Friday, July 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 17, 2019

By "work on some things," this A list singer/highly paid reality star means she needs her foreign born actor boyfriend to stop cheating on her all the time.

Katy Perry/Orlando Bloom


  1. Good luck with that, Katy!

  2. These bimbo broads go from one famous cheater to another. They need a nice poor guy like me, who would love to endlessly munch they clam & starfish, while being faithful and spending their money.

  3. Welp Katy you always go back to the same type of guy, so maybe you need to work a bit on your lack of judgment and growing up to at least near your age, if not your age.

  4. she needs to go back to john mayer

  5. Does he even see Kia kid at this point?

  6. Oooft that’s an interesting autocorrect! Kia = his

  7. Aww Count, so romantic. swoon

    1. Please, Perry has a long line of degenerates on her resume, she aint a moonlit walk on the beach broad.

  8. Why doesn't Orlando put some of that energy into hunting down a good role or two?

  9. Yes, that's what these women need, another unstable jerkula or seemingly if you take all these shenanigans at face value. You could find a fairly hot lady to munch her [insert gross never before heard term for what I assume is vagina? or is clitoris?] and [marine animal term that I believe means rectum?] at your local bar. She doesn't need to be famous but she sure as hell should be desperate. I'm beginning to think that these security checks are actually some sort of mind control. (Not really. I don't believe in that nonsense.)

    1. My local bar is all old bags. I am not down and out enough to try to weasel my way into a cotton top's SS check and pension yet. Gimme another decade and you will have a shot, Hedda.

  10. If I only I was a woman . . . swoon.

    1. So you dont identify as a woman or you aint a woman? Is the pecker factory or after market

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Orlando Bloom will be a "cheating" boyfriend 10, 20, 50 years from now if he can still get it up. He's just one of those guys. Take it or leave it. Perry really seems to have poor judgment in men, either that or that's the type she likes. She's one of the few pop stars I truly loathe, so I don't feel bad for her lol.

  12. Anonymous10:29 AM

    A long time ago I learned the secret about old ladies in bars and the guys who pick them up. The men who prowl for old ladies do it a lot of the time because they have really big dicks. Regular "dating" type women can't or don't want to deal with it so they find an older woman who has given birth several times. Also the women don't ask for anything in return but the D.

    I learned this from a guy with the biggest cock I had ever seen. Good looking guy but there was really not much he could do with it.
