Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Item #7 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited

This is from January 18, 2018

When we talk about the pedophile king, I think we all know who we are talking about. I will throw in some celebrity names to make the guessing more fun as this goes along, but wanted you to know how this insanely rich pedophile made all his money.

It probably will not shock you that he made his money illegally. He made it off the backs of regular hard working people. People who were swindled out of their money and were left with nothing. The pedophile was in the right place at the right time and took money that should have been given back to as many of those people as possible. Instead, he used almost half a billion dollars to finance his life as a pedophile.

There is one more component to his financial well being. One of the people who was swindled was a very rich person who owned a massively large corporation and was one of the richest men in the country. He lost a great deal of money in the swindle and our pedophile saw that he got every cent of his investment back. In return, the very rich man has always provided cover for the pedophile and vouched for him with other billionaires and investors which has allowed the pedophile to accumulate even more wealth. He has helped gloss over and erase from memory anything about the swindling just like it never happened.

Now, there is something else about that very rich man. He was the very first customer of the pedophile. He was in a horrible marriage and wanted someone young. Very young. The pedophile knew just the right person and the life of the rich man was changed forever. He started embracing life again and has kept that woman in his life ever since as a mistress. He ended up marrying again, but the love of his life is the mistress.

In return for bringing that young woman into his life, the very rich man gave our pedophile a very valuable piece of property as well as a list of names of other very well off men who also would enjoy the companionship of very young women. At this point the very young women became the almost legal teens that have been discussed in several Island posts.

A celebrity that I haven't mentioned in any of the Island posts is a permanent A list actor who called all the young teens by the name of his daughter which is pretty sick in itself.

A former director of a very very important government agency was blackmailed for years because two of the young women who were underage at the time he had sex with them ended up selling their information and photos to what they thought was a tabloid, but was a foreign government.

This Emmy winning director actually cast a 15 year old he had sex with for a role. That 15 year old is still working today and is close to or at A list.


  1. Ted Turner the swindled rich guy?
    Shia the 15 yr old actor?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That A-list actor could be anyone before this site starts tossing out the usual names.


  4. I think the rich businessman owner of a large corporation is Lex Wexner owner of L Brands (Limited, Victorias Secret)

    I saw a report yesterday that they would lure the girls in with promises of jobs in fashion or as models for Victoria's Secret

    1. Yes it is absolutely Leslie H Wexner. Epstein was considered Wexlers protoge, and in 1996 Wexler gave Epstein his incredible New York Mansion. A truly famous mansion in history, and loaded with all sorts of different secret hidden rooms. This was decoded out of a Q post, from about a year ago, so this is old news to some of us.

    2. So considering this, were looking at the year 1996 to see who the others are. Any one who was 15, from 96, to probably 05, as I imagine business slowed after Epstein wemt to jail the first time


      Gawker knew about wexner

    4. Check that, I was wrong about the year, it's 95, not 96

  5. Very true @unknown and we don't know how long ago he was 15 either.

  6. Did Epstein get the island from Ted Turner? How about Branson,even though doesn't say foreign born.

  7. Is the swindler Bernie Madoff?

    I dont really understand how many people are in the first paragraphs: Swindler, Businessman and Pedophile who helped Businessman after swindle?

    1. And there's this: "He made it off the backs of regular hard working people. People who were swindled out of their money and were left with nothing."

      This part of it, which Enty never revisits, makes me think of all those regular Enron workers who lost their entire 401(k)s.

    2. Same. I thought Ken Lay at first. Maybe Jeff Skilling is in this mess?

  8. ^^They being Epstein and Wexner together

  9. Guesser, sorry to bother you, but is there any news media this madness is written about? Where should I look besides here?

  10. Ulf - the arrest story is all over major news sites.

  11. Very rich man with the mistress who gave Epstein property: Harry Macklowe? NY Real Estate Mogul

  12. @Ulf,the coverage has been shockingly light,the best I've seen was New York local media. You might have to do searches online. But when the charges are filed Monday I think they have to report. Poor Enty has to keep up with this with a hangover and earthquake,lol.

