Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #9

The closeted B+ list celebrity offspring actor of someone he will never catch must have a new project coming out soon since he is auditioning yachters to be his beard.


  1. Scott Eastwood? Or Patrick S

  2. Yachters make awful beards. Just go down to Starbucks and find a normal woman who won't mind playing along for a few months for some cash and fame.

  3. I was saying Patrick haven't seen hig g/f lately.

  4. I think they go for yachters because it is mutually beneficial for their careers while some randomizes on the street who did not have money or fame to begin with would be a lot quicker to sell a story even with a NDA. And, studios would not like that. Kind of a mutually assured destruction with their careers kind of thing.

  5. scott eastwood, frolicking on the beach w/straight women pretending to be a heterosexual

    its gotta suck to be closeted and have clint eastwood for a dad. if scott EVER came out (which i dont think he ever will), it would be after clint died. and Im pretty sure clint is a human-dinosaur hybrid that will live to 200yrs, sooooo

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @TeeHee, I imagine it's more likely they go for yachters so they can at least share men or have the yachter recruit curious men for them at hotel bars. Seen a few f*cked up marriages work like that. 😅

  8. oh Lord....haha. I just cannot even imagine that kind of lifestyle.

    I'd feel so used and passed around if I were anyone of these yachting girls!..

    I guess I just do not get some people. One taste of fame and they become gay/bi procurers! haha

  9. Sorry haven't been keeping up on all things Scott Eastwood - he's gay??!!
    Remember reading about his girlfriend that, horrifically, perished in a car accident. Honda, I think, the air bags exploded.

  10. @Brayson87 -- don't yachters start off as normal women...I don't think they're born that why, LOL. No, but I get what you mean, Scott should do the Hugh Jackman, and find a wallflower who won't demand too much.

  11. @JT, It would make an interesting documentary, like Hot Girls Wanted, someone should sell it to Netflix!

  12. Scott Eastwood is in Page 6 on a beach with girls. I also had no idea that was Scott was ghey since I had heard about his ex-gf thing and how he felt bad that he acted like such a tool to the girl's father. Very straightesque of him if you ask me and I always thought his friends you see him with look like straight prep school looking tools.

    Not sure if I honestly buy this about him or if some scorned ex-gf "tipped" off ENTY to get back at him lol

  13. So that's what that Scott Eastwood picture was about. Saw this morning. I think he should date Zac Efron
