Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Blind Item #8

The network reality a-hole host wouldn't speak out against any kind of domestic violence or anything that would hint that he is anything but spineless because he doesn't want to lose his job because he knows he would never get another like it.


  1. Harrison isn’t going to diss Fleiss. The Bachelor franchise made his life. He’s kept that job by keeping his mouth shut about everything.

  2. Of course Harrison. He is otherwise talentless and useless and needs to cash in where he can. Nothing special about him perse.

  3. Everyone is probably chins down, stick to the job, pray we dont get cancelled bc of him. Unless he's seen something firsthand, his is just two more cents in the bucket. Hopefully, the security camera pics and the wife's story are all that are needed.

  4. Fleiss was caught on videotape hitting his pregnant wife.

  5. Andy Cohen?

    How did he get the job to begin with - I've always wondered.

  6. Harrison had a sportscasting background before the Bachelor

  7. I remember when Harrison was on a horse racing channel.
