Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Blind Item #8

Speaking of #MeToo, this disgraced actor took another step on the victim shame train with the recent court order he managed to obtain. More pressure on the victim to drop everything.


  1. Can't the prosecutors do more to protect the victim's rights? What if one of the victim's rights charities starts sending some attention at this judge?

    1. Laws are set up to protect the accused, not the victims

  2. What rights should the victim have if he is trying to bring a case against Spacey where some of the evidence might be on his cellphone and he refuses to turn it over?

  3. Ugh. This is shameful

  4. @vita, sadly victims really have no rights since sexual assault is really hard to prove days, months, years after the fact.

    Getting a qualified therapist might be the better way to go and obtaining medical pot card too to help w ptsd symptoms after the fact.

  5. ** I’m not a doctor, just a bimbo who likes to read fiction by the pool.

  6. no they're not, and you're jumping ahead of the process identifying the accuser as the victim. The accused gets to confront his or her accuser in court and gets to investigate the credibility of the accusations against him or her. You might see it differently if you were accused.

  7. That being said, Spacey is so creepy. All the fanfare about his acting in all those movies as a creep ... looks to me like he was just "being himself."

  8. Amartel-- good point, being falsely accused is a horrendous thought, I just hate when the intimidation tactics and loopholes (not necessarily in this case) alter the truth that gets to be presented.

    Chillax-- I'll go with your common sense solutions and head to the water.

  9. Spacey is a creep, but the texts from that dude he was groping shows the only victim in the room was Spacey. Guy was totally taken advantage of and mocked for his sexuality.

  10. Give me a break, like some bumblefuck local "Cape & Islands" DA's office is really going to be able to stand up to a public figure with a high powered attorney, let alone protect the victim? The best plea deal the local yokels are going to get out of Spacey is a handwritten apology from the DA while leaving Spacey and the victim alone in a hotel room with a vaseline jar so Spacey can finish what he started.

    No one is safe, no one is protected, the next boy KS bumps into could be your son or nephew and you can do nothing.

    1. Brayson, i would hope my kid or nephew would tell the dude to GTF away from him. The "victim" in this case seemingly did not, no mention of it in the texts, and instead let it go on to have a story to tell.

  11. @Amartel, I immediately had the same thought about Spacey's acting when everything came out. He was so great at playing villains, but I figured he was like every other villain actor where IRL they're actually good or at least decent people. Now he definitely seems like he was just playing himself. Most people point towards House of Cards, but I think you could really tell during certain scenes of LA Confidential. Now everything he's ever been in is ruined. It's f*cking garbage, a predator dancing across the screen as himself in front of a foolish audience too stupid to accept the truth.

  12. If he runs into my son or nephews, he will quickly find out that there is not just a penis in that pocket. Yet somehow I think he could use a good pistol whipping. Oh; and those CCWs are for all 50 states.

  13. Yes, I have a hard time watching many actors and entertainers I used to love due to MeToo relevations. Not only Spacey but Dustin Hoffman, Morgan Freeman, Louis CK, etc. And of course, the lingering agony of whether or not to watch Allen and Polanski's movies, even when they're not on screen.

  14. @Brayson, “Midnight In The Garden Of Good and Evil” is the first movie I thought of when this all came out. I actually rewatched it a few weeks ago to refresh my memory and yep...creepy as hell.

  15. kevin spacey has the clintons and the royal family helping him

  16. @Count, Well sure some folks will start punching and kicking the first moment they're groped and accept the court mandated "sensitivity training" later. But other folks just freeze up because it's so far beyond their imagination that anything so gross could happen. Some people just don't have that instinct for immediate violence or assertiveness. Which is sad because they're probably more peaceful human beings than the rest of us and they suffer for it.

  17. Speaking for nobody other than myself, I don’t think you can predict how you’ll behave in that situation. I utterly froze, which I never thought I’d do in a million years.

  18. That dude didnt freeze up, he texted a broad about it, making jokes. He was no stunned victim.

  19. Was only speaking for myself.

  20. The ‘victim’ in this case initially approached Spacey & gave him his phone # b4 the ‘incident’ occurred. He also accepted 10-12 drinks from him. Did he think Spacey wanted to be his pal? He’s either a) naive or b) in the closet. Funny that his mommy is the only one who has spoken.
