Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blind Item #9

In their haste to kiss the butt of the royal who pays for them to kiss her butt, Kneepads left off the portion of their article which would cast a little wrench in their theory. You see, the popularity of the name they say is due to the all might wisdom and knowledge of their paymaster was actually already number one because of that almost network television show that has been airing a few seasons.


  1. Yeah Archie and Riverdale.

  2. People Magazine has an article about FARKLE & how Archie is the number one baby name now. Gah someone make her fade into obscurity please.

  3. TWO Markle blinds in one day? Ok.

  4. Um... Amy Poehler/Will Arnett makes their son Archie about 7/8years ago

  5. Archie is the name of Shannon Bedors dog. and its an awful name.

  6. PS Archie is a horrible name for a baby, child or adult. She also created “Harrison” from “Harry”, which is actually short for “Henry” in the case of Prince Harry. She is failing miserably at trying to be super WASPY. Miserably.

  7. These blinds and comments often seem to dip into something I'm not completely comfortable with. "Trying and failing to sound WASP-y?"
    I don't like the way that sounds.

    1. You're JUST figuring out what's really going on here?

    2. I was trying to put it delicately since accusing others of racism that I don't know seems counter-productive.

      But, Christ, do some of you realize the way you sound?

    3. Do you realize what an ass you sound like using Jesus Christ as a swear word? Grow up.

    4. They don't care about how they sound. Racism has many facets. Auditory blindness is at the top of the list and very sad to see and hear in this day and age.

      WASP-Y? Not all POC are striving towards waspyness. Can we bring the we-hate-Meghan-Markle-for-no-discernible-reason comments up a step or two. Of COURSE race is a part of the hatred. But, polite people try to hide their worst inclinations and attempt to stay on the side of the "angels of our better nature".That way, when good manners come back into vogue, they will be way ahead of the pack.

      No matter what Trump and minions are selling, it's all bad, bad manners and very destructive to American culture and comity. Don't buy!

    5. RobertaJoan/Meghan: all of adulterous life you tried to hide your true heritage because it was not advantageous for your career. You became a white girl.Now that people are aware you are a Malignant Narcissist with ties to Epstein and Killary Clinton, you are using the race card. Typical Narcissistic move. Shhhooo. go raise ur BeBe like a good mama and stop using the tanning bed you walking Botox vial.

  8. Archie has been rising in popularity since the late 1990s, according to this handy chart.


    1. I thought there wasn't a baby?
      I've not accessed your blog via your profile tho, so thought I'd ask here-
      Have we decided it's a breathing baby or a doll?
      Real question.

    2. The baby was always real. Only conspiro-heads, the severely uneducated, the green jealous dogs, the live-in-fear types and the unapologetic crazies believed anything different.

      Just silly.

  9. There isn't one male member of the Royal Family named Archibald they could have named him after?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is definitely about Archie, BUT you all have the show wrong.

    Clearly it was a reference to Archer.

    1. I think it’s based on Riverdales popularity.
      KJ Apa plays (ed) “Archie Andrews” on the show the last few years.

  12. sandy I wonder if they want the baby to have the option as an adult to give up all royal ties and live as a citizen? His first two names function as a complete name. Archie Harrison. It's also a sort of nod to a surname like Fitzroy or something: Archie, Harry's son.

    Not sure why Archie and not even Archibald. Maybe they just liked it, or the comic books.

  13. Not sure what your feud is with "Nutty" but leave me out of it please.

  14. Hi Rosie!

    As I say repeatedly on the blog, I don't know what's going on.

    All I can do is ask questions and look at publicly-available evidence.

    There's a lot of strangeness going on. One, two strange things you can explain away - life is strange. Dozens of strange things (empty house in the middle of nowhere, changing bump, kid with no title, secret doctors delivering him, secret godparents) and you have to think: yeah, there's more to this.

