Monday, July 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 15, 2019

It isn't so much that the former celebrity turned reality star is doing drugs or selling drugs or transporting drugs again, it is that she leaves her kids with random people so she can engage in these activities.

Brooke Mueller


  1. Unfortunately, pretty regular fallout from having druggy parents. Being left with people who could abuse or molest them, making a whole new generation of druggy parents. And the circle of life continues.

  2. How have these kids not been taken away from her for F sake??? There is a father in the picture and she has family. Those boys must be so f'd up, very sad.

  3. What a mess:

  4. Junkies are fantastic! In SF we're blessed with lots of them.

  5. @hummingbird7008 I read Brooke's mother and brother mostly take care of the twins, but u would think Martin Sheen or any of Charlie's family would be concerned about their grandchildren/nephews well being?! Kind of sad and pitiful!

  6. Didnt Denise already say the boys have serious behavioral issues? Sad stuff. That little Hamptons adventure of Brooke's was a nightmare! She is SOOO lucky she got picked up by relatively good natured partiers, and not opportunistic thugs that would have taken that drug-filled bag, had their way with her, and left her for dead. She is flirting with disaster, and living in a way where prison might be the best of her options.

  7. Brooke and Denise are old bags at this point, any young meth whores around besides the Thorne bim?

  8. It seems like once meth enters the picture, even the best-looking have six months left on that quality, max. Shit tears faces apart.

    1. I am just as lovely as the first day i did meth, 20yrs ago, just a lil grayer.

  9. tooth loss is always attractive on meth heads.

  10. Those kids have no future if nobody intervenes. What about her parents?

  11. This is where the disease takes people. She is such a sweet girl, I've met her, it's so tragic. I pray she get's better, for both her safety and the children's.

  12. I am honestly shocked she isn't dead yet.
    What is she at now? 21 rehab stays? 21 or 22.
    And here she is again, back at it.

    I went to school with people like her. The girls who have everything & then some, but daddy issues + drugs + horrible self esteem + shady enablers is never a good combo.

    I do hope she gets better someday. For her kids sake. Or maybe it's too late I don't know. Hopefully if she does finally get sober for good, the guilt of all that time spent high AF & not raising her kids doesn't do her in.
    It's a fucked up situation

  13. The girls from your school sound awesome.

  14. Yeah, until 3 or 4 of them got knocked up, 1 OD'ed & a few others are now the after picture of a before & after Meth side by side.

    1. Yeah, ya gotta get the drug chicks when they are cresting the rim and starting their decent, not when they are swirling the bowl. "Bareback for an extra $20." translates into "i have nothing left to lose."

  15. God I miss my 20's
