Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 22, 2019

Despite the effort of publicists from both the singer and the actress, there is no relation between the song "written" by the singer and his actress wife. It is a Will & Jada move.

Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman/Gemini song about how Nicole is a maniac in bed.


  1. Those lyrics are so cringe.

  2. Damn TeeHee you weren't kidding. It's one of those "throw in anything that rhymes" songs.
    My kids could write better.

  3. What is a Will & Jada move?

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Bragging about your sex life to make your relationship seem stronger than it is, I’m guessing.

  4. I'm buying Keith Urban tickets the next time he plays London, love his music. Nicole is probably not the inspiration for the song.

  5. JFC I need brain bleach now.

  6. Haha right? IDC who they are about, but, I am100% sure your kids could write better lyrics than that as well. People should be fighting over taking the blame and not the credit for the brainiac/ maniac line.

  7. Also, I have seen Keith live five years back at an outdoor concert. It was fun and he is awesome at the guitar live.

  8. My favorite was when Pitbull rhymed "Kodak" with "Kodak".

    Disclaimer: I enjoy the music of both performers, but bad writing is bad writing.

  9. Everyone in Nashville knows they are soooo in love. I just saw them holding hands while walking out of church and feeding a homeless child her purse lint.

  10. Keith Urban looks like my Lesbian aunt

  11. I don't know what a "Will and Jada Smith move" is but fwiw, Nicole is actually a Gemini (born June 20). Jada was born in September.

  12. A Will and Jada move is bragging so much and so over the top about your sex life, when in reality it is probably the opposite.

  13. I’m assuming a ‘Will & Jada Smith move’ is pretending that you have a great sex life when the opposite is true.

  14. i think that pulling a will and jada is being so open and talking about all the crazy sex they have when they probably dont.

  15. What is a "Will and Jada Smith move?" That they constantly talk about how they are freaks in the sack?

  16. If someone is bragging about their sex life, they aren't having it. These are just the facts

  17. These comments are hilarious. Agreed with the Will and Jada definition.
    TeeHee@U-- fighting for blame, not credit= priceless!!!
    Even Nicole is mortified.

  18. I can testify this item is true. When I climbed into Nicole's bed she screamed like a maniac for me to go then called the cops.

  19. a 'Will and Jada move" for all those wondering is going on and on about your crazy (fictitious) sex life when one or more of the parties is clearly a homosexual.

  20. The song is the theme song to Will Smith's new movie? Makes sense now.
