Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Item #9

This MMA organization is covering up a domestic violence situation which sent a woman to the hospital for surgery. Apparently the person who did the beating is an up and coming star within the organization who has a history of beating women which is one of the reasons he lost his last job.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM


    Pay me now

  2. And the police? When she filed her report what did they say?

  3. I'm with J here. Fucker needs to be arrested not protected. If this is UFC, shame on Dana White!

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The police said, "thank you for the donation to the police fund". And went on their merry way.

  5. Greg Hardy

    Hes new to UFC and being fed easy opponents to booster his rating. He is absolutely useless and Dana is literally picking randoms off the street as opponents for him.

    Greg was in NFL and has a history of domestic violence. Hes pretty much hated by UFC fans but Dana seems set in promoting him.

  6. Stop pouring money into this "up and comer"...he needs to tossed in the "doesn't deserve to be" career pile. If she needs surgery, chances are she could have just as easily gone to the morgue. How does this guy deserve to be catered to?

  7. Yeah Greg Hardy which is why he's out of the Dallas Cowboys and NFL. UFC is really trying hard to push this POS.

  8. Gen-z99 said...
    UFC is full IG gangsters like that McGregor mick.They dumb,violent and do drugs.

    Agreed! I used to really like MMA, going back to when it was ultimate fighting back in the early 90s' Too many knuckledraggers, thugs and professional shit talkers ruined it for me. Now I just wish it would get regulated out of business.

  9. Start quote "And the police? When she filed her report what did they say?" end quote @J
    You think only the FBI and CIA do Blackmail and Murder?
    I miss being that naive. Back then my only worry was enough tity and a diaper change.

    1. Lol +1mil
      J is a simpleton. It's endearing tho, if you see it from a standpoint that he knows nothing else and the world has been very kind, if not sheltered, to him

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Why would they do this? It's going to do more harm than good in the long run.

  11. Yep, this is Greg Hardy. Eventually, they will not be able to feed him tomato cans. I hope Ngannou gets to the off on him.

    1. +1 on feeding him to Ngannou or even Derrick Lewis.

  12. What makes you think she didn't speak to the police, @J, you obnoxious prick.

  13. I do not watch any of this so I have nearly no knowledge of this "sport", but what little I've seen and learned about I fucking hate ALL of it. No offense to those who like/love it, you do you.

    SO many of these dudes are on steroids and they just rage. They also die VERY young before 50. That fact I'm very aware of. Most are addicted to painkillers as well so that doesn't help matters.

    The entire organization is a scary, nightmare POS. All controlled by the Illuminati, for starters, look at the symbolism its LOADED to the gills, I could give you tons of examples if you want to see (Oh yes, yeah, yeah, yeah to those who think the Illuminati is not real and/or if you don't believe me, laugh away, get off my back, you're blind/deaf/dumb because its very real). "They" do not care about the people working for them, the entertainment. There's always another meathead to take their place. As long as the $$$ is flowing in, that's all that matters

    Whoever this POS is, they need to go down and be put in prison. Enough is enough. The entire organization needs to be bleach-washed to get rid of the filth. Since that's not going to happen, at least taking down one is a good start.


  14. John Jones is not an "up and comer" but he does face charges:

  15. I don't think it's DC. Dominick Cruz once said the only time Daniel Cormier moves is when he's chasing a bag of potato chips. Woman beating is too much work for him.

    I'm starting to get into the AXS fights. Lots of big names have migrated over there and they really kick the living crap out of each other. Not this dancing around crap UFC has been showing lately.

  16. I agree BlissBoo; UFC is among the top things I wouldn't want my kids to do. UFCers literally are getting beaten into depression and stupidity.

  17. @Susan.

    You can achieve the same results without the (most of the) savage violence by having your kids live in Newtownards, County Down.

  18. Rosie, obsess over someone else please.

  19. Ask porn whore Jesse Jane about being choked out by a UFC star. She is a whore though, so it is just a cost of doing biddness, not domestic violence. If anything it would be a hazardous workplace issue.

  20. To be fair that Greg guy looks like an absolute prick.
