Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #27

January 7, 2019

Golden Globes

There is no way this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who had a run on television this past year should have been allowed in the same room as this permanent A list musician. There is still bad blood and the actor had some choice words about being blown off for something the actor considers worse and the actor let the musician know it. Just because the studio threw a wad of cash at the organization doesn't mean the movie is any good.

Sacha Baron Cohen/Brian May/Hollywood Foreign Press Association/Bohemian Rhapsody


  1. Civil War jokes? I General Lee don't find them funny.

  2. So the movie was sanitized AF but I didn’t think it was that bad 😕

  3. Enthusiasm, I’m not convinced on your good exam quotes.

  4. Happy 4th, Candy!!!

  5. #TeamSasha. Brian May can go fuck off.

  6. I don't get why they recreated an iconic performance frame for frame when you can watch the ORIGINAL online???? stupid

  7. remember when brian may defended bryan singer on instagram?

    remember when the guy who has known for decades about Singer's deeds & has edited almost all his movies won the oscar?

    remember when rami malek lied saying he had never heard a peep about Singer's allegations (despite being huge in the news as recently as 2014), and still go best actor?

    I wish karma existed, but it doesnt

  8. *To clarify, I meant performance/writing/acting wise, it wasn’t as bad Enty made out. Bryan Singer is human trash.

  9. The film was awful, beyond awful. We sat and laughed at it in the end. I have no idea how anyone liked it! People must really have seen shit movies to think this was any good.

  10. Lol, I just got told! 😂😂

    In fairness I thought the same about A Star Is Born. Awful, cringey. Cannot understand why so many people liked it. To each their own I guess.

  11. @TwoDots - agree with you on A Star is Born. It was HORRIBLE. I think Gaga fans just pretended it was good. I did the same with the Gilmore Girls revival and the finale of GoT. LOL.

  12. If I wanted to watch A Star Is Born, I'd just stick with the original.

  13. Had Sasha played Freddie and they made the movie the way he suggested, I would have gone to see it. What I've read about Bohemian Rhapsody and the few clips I have seen, makes me uninterested in the movie they did make.

  14. all my gay friends lost their shit over A Star is Born

    I never saw it but their reaction seemed genuine

  15. Bohemian Rhapsody was excellent!!! I do not the music of Queen, it grates on my nerves, but the movie was superb.

  16. I just can't stand Rami Malek.

  17. and the oscar goes to Rami Malek ..

    (Rami walks up on stage)

    i want to thank Bryan

    (audience gasps)

    May .. Brian May !!!!

  18. I enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody but I love Queen so there's that. I also like Rami Malek but I tended to focus on his teeth the whole time. Why did they do that? The teeth were so distracting.

    I didn't want to see A Star is Born. I have avoided all versions of that movie. Ended up watching the Gaga/Cooper version to ensure a friend was misunderstood about a plot point. When Bradley Cooper's character had that accident on stage at the awards show, I had to turn it off. Trust your instincts on ASIB.

  19. Gingerelle, I just watched Bohemian Rhapsody tonight.

    Not Oscar-worthy whitewash, and those teeth were SO distracting!

    A Star Is Born was better than I thought it was going to be, but it's flawed. Not Oscar-worthy either.