    1. Strange like she faked being pregnant and so wore a fake bump and now is a
      REAL, live mother due to the grace of another woman who said yes to being a surrogate?

      For shame.
      Surrogates don't count.

      Are you a mother, nutty?
      Probably the only one that counts-
      which of course is natural born, vaginal birth, with no drugs.

      All the rest are Photoshop garbage

  15. Did she "create" Harrison?

    Did you know Soho House has a line of home furnishings they sell, conveniently named Harrison?

    How is Soho House relevant? Well crap I don't have time to explain all that, you can catch the background on the Harry Markle blog.

  16. It is ridiculous. If you want to call someone Archie, just name him Archibald which actually I like because it smacks outdated become new again. Plus, then the kid himself has options. Maybe he wants to be his full name OR a nickname.

  17. @Samanatha - like what you did with the Fitzroy comment and all of the implications that goes along with that. :)

  18. For all of those on the outside of this tussle, I wrote that Meredith sounds like one of the many fake profiles that emerge from the shadows only to defend Meghan Markle.

    I still think that.

    Anyway, that was yesterday's blog. I just put up a new one, because the Blogger system gets a little tired as we approach 200 comments on a single story.

    Meghan Markle and the Seven Deadly Sins: https://nuttyflavor88.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-seven-deadly-sins-vogue-tennis-and.html

  19. Seriously? You wrote a blog post about it? Jesus Christ, this website is NOT that serious, nor is it important enough for shills.

    I haven't interacted with Meredith but Sam seems like a perfectly normal new poster to me.

  20. I'm sorry that not everyone here bashes Markle or gushes about Kate but those MILD comments were like... nothing.

    Omg... this site.

  21. LOL

    And thank you Unknown.

  22. I said that I *didn't* think William and Chumley were physical, though, fwiw.

  23. By Nutty's logic, I too am a troll as is Tricia. I have a feeling Tricia is using her real name as am I. That blog was a little odd.

    "That's an oddly uniform name choice for a site where people call themselves things like "CheeseGrater15" and "Count Jerkula"."

  24. Guess I could change my moniker to Countess Cheese Whiz?

    1. I'm sad the moniker Rosie Riveter didn't get a shoutout :(
      It's so clever

  25. Holy shit why do people care if a commenter of CDAN started a blog? who fucking cares?!?!

    Back to the subject - i thought Archie was short for something lol oh well. maybe he will like it when he's older, who knows? hopefully he does LOL

  26. Considering that Meghan Markle keeps a strong presence on social media under many pseudonyms, no Meredith, it's not that bat shit crazy.

  27. Meredith, go take a flying leap at a rolling donut please. Thank you.

  28. Whenever I hear the name Archie, I think of Archie Bunker... then I get visions of King Ralph straddling a harpsichord, pounding out "Good Golly, Miss Molly."

  29. No one is supposed to say anything positive about MM, if u do, you’re paid stain.. GTFOOH
    I’m not paid, but I don’t hate her at all

  30. I like Nuttys blog. I would love for her to mention me in her blog. But I would be more upset that people thought I believed MM was a good person. After all the trash we have heard about her, if only 10% is true, it would still be bad.

  31. Archie sounds like crotchrot. Nice name.

  32. If Meredith was MM she’d have copyrighted her shit and sued you for infringing

  33. It's a parody of fools soon parted with their money for the idiots who follow Meghan Markle. Gurl has no style and reeks of desperation to be perceived as "popular."

  34. Here’s hoping Meredith really is MeghanToinette...because at least that would explain why she’s such a sparkles bootlicker.

  35. Looks like Nutty is hitting a nerve.

    1. Looks like you just showed up today too, huh?

  36. You can’t put a racism blanket on the MM dislike. I’m sure there are twats out there who don’t like because of her racism, but I’d hasten to guess that there are plenty out there who don’t like MM for other reason.

    I don’t like The Jolie. Am I racist? Or sexist? Or, so I just simply think she’s pretentious, mediocre, and utterly overrated?