  13. Oh my. A quick googler check shows many articles and names who he's had on these plane rides. Oh dear. There's some very nervous people today.

  14. Thanks Guesser. Interesting to say the least.

  15. Second, thirding and fourthing the folks who said the billionaire is Les Wexner. Ulf- The Daily Beast broke the story and the New York Times has it on their front page today. So you can check it there or on numerous other sites. Personally, I’m dying to know who the former director of a government agency is. Alan Greenspan? Am I starting rumors?!

  16. The Miami Herald has been doing a great job on this story. They haven't let up since Epstein received that ridiculous "sentence".

  17. "He was in a horrible marriage and wanted someone young. " Does sound like creepy Uncle Ted Turner and Hanoi Jane.

  18. So could the "former director of Gov Agency" be Robert Mueller ?

    Will he be asked bout Epstein and the deal he made with him when he's in front of congress on July 17th ?

    1. No we are looking for a former head, where at the time of this post, Mueller was current. I suspect Comey or Brennan. Especially considering Comey made sure his daughter was the prosecutor. If she gives us a bad performance, we can know beyond a reasonable doubt Comey is a bad guy. If she is good, then comeys version of events may be the correct one and you can know for yourself wether or not Trump is the bad guy or the good guy. It seems like everything is starting to boil down to Epstein, considering what ramifications this trial can have. (The imprisonment of the clintons, considering their funding of Epsteins Haiti operations through the Clinton foundation, or even the imprisonment of Trump, considering members of his family is in Epsteins little black book)

      My guess on comey and Brennan comes down to this: You'd be looking for a former head who is likely In the news, premptively getting their positive reputation out before the big reveal of their crimes. They would also be targeting the prosecutors, and those that protect them. Ie this big battle for Kavanaugh.

      It's proven by source(prosecutor, witness/victims) and public record that Trump was the only help to the original victims of Epstein, and helped to put him in jail the first time.

      To think that he wouldn't consider toppling a massive pedophile ring consisting of Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton, is quite ridiculous, and contrary to his perceived character.

      To be remembered as an Abraham Lincoln character is likely a fantasy of his, as well as putting the Clinton's in jail. We all know that to be true.

      So It should be of no surprise, that now that the original instigator for the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein is the commander and chief, that Epstein began to be prosecuted once more.

      Furthermore, once Epstein is brought down, the effect will result in the naming of names. Who raped these children? The heads of news agencies? Brin? Zuckerberg? Clinton's? Trump? You can bet that something big is happening, and the fact that it made it this far, means that THOSE WHO PRTOECTED EPSTEIN, NO LONGER HOLD THE POWER TO DO SO,


    2. I'm hoping this is what happens.

  19. The Miami Herald has details the New York Times is less likely to cover because Miami Herald has been up his ass like white on rice, I'm sure if you check their archives it is a treasure-trove of horrible.

  20. Labor Sec Acosta?

    1. Agree rumor is he was blackmailed for years

  21. I agree wexner is involved, somehow, but I dont think he is this rich guy. First of all, he didnt marry until he was in his 50s, his first and only marriage, where it references the rich guy being in an unhappy marriage and later marrying again. In saying all that, I was surprised that it was a woman who said Wexner raped her as I grew up near New Albany and had a gay uncle in the rich social circles and we all, everyone in Columbus, thought Qexner was gay and just married his wife to have kids. Also, just my 2 cents, new Albany was a hole in the wall, country town with only a flashing light and an IGA for a grocery store. He built it into a millionaire's haven. He owns the town and the police there. I have no doubt he could rape there and have the police look away.

    1. Yes! My ex grew up in New Albany back in the day of one stoplight... actually, several streets were named after his family. We moved back in '02 until '11 and he was disgusted with what Wexner had done to the town...

  22. The address book which allegedly belonged to Epstein or was taken by his assistant included politicians, actors, society people, titled names. A lot of women's names in the list which makes me wonder if it wasn't just an address book. He went to parties, donated to charities.

    But some of the names in the alleged pages included Christy Turlington, Griffin Dunne, Ralph Fiennes, Alec Baldwin, Mick Jagger, Caprice, and...Dr. Ruth Westheimer! It is an old book.

