Thursday, July 25, 2019

Blind Item #9

Unless some sort of under the table deal has been reached, as soon as this foreign born A list director/rapist enters a country, he will be arrested. Maybe he is going to appear via video? Maybe just his film at the festival and not him.


Tricia13 said...


MeMyselfandIandYou said...


Lucky13 said...


MDAnderson said...


Super Comic Fun Time! said...


Ulf said...

Polanski? Is he really A-list though?

gauloise said...


gauloise said...

His film is in the running at Venice, I can't imagine the ITalians caring about this

The Woodman said...


Alma's Daughter said...

Director/rapist is Polanski. Film is An Officer and a Spy

Anonymous said...

Roman Polanski

Kewlkatkitty said...


Anonymous said...

Roman Polanksi

MDAnderson said...

Is he trying to go to the Toronto film festival?

Samantha the 1st said...

Polanski needs to be behind bars, for whatever term the 'justice' system thinks appropriate, but something.

Get it over with, Roman.

s.s. said...

gauloise interesting.

If Italy, what changed ?

He's never had a problem with the Italians before ?

Well Italy just got itself a new populist Government...

Count Jerkula said...

rape rape ~ Whoopi

Trapped said...

Roman P

hothotheat said...

Woody is a pedophile molester not a rapist that we know of. This is Polanski.

Manuél Bun said...

@Ulf Polanski's definitely A-list, based on both career output and name recognition.

Anomalocaris said...

New populist government in Italy. Far fetched, but they may arrest him if he enters the country as a distraction.

TeeHee@U said...


I hope he tells where Marc Collins Rector . That documentary (An Open Secret) on the kids Marc abused it disgusting. He is now in the non-extradition country of Switzerland supposedly.

Marc is one guy I want to see behind bars (among other things) after the turmoil and abuse he did to those boys. Hopefully, the CIA gets to him.

TeeHee@U said...

ENTY, or anyone Marty Weiss related to D.B. Weiss of GoT?

Samantha the 1st said...

Wan't there another country that was supposed to give him over and didn't? But he was in detention there for a while?

Anyone remember the details?

I hope his victim $top$ helping with his defen$e.

Amartel said...

Not A list if it's POlanski. His heyday was decades ago and any lingering "fame" is actually notoriety due to association with the horrible Manson murders and (of course) his own gross failings as well as the fact that Hollywood dupes and thirsties think what he did was okay because he was one of them.

Samantha the 1st said...

Polanski is permanent A list. He's commercially as well as artistically reputed.

"The Piano" won Oscars.

Count Jerkula said...

Who did Woody molest? Dylan was found by NYPD to have been coached. Soon Yi was above age if consent.

Samantha the 1st said...

I believe Dylan but that is a whole discussion in itself.

She's saying the same stuff as an adult and stands/stood to lose way more than she stood to 'gain'.

orangesoda said...

Are you SURE about that, Count? Given that she is his spouse, of course she would claim she was above age of consent. Woody is a peado and I don't jump on the peado train quickly.

Count Jerkula said...

If woody was actually a pedo, why is he with Soon Yi 20? 30? yrs later. I don't care how great the anti-aging properties of yellow skin are, that coochie should have aged out long ago.

And I dislike Woody, never watched any of his movies and thought he was a pedo for years, until I read about the alleged dry hump, saw that son as an adult, and thought about the situation.

2 totally independent investigations came up with the same result re: dylan molestation:

"On Thursday, Allen released a statement through a representative saying, "When this claim was first made more than 25 years ago, it was thoroughly investigated by both the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale-New Haven Hospital and New York State Child Welfare."
"They both did so for many months and independently concluded that no molestation had ever taken place," the statement continued. "Instead, they found it likely a vulnerable child had been coached to tell the story by her angry mother during a contentious breakup."
Allen also mentioned Farrow's older brother Moses, who has accused his mother of brainwashing him as a child. In 2014, he said Mia Farrow "drummed it into me to hate my father for tearing apart the family and sexually molesting my sister.""

Anonymous said...

Polanski. Maybe they will do a hologram of him lol.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for one minute Woody Allen molested Dylan either. Mia Farrow destroyed those kids. She's a psycho.

not a libtard said...

I'm totally with Count and Miss Davie. The whole Woody thing is preporstorus.

A 'pedo' who 'molested' exactly 1 girl, who happens to be the coached daughter of his mentally ill vengeful ex, and has been with the same woman for nearly 30 years. Not just that, but he was exonerated and granted permission to ADOPT 2 GIRLS!!!

Mia is severely mentally ill, and for this reason she hasn't worked in Hollywood, nobody wants to be associated with her, nobody wants to work with her, nobody defends her, and since she has accused Woody of being a pedo rapist, everyone has turned their backs on her in disgust.

James Howlett said...

It's all about doing it as a couple. Maybe she's into it.

Count Jerkula said...

I think Woody and Soon Yi bonded over trying live a normal life in a house that contained that lunatic Mia.

Haywood Jablomee said...

I trust the Count on this issue. Were only his compadre, Harry Knuckles still posting, (pouring a fourth in his honor), we would have a consensus.

Samantha the 1st said...

Woody wagon stans? Disappointing. Or cleaners? Either way...

It's not worth going in deep on this discussion about Woody and Dylan, here. Everything anyone could say is already online. It's a very old case and has been discussed many times in the past. I could pull just as many links and quotes for my side/belief but what would be the point? A wiki-off?

Woody saw a vulnerable teen and made his move. He allegedly tried it on one of the other daughters first. Yes they are still married (Woody/Soon Yi), but in what type of an arrangement? He said she provides a nice home life for him. Good, they're happy.

They adopted 2 girls. Yes everyone knows that. So? He wasn't convicted, on what basis could a private lawyer say no? And private adoptions aren't exactly the same as having to apply to an adoption agency like the peasants have to do. Joan Crawford adopted 4 kids. Meyer Lansky helped her with the first (Christina.) No one knows where Christopher came from. The "twins" who were not twins came from Georgia Tann. For a while everyone thought Georgia Tann was peachy.

Things are not always how they appear but I thought everyone knew that too.

No one used the word pedo btw. I do not presume to know what goes on in Woody's mind. His self created and self perpetuated image is an over sexed obsessive neurotic. Manhattan was allegedly based on his real life thing with a teen girl.

No one can believe he'd touch a child? I believe Dylan. Was Ronan "brainwashed" too?

No one said Mia was perfect, but why would that negate anything?

Count Jerkula said...

2 independent studies from reputable agencies say you are wrong. Feel free to wallow in ignorance though.


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