  37. And also wtf - how many sprogs does People think have been pumped out since the royal baby?! Lol at the idiots that believe the type of shite.

  38. Also there’s not a chance in hell little Archie Harry will ever live as a civilian. Ever.

  39. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Ugh. The comments section is a fucking mess. Remember when the only annoying things were Enthusiasm Quotes or Derek having their usual meltdown? Now it's all these fucking weirdos obsessed with MM. And yes, Meredith and Samantha, it is off that you showed up out of no-fucking-where and started babbling nonsense and honestly, acting quite Derek-esque. Nutty is not wrong about that.

  40. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Nutty really got to you!

  41. Well, Markle is posting under another name. Gotcha there!

    Naming the surrogate's child Archie only guarantees that he will never rise up to any level in the royal family, not unless he ditches you, Roberta Joan.

  42. Lol @biscuit, I’m fond of Enthusiasm Quotes! 😂

  43. Anonymous5:51 PM

    @TwoDots, it's actually refreshing to see Enthusiasm Quotes these days! Hahahaha

  44. Love you Nutty! You just keep doing what you do. You sure do have a knack for riling up people who claim they don't take you seriously in the least, much to the delight of all the rest of us. :)

  45. Get over yourself

  46. Stop hyperventilating- no one else is hearing what you’re hearing

  47. The point of this website is curiosity and questioning the party line. Yet long time posters are slammed by new posters for doing that, and people are not supposed to be suspicious about it? Right…..

    @RobertaJoan Dogs? You are lecturing people on appropriate speech, yet you call people dogs? Then crazies? That is absolutely offensive. Calling people animals and weaponizing mental health is despicable.

    Actually, I don't care. I just think it is funny that you are such a hypocrite.

  48. Nutty, Fitzroy was the surname Henry VIII gave to his illegitimate children by his mistresses.

  49. I hear you Rosie. I gave natural, vaginal birth to four. Three of them at home. I stopped practicing medicine because I didn’t agree with welfare mothers cranking out a baby every year for a bigger cheque getting a free epidural. With the Eli they never knew they gave birth. See if they want to do if every year the olde fashioned way-no drugs.


  50. @kiki71
    Archie sucks as a name. At least name him Archibald, so he can shorten it later if he wants to. That's akin to naming a kid Bobby instead of Robert, so the kid can be eternally eight.

  51. @tehbird, I am deeply sorry that in a blog dedicated to constant pedo, rape, incest and other stories where people are regularly trashed and called horrible names that using "Jesus Christ" was apparently a step too far.

    I'll do better next time.

  52. Lol what’s wrong with “Jesus Christ”? What would you prefer? Jesus fuck?

  53. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I honestly thought the name Archie was a joke.

    For a couple of days I expected a headline to appear.
    "Meghan Fooled us all...Baby's Name is Philippe Henry", or some such story.
    Followed by a decent name.
    But to saddle a human being....who has to function in the real world and quite possibly in boarding school.... with 'Archie'.... for 90 odd years of life?
    And then I remembered.....This is what Markle does.
    Spreads strife and drama, purposely; wears hundred thousand dollar Dior bespoke gowns for one dinner in an impoverished nation where kids are begging for food a few streets away.
    I cannot process this woman. It's just impossible to be that massive a narcissist sociopath.... but then, I'm not a psychiatrist.

  54. Holy fuckballs.

    I’m never coming to another comment section of an MM blind. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  55. Meredith, you're a right prat!

  56. real simple Hoes Woes

  57. If y'all recall, they made the announcement that they would deliver in private and make an announcement later.
    MM has never hurt anyone (except her ex, maybe) so I do not understand the hate towards her, they wanted privacy. Big whoop!

  58. No they didn't Jenn. The Sussexes in fact stated they would announce that the duchess was in labour WHEN Meghan had gone into labour. They didn't announce she was in labour until 4 hours AFTER she had already delivered. This created tension because it made the press look ridiculous for reporting wrong info and also showed the Sussexes to be outright liars.