  23. I do not remember seeing any movie director's name in the alleged book.


  25. Barbara Carrera was another name that made me think this is just his old Rolodex.

  26. turner was batshit crazy about jane fonda. he would not ever have described that marriage as horrible.

  27. A list actor calling his daughter’s name could be Alec Baldwin. He’s in the book and had a contentious relationship with his and Kim’s daughter.

  28. Oh gawd 🤦🏼‍♀️🍕🤦🏼‍♀️

  29. It's not Baldwin. enty said in a blind about a month ago that Baldwin wasn't a child molester to his knowledge and this was written a year and a half ago.

    1. Jon Voight, Woody Allen, Kurt Russell, Morgan Freeman? He did used to have sex with his step granddaughter, didn't he?

    2. Robert DeNiro has a daughter. Ryan O'Neal.

    3. tom hanks does too.

  30. I guessed Trump for the rich man being swindled, mainly because of the amount of money he's lost over the years (totalling billions), which fits. Also, the blind mentions he gave Epstein property and a list of names. Trump was a known property developer, met Epstein in 1987 and by then, was hanging out with all kinds of celebrities, so he'd have a rolodex of people he could hand over for abuse.

    15 year old had me thinking Jake Gyllenhaal, somehow, but I'm not sure about that.

    1. No, Trump was actually the only famous person who helped the lawyers of a victim of Epstein's in 2009, according to the victim's lawyers.

  31. @hhstarr: I’ve met Wexner many, many times and agree with you—always thought he was gay & married his wife to have kids. He definitely owns New Albany (which I find to be a creepy, Stepford Wives, kind of place), but building it up is definitely a huge accomplishment on his part. The high level executives at L Brands MUST live in New Albany, which I find pretty creepy and almost cult-like (they have to agree to this when they sign-on.) Never would’ve thought Wexner was a pedo based on my interactions with him, but there are surprises every day.

  32. nancer - Turner allegedly found it annoying when Fonda converted to Christianity.

  33. These folks are tied up with Russian mob, so for the Gov. head look at those doing work with Russians like Louis Freeh (ex Dir FBI) and Woolsey (ex CIA). Mueller and Comey? Nonsense..

  34. I have read a first hand account of a private school kid in NYC calling an escort service and Melania walking through the hotel room door.

  35. I’m surprised that the name ‘Mike Jeffries’ hasn’t bubbled up with all this talk about Les Wexner. Limited gave loans to executives to buy houses in New Albany. Barbara Carrera and beeper numbers do suggest a REALLY old Rolodex. No shade against Ms Carrera though- she was my favorite villain from my favorite season of Dallas.

  36. Ms. Carrera was gorgeous, but haven't heard her name around in years.

  37. The post is obviously false.
    The CIA has admitted that Epstein is an asset
    Mossad has admitted they use videos of pols to control them
    CIA/Mossad runs a pedo ring to ensnare powerful pols et al.
    Epstein taped all the comings and goings on the island=
    Epstein is a mole working for the agency. He won't serve any serious time.
    Pedos like Prince Andrew, Clinton, and Podesta walk free

  38. Smeone yesterday said vanity fair had an article about epstein.
    Steven jude hoffenberger was his mentor/ advisor and a scam artist who created a 450 million dollar ponzi scheme

  39. And the nyc town house entryway was lined with eyeballs,
    sounds like he was foreshadowing that he was recording everyone and everything for blackmail or whatever purposes.

  40. jon voight for actor calling the girls his daughter's name? (angie jolie)

    anybody get a feeling for Ryan Murphy with that last one...?

  41. Leslie Wexner is a very intelligent guess, but there was someone before Wexner: convicted Ponzi schemer Steven Jude Hoffenberg:


    According to S.E.C. and other legal documents unearthed by Vanity Fair, Epstein may have good reason to keep his past cloaked in secrecy: his real mentor, it might seem, was not Leslie Wexner but Steven Jude Hoffenberg, 57, who, for a few months before the S.E.C. sued to freeze his assets in 1993, was trying to buy the New York Post. He is currently incarcerated in the Federal Medical Center in Devens, Massachusetts, serving a 20-year sentence for bilking investors out of more than $450 million in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in American history.

