Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #9

It might surprise you that the most likely person to be suicided in the pedophile case is the foreign born child molester/pedophile who has been in and out of administrations on both sides of the aisle for decades. He is in the pocket of several foreign governments and will throw whatever it takes against any wall to make sure he is not locked up in some jail forever. He can name names from five different administrations and their sycophants. 


  1. Rupert Murdoch or his son?

  2. Definitely Kissinger
    I see Tricia didn't guess. Perhaps this is out of her teen mom and RHOwhereever wheelhouse

    1. I didn’t read the blind.
      Also have never seen an episode of Teen Mom., but by all means -you are welcome to contribute a dazzling guess-oh right,you never have. The Main Blind isn’t about Teen Moms either-Why don’t ya slither over there and help us out🤔

    2. You never read the blind. Why start now

  3. i would agree its kissinger.

  4. Can we stop with the nasty comments about other commentators? Some of you have been really busy bringing this place down, grow up or find another website to comment on.

    1. + 1 Diana

      Different Unknown that person above.

    2. And they are always Anonymous with no pic. It's getting ridiculous. There's no need. If you don't agree, that's cool, don't agree and keep it moving but the ugly, name calling, rage comments are fucking stupid already. Get over it and keep it moving. It's not hard. It actually takes less energy to be nice or at least to keep moving. Such miserable miserable people showing up in the last couple weeks. They bitch about how much they don't like Enty, and how he just wants clicks, yet.... Here they are, giving up a click. If that's true, that he just wants clicks, well, Ummm, they just gave him one, thanks for playing, lol!!!
      I can't stand most of the crap on TV these days. Know what I don't do? Get cable and pay to watch shit I hate, not with my money OR my time. And I certainly don't waste my time going to show websites and tell them how much I hate them, lol!

  5. Kissinger doesn't have any charges against him. Nader is trying for a deal . And no one will shed a tear if he dies. Kissinger would just lawyer up for the rest of his life. He is like a Hundred years old. Nader would be killed by an Arab leader,Saudi,perhaps.

  6. Completely agree Diana!!

  7. I was getting Ralph and George Nader mixed up in my mind, and was like WTF

  8. Kissinger is about 92, forever doesn't apply for him. Maybe a year or 2 applies to him

  9. @Guesser- agree, it is George Nader. He's already to prison once for his vile proclivities, and he doesn't want to go back.

  10. +1000000 @Diana. Multiple user names should not be allowed on here for cowards to hide behind another posters name.

  11. So Nader's somehow going to bring down Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, then? Would that Brazilian model who was suicided after her social media protestations that she'd be found dead mean that Nader had ties there, too?

    If so, which are the other two administrations? UAE and Italy (with Berlusconi's infamous parties involving young women)?

  12. Kissinger is as old as dirt - and smells worse. He has a few years left to live...not "forever". He may be a horrible pedo but who cares...he's gonna die soon and can legitimately claim dementia.

    I think this is Nader - and good riddance.

  13. @lucky
    You may want to blame trump but the "other administrations" are US presidents...
    Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama....that's 5.

  14. "Suicided" must mean murdered to death.

  15. @Shaddup Mimsey, there are a LOT of Unknowns here because that's the default name of the profile. It's not stealing another persons name.

    I agree with Diana but I've seen a lot of nasty attacks on people by long-time posters with screen names.

  16. Gotta be George Nader. Read his wikipedia page.

  17. Damn. I'd never heard of George Nader, but that MF is garbage! He keeps getting off way too lightly.

  18. Is the Mueller Investigation the reason this is all unraveling? This is very interesting:

    On June 3, 2019, Nader was arrested by federal agents for possession of child pornography as well as bestiality and, for a second time, transportation of child pornography. These charges stemmed from his January 2018 questioning by FBI agents working on behalf of special counsel Robert Mueller, at which time child pornography was incidentally found on one of his three cell phones as agents inspected it pursuant to a warrant. He was ordered to be held in jail pending trial in Virginia.

  19. Nader. They all guilty as sin and sick in the head

  20. I'm guessing the new Unkown is DontQuit/Kristin. LOL.

  21. @DontQuit, "suicided" means a murder made to look like suicide. A common theme here.

  22. I like Bill Richardson for this. The North Koreans like him too.

  23. Nevermind. He was born in Pasadena.

  24. George was charged as a pedophile over 2 years ago and Robert Meuller suppressed that charge at start of investigation and used George as a witness against Trump. no good dirt from George so charges were put back on and off to jail he will go. and yes, he will in up face down in the dirt.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @diana this is a shill technique called consensus breaking. Someone is spending a lot of money to send shills in here. The same thing happened anywhere that pizzagate started getting traction, any place saying there was a Lolita express, and any place saying that the administration was wiretapping the trump campaign.

    Turns out the last two are 100% proven now. They are desperate to keep anyone from realizing they are related to the first one.

  27. +1 for Nader. He and all his cronies will talk as they're NOT going to jail. Ever. Broidy, Sater, all of them will talk just as they've done over the decades to keep outta jail.

  28. It’s Nader ++++

  29. let's track deaths and suicdies and accidents over the next year

  30. @ gauloise- I was on your boat also. I was the girl behind you yelling, “ Wait- what?? Nader. N A D E R??” . To be clear, I’m not making light of this- I was just horribly confused for a moment.

  31. Don’t engage with Derek Harvey. Just don’t.

  32. MeliticusBee said
    You may want to blame trump but the "other administrations" are US presidents...
    Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama....that's 5.

    Henry Kissinger officially worked under Richard Nixon & Gerald Ford. But he and Daddy Bush go back to a very young Deep State. Like since the Office of Strategic Services days before the CIA was officially named.

    Henry and George Sr. have their hand in Air America, from Vietnam "China White" to Iran/Contra drug/gun running. Billions in profits from eighties "crack epidemic" alone.

    With or without Henry's blessing Slick Willy and the Podesta brothers made human trafficking more profitable than illegal drugs and guns combined.
    Human trafficking includes involuntary organ donors on a global stage.

    That and using underaged children to Blackmail and Extort movers and shakers in high def with GPS meta data.

  33. Everyone, if you just ignore the troll and act like he doesn't exist he might go troll on some other website. Still hope Tricia invested in a security system.

  34. I guess he isn't really a he though is he? Sorry Kristin, can't keep your psycho names straight.

  35. Nader for reals.

    +8 billion @Diana and @Em22 (love your pic, @Wendy and @Tricia13's too).

  36. It's not Henry Kissinger. He's 96 years old and could die any minute now. It's that George Nader dude. I hope all of these sick and twisted players get sent up the river for a long, long time.
