Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who pretty much ruined his career by taking a role in a book based franchise is married. He has been filming out of the country and sampling the local delights every chance he can.


  1. Dornan should do stage or something for a decade until his appearance changes, or until everyone has forgotten Christian Grey.

  2. Great guess with Dornan, Tricia! I forget that 50 Shades actually killed trees before getting to the screen.

    It doesn't make for good gossip, but Id love to hear of one or two well-knowns who aren't samplers!

  3. Dornan is from round these parts . Who can blame him for dipping his wick into exotic oils.

  4. 50 Shades was HORRIBLE. I don't know how anyone could have read even part of one book and then thought this movie would be a good idea. Poor guy. I did like him in a Netflix show I watched with Gillian Anderson. If he sticks to stuff like that, he should be fine. He has a HUGE gay following.

    1. The Fall was a great series.

    2. Agreed. I liked the show with Gillian Anderson. I didn't realize he was the same actor.

  5. I've never read or viewed 50 Shades and keep reading how horribly written and incoherent it was.

    I can't figure out why it keeps making so much money then? Just the subject matter?

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Everybody knew that the 50 Shades parts were going to be the kiss of death to any career. He had ample warning. What an idiotic franchise. What a silly role to play.

  7. Jamie Dornan is A-?

  8. Never go full white dude, Idris.

  9. does he still have scary stalker fans on that not letting go blind?? just wondering

    1. Yes... He has those who are super fans of his marriage. Those who still believe he and Dakota are in love and then he has normal fans.

  10. Did he have much of a career before 50 Shades though. I thought 50 Shades gave him a higher profile. I remember him back in Once Upon A Time and then he was in a few tv shows I never bothered to watch

  11. Oh Dornan has amazing presence. I am sure he can re-vamp things and turn it around in time.

  12. Finally the Jamie Dornan I know and want is back filming and having fun..

    This would explain why the wife and 2 kids are there ( yes I know he has 3 kids, but I have only pictures of the first 2)

  13. So is his wife just there as a cover to show those mega marriage fans that they are 'happy', also Fifty Shades hasn't ruining his career, he just hadn't gone for the big movies deciding (like Dakota Johnson has) to pick interesting roles that shows off his talent, I've loved everything has so done since FS.

  14. Dakota Johnson did Suspiria (and was very good in it). It's not really a big brainless Transformers-type movie. She'll do okay.

  15. Jamie’s gotten numerous offers and projects he’d prob never have gotten if it weren’t for FS. Career-ruining is a stretch.

  16. Dakota would be a lot prettier or more striking if she changed her hair imo. May sound shallow, but she earns on her looks. That color is drab for her, and that hair cut is one bored stylists talk people into. It's got way too much bulk, and then the ends wisp out into nothing. It also emphasizes her 'strong' features.

    I dunno what the new look would be, but this one isn't doing her many favors. JMO

  17. He is A-list? Haha funny
    That movie didn't ruin anything. He's a bad actor, that's all ... every movie he has made after 50 shades has been a flop. he should be grateful that for 50 shades they still give him work and he is known. Dakota is a good actress, her latest films have made is great and she has not had to undress like him.

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  21. He should be grateful no always be complaint about the role for who is known

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  23. Jamie Dornan not the first or last blind about his cheating. Look for his pictures in Cancun quite a few. I bet for the right price those little girls would sing like canaries or brag they got him. Married and children have never stopped him. What would having one more child accomplish, Nothing!!!

  24. Dakota has nothing to do with this blind. I do not understand those that bring her name up when there is a blind about Jamie.
    Let's not get distracted from the truth, Jamie has a reputation of being a cheater. He has serious issues it seems.

  25. Unknown - because conversations evolve?

  26. Jamie Dornan filming "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar" in Cancun.

  27. He's there with his wife and 3 children. His wife shows up on set as much as possible (there are pictures). According to locals, him and his wife are out on romantic dates in Cancun. Where can he find the time or the chance to cheat?. Enty are you making up things again or his is crazy fans sending in stuff because they hate his wife? While I am not a fan on hers and think she has always been desperate to be in the spotlight and date men only in the spotlight, its obvious they are still together, and she basically goes with him whenever he is filming. Hardly doubt he has time to take a pi$$ without her there.

    1. Maybe the cheating happened, before her and the kids arrived.

  28. This is actually the first time since filming the franchise that his wife has been with him on location. He basically spent the last four months of last year away filming in the US. Not to mention his month long stint filming in NI in July last year. Where was she? Not with him.

  29. According to people in Cancun his wife and kids flew in with him and have been there since day 1. I'm starting to think these Dornan "cheating" blinds are BS. Since FS started there have been numerous blinds on here about how much he cheats. No one has come forward at all about this? A little strange. And his wife has absolutely no clue???? I mean there was a blind he was cheating on her at TIFF when she was there. Unless he's banging a waitress or fan in a bathroom at a restaurant when his wife is sitting at a table, where the hell is he going to do it? I mean its possible, but me thinks this is all made up. No one is coming forward, but someone is calling Enty to tell him this. It's probably one of his obsessed fans who is pissed he's not with Dakota. I don't think Jamie is a perfect husband they way he says he is, but as for all this cheating, I'm a bit skeptical.