    When Epstein met Hoffenberg in London in the 1980s, the latter was the charismatic, audacious head of the Towers Financial Corporation, a collection agency that was supposed to buy debts that people owed to hospitals, banks, and phone companies. But Hoffenberg began using company funds to pay off earlier investors and service a lavish lifestyle that included a mansion on Long Island, homes on Manhattan’s Sutton Place and in Florida, and a fleet of cars and planes.

    Hoffenberg and Epstein had much in common. Both were smart and obsessed with making money. Both were from Brooklyn. According to Hoffenberg, the two men were introduced by Douglas Leese, a defense contractor. Epstein has said they were introduced by John Mitchell, the late attorney general.

  42. The only way to scare off the entitled, narcissistic, power-mongering, perverted, amoral, unethical, me-me-me, "fuck-the-naive-and-ignorant-chumps" politicians, super-wealthy greedheads, and ultimate welfare billionaires is to grab 5 of their ilk and put them in a REAL prison for an inordinate amount of time. Let's show them the same mercy we show the poor and middle-class kid who dares to steal a car with a gun in their pocket. You know. That kid who gets the judge who "makes an example" of another chump? All of this while America does its best to transfer the nation's wealth to these pedophiles, thieves, cheaters, misogynistic sociopaths who we encourage by not being angry enough to write the DA to tell him/her that they will be unemployed if they let these predators walk.

    Pedo-island my ass. If the CIA or MI-6 or Mossad wants to do the world a favor, they would have taken care of these odious beings a long, long time ago. Unfortunately, too many of our high-level "protectors" would accept an invitation to rape, beat and humiliate a 13-year-old, in a New York Minute. We allow these beasts to spread their sickness far and wide.

    I couldn't be happier thinking that Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Alan Dershowitz, George Stephanopoulos, Woody Allen and all the rest are having a super-unpleasant Sunday.

    "A sailor would storm the gates of hell itself for the taste of a mermaid's tail". Indeed.

  43. Just Hail Mary: could Trump be the Target of this re-opening of the case?

    1. No. Trump was the only famous person who helped the lawyers of one of Epstein's victims a decade ago, according to one of the victim's lawyers, who said he spoke freely with them without need for depositions, helped them a great deal, and had no discernable connection himself to any if this. Clinton is the president with liability issues.

  44. I read the article and it’s very interesting...somewhat enlightening about Epstein’s character as well

  45. Well according to another victim, Trump raped and assaulted a 13 year old. You don’t get to pick and choose which examples you cite (and for the record, I hope every single associated sick fuck is brought down, irrespective of political leanings).

    1. Exactly. And the recently well publicized 14 y.o. victim worked at Mar-a-lago. Who hires a 14 y.o., and what for???

  46. This shit has gone on way to long.
    Let’s hope this is the beginning of
    the end. Check this out from 2016.

  47. both the right and the left politically are full of monsters

  48. Interestingly the CDAN podcast Facebook group is deleting all references to Trump in the comments and kicking anyone who mentions a Trump/Epstein connection out of the group. is Enty connected to him in some way? Why would CDAN want to censor anyone who suspects him?

  49. @Cliff76, this site and enty himself have been pandering to the pro-Trump crowd for a while.

  50. @unknown thats a real shame. its one thing to have a bias or to disagree with people or defend Trump. But actively censoring any dissent? When people are paying for the service? No thank you. I wont support the podcast anymore.

  51. Steven Jude Hoffenberg

  52. Question is: Is Comeys Daughter going to protect Bill Clinton? And how about that Miami Herald reporting!?!

    1. Imagine if Coney was a secret white hat and... 😳

  53. Former leader of a Government Agency, has got to be Comey.

  54. Clinton's are linked directly to Epstein and we all know the Comey gave Hillary a free pass on that open bathroom server. So It def has to be Comey.

