Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Item #8

With that death, there is one less person alive to testify against the permanent A list director, should that ever be necessary. There are several actors/actresses from that franchise who would like to do so, but are scared for their careers. Overall, probably the creepiest working director out there and yes, he does beat out Woody Allen.


  1. Cameron Boyce - Grown Ups

  2. Kenny Ortega, director?

  3. Dir. Kenny Otega
    franchise: Decendants
    actor: Cameron Boyce

  4. Seems like young male actors are dying with more than normal frequency in the past few years or so.

  5. Is Ortega even A-list?

    And nice to know CDAN has not abandoned its time-honored trick of exploiting tragic deaths so that he can link it up to some grand pedophile conspiracy!

  6. Cameron Boyce - Michael Bay

  7. Uknown- I’d never heard of Kenny Ortega until this post but I just checked out his Wikipedia entry and based on his projects, he's definitely A list. I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t know who he is.

  8. Between Michael Jackson videos, Lion King on Broadway, and High School Musical among others, I do think Ortega would be considered A list. And there was all that creepiness between him and Dove Cameron from Descendants.

    RIP Cameron

  9. He directed MJ videos?


    Miss Teak - I had never heard of him either. Or the actor or series. I don't watch Disney channel.

  10. Can't be Ortega, maybe a guy most people have never heard of is A list if he make good movies, but without that big fame he can't be "Permanent A list"

  11. There were some stories about Ortega and Dove Cameron,and this might be about that as well.

  12. OMG high school musical?? Lord knows what they all went through.

  13. Wiki: "Ortega directed Billy Squier's "Rock Me Tonite" video, which is often cited as the worst music promo clip ever made and has been blamed by Squier for killing his career."

    lolololol but I did love Billy Squier back in the day. And how can they possibly call that the worst video of all time when there is the Bowie/Jagger "Dancing In The Street" video?

    1. Can I just suggest the hilarious remake of that video... Dancing In The Street Without Music on YT... If you haven't seen it yet, it's absolutely hilarious! There's a whole series, lol, but that one and Elvis are my absolute favorites!

  14. Kenny Ortega
    Cameron Boyce
    Descendants franchise & other Disney shit

  15. He was the choreographer for Dirty Dancing, which alone puts him right up there. I thought he also did Footloose, but I guess that's someone else.

  16. Who could possibly think the Bowie & Jagger 'Dancing In The Street' video is worse than that monstrosity Ortega produced for Squier?

  17. Anyone who's ever seen both videos. The Bowie/Jagger clip has become a legendary gay joke, so in that respect, it might have a smidge more respect.

  18. OMG i loved billy squier back in the day...but I just watched the video and I am embarrassed for him.
    Sad because the song itself wasn’t bad.

  19. OMG- have you seen the silent video of Bowie and Jagger’s Dancing in the streets? Hilarious!

  20. Squier was always the weirdest dancer with the oddest shape and in that killer video they decided to showcase both. With a pink and white satin bed to flail around on. Someone hated him.

  21. On a serious note, condolences to this poor kid’s family, and I was struck by Ortega calling him his “ Forever Best Boy”. Is this a reference to something Disney related or is it as creepy as it sounds? Disney has not been on in a continuous loop in my house since the days of Hannah Montana, so I’m out of the loop, if you will!

  22. @Heather: I haven’t heard the ‘forever best boy’ comment, so not sure what that means. The family did say that his death was caused by a seizure due to a long-term health condition. I do hope that’s true (not that it makes losing a son less painful by any means) but hope that it’s nothing nefarious.

    BTW: I love ‘Dancing In the Streets’. It’s hysterical with or without sound!

  23. Cameron was a special actor. He was so good and had so much more left to give. We'll miss you, Cameron.

  24. HeatherBee--when you say the silent Dancing in the Streets video, are you talking about the youtube clips that the guy does where he enhances the sound effects, like footsteps, hands dragging on poles, etc? I know he did one for this video, as well as many others. They are a riot!