  59. Wow. Lol

    Fake-attack the newbie to lamely attempt to publicize another member's blog.

    I made tepid comments about some of the sartorial choices in the christening day group photo.

    I did not even say what was attributed to me. I did not say William was having an affair; I said he wasn't. I did not comment on Kate in it. Someone else did in their reply to me.

    I have no clue who anyone else here is. I just got here. What nonsense.

    If this tempest in a broken teapot is some type of meta commentary on the unfairness/inaccuracy of gossip as a whole, then half a golf clap. Otherwise...pathetic.

  60. it's not that ppl aren't allowed to say anything nice about MM, it's just that it seems incomprehensible that they would do so without getting paid, because it's very very VERY hard to believe people this stupid actually exist

    There is NOTHING likeable about her, not one thing. Everything she does is self serving, annoying, and calculated. There is nobody who has 1 good thing to say about her, from her previous life and/or current life unless they are very clearly paid.

    That's why ppl side eye any MM compliments: they just seem as disingenuous as she is herself.

  61. Ah yes RACISM....

    MM is so proud of her mixed heritage that she called herself CAUCASIAN until she met Harry, and then wheeled out her black mother when it was convenient for her to do so.
    Same mother who didn't even attend (wasn't invited?) to her baby shower....!!

  62. Been following the MM story since the wedding when she seemed so off. Many many sources provide excellent well-researched info on all the strangeness going on like the photoshopped Archie Christening photo. Charles and Camilla ate wearing the exact same outfits as they wore at Prince Louis’ christening, right down to the shoes and the pocket square. Meghan’s face is noticeble thinner than at Wimbleton the day before. The metadata of the photo indicates that it’s original creation date was May 8, the same day as the “newborn” reveal. Harry wears the same scuffed up brown shoes and black socks in both the reveal video and the Christening photo. Markle also wears the same shoes. There was no sign of Doria arriving in London for the Christening, but she was there for the reveal. In the Christening photo, one of her ears is obviously screwy from photoshop. The Christening baby was about three to fours months old back in may when the photo was taken. It goes on and on. The point is that for whatever reason, it has been lies lies lies and anyone with a drop of intuition picks up in it. Add attention to detail and everything is wrong. The devil is in the details. And Harry and Markle are just not smart.
    There is nothing more odious than malignant narcissism.

  63. I think it's always the same baby and it's not that unusual to take the room and people separately or even all the people separately in this day & age, but not allowing any film/video to be released, only releasing 2 photos, and all the other mystery including secret godparents, doesn't help their PR any.

    The press not being invited can be explained as Harry grudging over his mother and who can blame him.

    Then again, they'll have to reconcile it all if they continue taking taxpayer money and then refusing to include the public in their lives.

  64. Samantha seems waaaay too invested in all of this and quick to reply to every fucking single one of the comments, for someone who isn't being paid.
    Just sayin'.

  65. Weirdo, with a zillion alts, get lost.

  66. MR the footballer, show is "World Cup", making the name popular long before MM.

  67. I also don’t see what’s wrong with Jesus Christ. Im Irish. It’s part of my heritage. As is, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” and Jesus Tapdancing Christ!” Etc.

  68. Wait, just compared Camilla and prince charles’ outfits and they do appear to be the same. Wtf?

  69. make me you imbecile

    exactly how useless, broke and desperate does one have to be to be a MM fan girl on an obscure internet gossip site?

    Will 20 bucks do?

  70. Holy shit, this was one hilarious comments section for a change. Keep up the good work, Nutty!

  71. Samantha - agreed with your last statement. They both seem woefully detached from this.

  72. @Freebird, RIGHT?? I thought I'd peek my head inside the room. Big mistake. I'll never do that again.

    Now, back to our regularly scheduled gossip, lol.
