Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Item #7

Even though this A list mostly movie director with the new movie coming out has someone full time in his life now, he still keeps several exes on the payroll. Their job is to trash anyone who talks about the sex life or weird fetishes of the director. They also have slept with multiple tabloid reporters to make sure they get stories published.


  1. Quentin McFootlover

    1. With or without 🧀 cheese 👀👀👀🤗

  2. He is so icky but I really want to see the new movie.

  3. I wonder what stage in development this happens? How? Reading these blinds has made me appreciate the comparably vanilla life I lead.

  4. Reporters can’t ensure you get a story published. Editors can.

    1. If the reporters never write and/or submit a story to begin with, then it won't get published

  5. he likes big toes up his arse?? Freak

  6. Tarantino is perm A list for Pulp Fiction alone.

  7. Notagoodscreenname you are absolutely correct about that.

  8. Quentin T filthy nasty no good dirty dog

  9. My god hollywood is a depraved disgusting bunch and all for money and power.

  10. Tarantino puts his fetish in his films. It's too well known. But I think now someone might look further. If the reporter never does the story,the editor doesn't have to stop it.

  11. The more I read CDAN I wonder about the people that are drawn to Hollywood. Are they predisposed to having strange bents and thus end up there or do they develop these things after arriving there because of boredom, or whatnot?

  12. is his only ‘weird fetish’ feet? thats pretty tame. the bar is so low, at least he hasnt raped anybody, sigh

  13. 15 days until we see once upon a time in hollywood

  14. @notthisagain...I totally agree. I don't really get the foot fondness, but if that's his thing, is he really hurting anyone? Unless he's kidnapping underage victims and holding them hostage so he can fondle their feet, I say more power to him. There are way, way bigger freaks in Hollywood than this guy.

  15. I have to concur. Personally I find feet gross, but it's a harmless fetish. In an industry filled with paedophiles and rapists, a foot fetish is hardly disturbing.

  16. I don't understand why anyone cares he has a foot fetish. It is s vanilla and considering the real creeps out there, should almost be applauded for its harmlessness.

  17. @notthisagain & Nita.

    Yeah it's not much as these things go to us but remember that in Enty world transphobia seems to be a bigger taboo than drugging and raping girls.

  18. I don’t see anything wrong with having a foot fetish.

  19. I read that the part of the brain responsible for the feet is right next to the sex part of the brain. Obviously that’s an over simplified explanation. But he might just have a few wires crossed between those two zones.

  20. I like his movies but I would never want to be alone with him. So creepy. And his buddy Eli Roth. Gross.

  21. Squirl: had this conversation many times with people I know in media/entertainment. Executive Summary - they’re predisposed, but working in media/entertainment puts them among like-minded sickos and amplifies their predilections.

  22. Tarantino is creepy on a totally different level. Like if I saw him on the street I’d cross to the other side. I saw some of Pulp Fiction and thought it was terrible and nasty. Which seems appropriate. Someone that looks like that isn’t going to be a non creeper/freak. But if he’s only into feet, like others have said, that’s pretty mild and harmless so 🤷🏼‍♀️. As long as nobody’s harmed, or unwilling, I don’t really care.

  23. Don't forget "Shrimper". Just like Elton John!
