know.

    I recall astrologers saying similar things about the day Charles/Diana married.

    When William was born astrologers said he was born to be an amazing king. I don't remember why they said that. A lot of unusual planetary something or others. They were all very excited about his chart that's all I recall.

    MM and PH both look exhausted and sad -- I hope it's just the normal new parent blahs.

  45. KC (Kate Cambridge) definitely wouldn't want her spot usurped but she does everything so perfectly PR wise and RF wise, she needn't worry (if she is.)

  46. Ann - I thought it was strange that no press were allowed in and no film was released at all, of the christening. Maybe everyone couldn't be there on the day and they were hiding that? Or maybe MM is having trouble with being so public even though she was in showbiz, this is a magnifying lens unlike no other. So maybe she's having anxiety and trying to set some boundaries? Or maybe PH is or both?

  47. Anonymous10:48 AM

    @Samantha I wasn't familiar with "divorce days" before I read about it. What I remember reading was that divorce days are inauspicious and any marriage on that day was doomed to end in divorce. I follow Vedic numerology some and I have Kepler astrology software so maybe I'll sit down and actually plug in some of the data and see what the reading says about Meghan and Harry's marriage.

    I heard a really juicy piece of gossip yesterday. It actually made sense out of MM's ever changing body. This person says MM really was pregnant recently but sadly she lost the baby. The pregnancy resulted from a new round of IVF. That's why we saw Meghan looking so bloated at TOC. (The bloating is a side effect from the IVF drugs). That would also explain why Meghan was drunk at that palace event during TOC while she was looking pregnant to us. I'll give her a pass for a good drunk after a miscarriage. That also explains why she no longer is looking pregnant and able to wear skinny jeans at Wimbledon. Best explanation I've read so far anyway.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Eh...never mind. I deleted my word vomit. I need a nap.

  50. He should of married Chelsea his longtime girlfriend. Coincidentally she lives in Zimbabwe.....

  51. Yet another item making MM is worse than Typhoid Mary. I don't believe Harry is the dolt that everyone makes him to be. A lot of what we saw in the press is when he was like a lot of young people having fun, but most don't have to worry about it making the tabloids. Meghan and Harry will do like every couple since the beginning of time. Have the ups and downs and hopefully they make it.



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