  25. The Squier video is worse because it isn't supposed to be funny.

  26. OMG- RIP, Cameron Boyce! I remember him from his earlier munchkin days on Jessie. Only 20, that is terribly sad!

    Kenny Ortega was also one of the judges for ages on So You Think You Can Dance? His resume is definitely A worthy. Awful that the behavior is not.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. He directed the Michael Jackson This Is It documentary. I forgot he directed Newsboys too. There was a blind about that before about how there were plenty of females provided for the male cast and how the person reflecting on it had never seen anything like that on a movie set.

  29. Probably drugged and raped,just like the other male actors before himduring one of his casting couch sessions,it clearly didn't end well.I bet his parents were handsomely paid for then silence.

    RIP cameron

  30. I was shocked to see the news about Cameron this morning :( He was SO young!!

  31. So Dove Cameron is seemingly in love with herself...her IG is vomit-inducing. Gen Z-ers...🙄

  32. First and foremost - RIP Cameron, condolences to his family & friends...
    Second.. I had THE BIGGEST crush on Billy Squier back in high school. I was a Def Leppard / Poison / Van Halen / Bon Jovi (before he got all adult contemporary) 'rocker girl'... I was so excited when I scored tickets to Billy Squier's concert... soooo excited.... then so mortified and let down when he came on stage in a purple unitard, no shirt - the unitard had those long straps (like wrestlers)... and if that was not enough, he did a somersault on stage... like, WTF? Maybe David Lee Roth could've pulled it off, but Billy couldn't and didn't... CRUSHED , I tell you!!!

  33. Disgusting bullshit. The guy's body isn't even cold yet and his mourning family has been up front about the medical condition that ACTUALLY caused his death, but here goes this scumbag swooping in to spin it as a human trafficking prostitot conspiracy theory for his fanbase. No morals, no empathy.

    1. Dude he was drugged and raped since he was a pre-teen.Entry is doing his job by exposing his killers.Though I also believe Disney as a whole was responsible not just Ortega.You don't enter Disney by being a good actor but by being a good fucker.His too young to kill himself so suicide is out.This strikes me as a Heather O'Rourke kind of death.

    2. @We Stone Them Ummmmm.... Literally No Where does it say anything about how the death happened, or trafficking or anything damn else, so fall back! Bc you sound like the very thing you are accusing others of being. Instead of insulting people you never met, maybe try reading something slower next time and not let your fragile emotions take over and literally blind you. Or step away from the internet for a while, take a break.

    3. You're right. This is a callous thing to publish and a callous thing for strangers to make a fun guessing game of. But that's always been the MO of this site.

  34. His death hit my son kind of hard he was a big fan. He loves cameron and Skai. Unfortunately after reading this site Disney and Nick are banned.

  35. I went to Ratt/Billy Squire in 1986. I was in high school and pretty clueless. I fell in love with Billy and so logically threw my bracelets at him.

  36. Report (elsewhere) only said the man died in his sleep. Aged 20. That is tragic.

    1. Nope he was drugged and raped during one of his casting couch sessions.His parents have been paid ely for their silence.This is a casting couch gone wrong.

  37. Anonymous7:08 AM

    TMZ is saying Boyce had a history of if Disney would carry a contract with a supporting actor who was that much of an insurance risk. I had never heard of the kid until he died. Tragic. Hopefully there will be some justice soon.
    Someone posted on Twitter that if you search YouTube for Epstein, every mention is of "human trafficking" NOT "child trafficking". The spin has begun already. Sure the girls were "young" but not that young. With Bill Clinton involved watch for this all to be chalked up to mischief. Of course they are already trying to spin one photo of Trump with the guy into a full blown Pedo ring.
    Pride Month this year also helped to contribute to the desensitization of child sex...we gays are always at the forefront, when it comes to doing the bidding of elitist heterosexuals anyway.
    What I guess I'm getting around to saying is if we are expecting some kind of justice for kids and some kind of reform after the Epstein thing, and if we are expecting "big names" to go down for this...we maybe better brace ourselves yet again for disappointment.
    I hope I'm wrong.

  38. I remember when that Billy Squire video came out. I was like in the 6th grade. My brother and cousin were both ripping on the video for making Squier look gay. I couldn't figure out what they meant. It's aaaaalllll so clear now, lmao!!!!

  39. One thought,if this director is the biggest creep of them all,Spielerg can't be the other answer can he?

  40. Enty, what’s the cause of death. I don’t buy the seizures.



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