Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #7

This alliterate A-/B+ list actor who has been around forever and stars in a very popular streaming show with a new season airing now has always found his mistresses through his friendship with the procurer/child rapist.


  1. Matthew Modine/Ghislaine?

  2. Good guess. My first thought was someone from Stranger Things. Either him, Paul Reiser, or David Harbour. Matthew Modine has always creeped me out a bit.

  3. It would help if I was more awake and saw "alliterate". Ooopsie.

  4. No, not Matthew Modine :( He seemed like a nice guy.

  5. Not Modine? He has a rep as a nice guy...

    He is running for SAG-AFTRA President.

  6. He hasn't been in the show since Season 1 and we're on Season 3 - how is this Modine?

  7. Max Minghella since he's from England even though doesn't say foreign born.

  8. Matthew Modine IS a nice guy. And having sex doesn't make someone a bad guy.

  9. ^^ but cheating on your wife does

  10. If the girls are underage teens it make you kind of sort of super bad.

    I thought since it was saying that G. Maxwell found the mistresses they were minors.

  11. matthew modine was the scariest guest star ever on Law Order SVU

    he has a scene where he just stays silent and seethes staring at stabler

    genuinely frightening

  12. I'm a little annoyed that you would insinuate that Matt Modine is involved in this in any way. I know him personally and he and Cari are very much together. I obviously don't know all his dark secrets but he's never struck me as the pervy type. If you'd ever actually met him you'd know how attractive he is, not merely physically, but as a person. He's incredibly charming and witty. He's intelligent as well and not particularly vain, a rarity among actors. He could get anyone into bed with ease and yet I've never seen him do it as he is loyal to his wife. It's not as if he's short on opportunities. He's one of the few in Hollywood who is surprisingly traditional. Please don't try and taint him with some kind of paedophilic scandal. It's just simply not true.
