Monday, July 15, 2019

Blind Item #9

The reporter for the foreign tabloid did actually get the question out of her mouth. She was ignored, but did manage to get it out. "You said you have two kids. Wasn't there a third?" To the foreign born A/A- list dual threat actor and his wife.


  1. Definitely cumberbatch.

  2. Seems logical. The question doesn't though.

  3. What's the story here? Did she miscarry? Did they lose it at the store? Sell it to Angie?

  4. Lol Jimbonius.

    This is a bizarre question.

  5. @Jimbonius

    Bey and Jay's baby farm was back-ordered.

  6. Maybe she wasn't actually pregnant at the Emmy's. Maybe it was a food baby.

  7. Remember when Cumberbatch had a blind item everyday?

  8. Come on CDAN!
    No one is asking the most obvious
    Was the babee sacrificed in a satan1c ritual?

    1. Oh, I see jimbonious has beat me to it. Well done, super slueth

    2. They're probably having a hard time now that All major pipelines of child trafficking have been closed off.

  9. No scandal. Just a reporter trying to get the story. They confirmed the pregnancy, it's natural that people what to know where the child is.

  10. No "Zebra Seasoning" it isn't "natural that people what (sic) to know". It's really NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS. Just because there is a pregnancy it doesn't automatically follow that there was a birth. What if there was a miscarriage? Do you think is your "right" to know about someone's miscarriage because you enjoy gossip? How crass and cruel! If the couple wanted to talk about such a painful situation at some time in the future, that should be done on THEIR timetable NOT crudely shouted at them out of the mouth of some gossip rag correspondent at a sporting event. Even if they are proud parents for the third time, any public announcement should be done at THEIR discretion, not just because you want to be titillated by celebrity gossip!

  11. Heffalumps&Woozles-- that was hilarious!😂

  12. Is this the best lie that Aeltrileaf could come up with? What reporter allegedly asked this question? When and where did this interview take place? Wimbledon? No, there are no reporters in the royal box and none are allowed upstairs in the reception area either. This blind, like most of the others about the Cumberbatches is BS.

    Sophie was out in public yesterday with Benedict and this causes Adriana to act out on her blog, on twitter, and in any way she can, like submitting blinds, even if they don’t make any sense. CDAN is happy to post them for the clicks, and to get a few more subscribers for the podcast. The third boy was born earlier this year, any day now Patty will get a copy of the birth certificate when it becomes public record, like she did with the first child, and then she will create another fraud conspiracy theory that would take more than 30 people to carry out because she does not understand one single thing about how the UK works.

    It has been five years since they went public with their relationship. Get over it already. They are a perfectly normal and boring married couple. Time to stop harassing their colleagues on twitter, stealing photos from their friends on twitter and Facebook, and concocting lies and fake sources for your always wrong predictions. Get off the internet and focus on your own very unhappy lives septics, because while there are many, many people associated with BC laughing at you, they are also very, very, very tired of you and your lies.

  13. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Did he get someone else pregnant, or paternity was questioned so they got rid of it? Or the reporter is behind the times and asked a dumb question because s/he doesn’t know they already had baby #3 and are blissfully hapoy?

  14. I heard the baby was born around Oscar's time, there was a blind that he went out and partied instead of being at a "life event" or something, which is probably BS.

  15. LOL @Jimbonious and Rosie Riveter!
    where'd that baby go? lol

  16. The dingo ate their baby.

  17. I guess I feel bad for them because I just think she must have miscarried or something. If that's the case, I feel terrible for them.

  18. Ooooohhhhh..we've got some Cumberbitch trolling up in here today. Awesome!

    If you are a "public figure" such as these blind items both are, and you "publicly" and willingly declare you are preggars. You WILL be asked questions if this baby magically disappears. Bet on it, that's the direction normal people with functioning brains are gonna go. If you have something to hide or don't want to talk about it. Keep yer piehole shut, in the first place. The rules of engagement don't change just because you think you're special. Deal with it.

    Troll on.

  19. Dammit, I missed the dingo comment. + 1,000 for that one. Great throwback, I almost thought you were my husband.

  20. Mrs. Libnish, I think I love you.

  21. Jesus, that's cruel. If someone announces they're pregnant and they are happy about it, and then they don't actually have a baby -- something went very wrong with the pregnancy and they are probably quite sad about it. Who would fix their mouth to ask something like that?

  22. God is Aletri still devoting every waking second to some random actor who doesn't know her from Adam and would despise her if he did?

    Obviously either Sophie had a miscarriage, or they've managed to prevent the baby from being papped. If it's the former, it's beyond vile to exploit something as horrific as miscarriage to pursue a hate campaign against a woman who has done literally nothing except marry an obsessed stalker's lust object. If the latter, good for them.

    Remember David Tennant and his wife had another child and managed to keep the pregnancy and existence of that child a secret till she was nearly a year old. Some fans knew Georgia was pregnant again because they saw her at David's play, but it never got into the press or even reported widely online. And no one knew the baby had been born or that it was a girl until David did a Radio Times interview to promote some project and casually said "oh and my daughter is nearly a year old." And everyone was like "WHAT DAUGHTER"??? So it clearly is possible. Ben and Sophie are obviously very private and no one apart from the Loons give a damn about his private life.



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