Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blind Item #9

The detailed description of the daily regime of the one named foreign born singer left out all of the illegal drugs she uses each day and the person who finances this incredibly expensive regimen - the celebrity CEO. She can't afford it on her own.


  1. Grimes and Musk and righhtttt Enty

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  4. With all this Epstein and paedo billionaires, actors and celebs shit flying around, Musk doesn't do himself any favours by riding a woman who looks like an eleven year old.

  5. Can't tell if Flashy is one of the troll accounts or not but Grimes is 31? Also she was pretty candid about her friends overdosing and not wanting to go the same road, so I have a hard time with this one. She seems odd but not like a junkie.

    Musk definitely fell hard on the coke train. I don't think he was prepared for Heard and her lifestyle and probably was caught off guard.

  6. Nice pimp move by Musk. If she cant afford her addiction, she will do anything you can think of.

  7. I met her once in 2011. She’s nuts. Seriously.

  8. Nope, not a troll,JD, at least I don't think so.
    I know this Grimes girl is in or near her thirties, but she certainly doesn't look it. Not her fault of course.

  9. Flashy Vic's input is imperative on this site!

  10. Thank goodness you're here through the craziness, Flashy! I miss the banter between you and Brayson, or you and Autocorrect!😁

    I still envision Grimes as the little mascot is Musk's kooky treehouse.

  11. does anyone know what happened to Brayson? I loved his comments!!!

  12. I'd like to come up with a pithy and/or sarcastic comment here, but it's just too sad. And too easy. Elon's lost credibility with his choice in women lately (the first two seemed decent and sane). Surely he's financing these crazy things. He just needs to give up and go home.

  13. Well,that explains the astro-gliding to other dimensions.

  14. Grimes - That chick has to be on drugs, from the bizarre stuff she was saying she does and has done. Girl is on a sick one.

  15. I can’t say I know much about Grimes, but I read an article wherein she was describing one of her albums - I think by this time she was no longer being called grimes. Her description was so far out and right brained I couldnt figure out what the flying hell she was talking about. She reminded me a little of bjork in this respect. A Bjorne storm I like- when asked if he knew her, a random Icelandic man said, why yes, of course. I knew her mother too, and bjork’s just as crazy as her mother. I’m paraphrasing, of course.

  16. I could see Grimes dropping acid and floating in a tank. Mind altering stuff.

  17. She had a layer of her eye ball removed and replaced with an "orange" layer that she and her friends "designed in the lab" (WTF?) to help with her seasonal depression. It's not as if she is a scientist of a doctor. It's shocking that someone would perform that surgery for her.

  18. SlimKeith-- That is nuts, but she's got Elon encouraging and bankrolling the crazy! Probably the same docs in Africa that changed Tiny's eye color

  19. I like Flashy Vic.

    Brayson is probably just tied up with life, sometimes I actually focus on important things and don't read celeb gossip for a couple days, insane I know but it happens.
