Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #16

January 7, 2019

Golden Globes

At a private Globes after party last night, this legendary permanent A-list actress and comedienne was asked who the worst behaved guest on her long running, forever in reruns show was. She answered without hesitation that the worst was the male half of that singing sibling duo, who was a complete control freak over his sister's appearance. She's also convinced he was on coke. What's worse was that the duo's mother was hovering around the set like a vulture. The legendary funny lady said things came to a head during a lunch break in the TV studio commissary. The mother gave the chef strict orders to give her daughter a bowl of soup and a glass of water. The funny lady, concerned, offered the singer a tray of food. Enraged, the brother swooped down and took the tray from his sibling. Then, the mother came up to the legend and yelled at her to never do that again.. and slapped her daughter on the face in front of the stunned cast and crew. Her brother was also yelling at her like she was a little girl.The legend and her producer husband had the mother kicked out of the studio. Very disturbing.

Carol Burnett/The Carpenters


  1. The whole story behind Karen Carpenter is so sad, she had such a beautiful voice. Too bad her family was POS. She was the one who made them rich and they destroyed her.

  2. still a jerk. ranting on you tube about Karen.

  3. I wish she'd had the strength to stand up for herself.

  4. There have been rumors that the brother had been molesting her for years. Many ana's have a history of sexual abuse. Their mother favored the brother, he could do no wrong.

  5. So incredibly sad. I wish Carol had publicly shamed this asshat back then. She had a ton of power in those days. Karen Carpenter had a fabulous voice and was beautiful. I hope he rots in hell when his time comes...hopefully soon

  6. @ Andi what is an ana?

  7. This was a reveal I was hoping our guesses would be wrong on...poor Karen, may she Rest In Peace

  8. The mother and brother really knew how to keep her in check, but they shoulda let her have a couple spoons full of peanut butter from time to time, to keep her alive and earning.

  9. Yep, Ana = Anorexic. Mia = Bulimia.

    1. Thanks I have never heard of those names for those eating disorders.

  10. I love Carol Burnett all the more for this.

    Geez if this is how they treated her amongst other celebs, imagine what they treated her like at home. Hideous people who owed much, if not most, of their success to her. Terrible family story.

  11. The Scapegoat versus the Golden Boy. Richard could have been a junkie living on skid row and mommy dearest would have still told Karen she was the worthless one or it was her fault he was there. Predators giving birth to their own prey. Karen was and will always be The Talented one. Suck it Richard!

  12. I remember reading somewhere that Richard "didn't care for" the Sonic Youth cover of Superstar. So, fuck that guy!

  13. I really wish this was one of the fictional entries, but I don't think it is. RIP Karen.

  14. @BeepBeep
    I will never understand how a mother could act like that with her children.
    I have 3 kids, and the thought of treating any of them even a little bit like the way she did is unthinkable.
    If there is a Hell, I hope she rots there. Along with the brother.

  15. Richard did have to go to rehab in 1979, he had become addicted to Quaaludes. I wonder if he and The Cos had the same dealer. Oh wait, it says here that Mama Carpenter gave Richard his first 'lude.

  16. Rest in Peace, Karen.

  17. Previous ENTY blind about richard molesting karen and the family knowing about it. Her anorexia came from somewhere.