  55. Lucky13, if it's Jake then his father is the one who buggered him. He appeared in a Homicide Life On The Street episode that his father directed when he was 14.

    Jon Voight is an excellent guess as the man who calls the kids by his daughter's name.

  56. Sandybrook,
    I’m a long time lurker. I rarely post but,
    I have read your posts for years.
    Just curious- do you know if that
    link that I posted is well known?
    ( )
    I used to work as a Sexual assault nurse
    examiner and I am rarely shocked ....
    but, for this info to be out for so long and
    for not a damn person to have done
    anything about it.I really
    thought a lot of it was heresay. So damn

  57. "don't ask, don't tell" in #3 absolutely refers to the Clinton's gay military policy of the 90s. Those who think Trump are as others have mentioned have full on TDS.

    #2...Hannity is literally on FoxNews ONE HOUR a day. I like the Guy Feiri guess or Andy Cohen. I do think it is One of those cable networks that have 12 hour marathon type things. I don't watch CNN so I have no idea if Anderson Cooper is on all the time, but, I do not think this is him either.

  58. The Douglas Leese rabbit hole is fascinating nextstepz. A jolly old English chap of the Order of St. Hubertus, and von Hapsburgs! my, my this Jeffrey fellow has secrets. Tomorrow should be a hoot. :D

  59. Yeah....TDS is fucking real!

    There's a reason this shit has only started to come out after 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. I shall put my psychic hat on and say .....Epstein gets bail and is suicided.

  61. (What is TDS?!)

    I didn't pick up on that clue because I was thinking movie stars, fingers, that type of celeb. And DADT is part of widespread snark vocab. But that is why we gather and throw in our collective chips.

  62. Singers! Not fingers.

    That was an icky typo.

  63. TruRes your comment brought back to memory - according to Tatum - her dad Ryan hit on her. (She was an adult at the time.)

    Woody Allen, I can see trying to disarm kids by saying "call me grandpa," but I can't picture him literally self harming.

  64. John Brennan for the head of government agency. Either he o Comey come to,ind when pedophiles are involved

  65. What about Petraeus? Former CIA Director, history of poor judgment.

  66. So is Enty gonna call the FBI hotline on this? I don't see what excuse you have to not give up the info you supposedly have.

  67. At the time the blind was originally published, AG Bill Barr was a former AG and he has deep personal ties to Epstein via his (Barr's) father.

  68. If Trump has clean hands when it comes to Epstein, why did he hire the guy who brokered the Jeff's sweetheart deal to be labor secretary?
    An innocent man wouldn't want Acosta anywhere near his cabinet. But an implicated man would owe him a favor, like a high profile promotion.

  69. And how about that Mike Cernovich and his investigation and his movie HOAXED (2019)? No one ever mentions him, only the Miami Herald articles.

  70. Galouise, Lex Wexner fits the profile. He was the previous owner of Epstein's NY mansion located at 9 East 71st Street.

  71. Just a little bit of background to go with what others have offered...

    Epstein worked for Steven Hoffenberg at Tower Financial in the 1980s. Hoiffenberg was convicted of running a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors of over $450 million dollars.

    The "very rich person" who Epstein made sure got all his money back from the swindle is Les Wexner, the billionaire founder of Victoria's Secret. The New York mansion that was raided by NYPD and the Feds this weekend was formerly Wexner's house until he gifted it to Epstein many years ago.

    Bill Clinton has a lot of exposure here. He was a frequent flier on Epstein's private plane. Spacey and Singer are also known here. I'm thinking the TV host isn't Guy Fieri, it's Andy Cohen, who is an enormous presence on Bravo and is a real creep.

    No idea on the government agency guy, but certainly Comey or Brennan would fit the bill. The foreign intelligence service I would guess would be the Russian FSB.

    Any ideas on the A list actor who likes to call the girls by his daughter's name? Or the Emmy winning director who cast the 15 year old he slept with?

  72. @Blogger LJ said...
    Just Hail Mary: could Trump be the Target of this re-opening of the case?

    No, Trump ia the bait and Acosta's appointment guarantees MSM coverage.
    look how well it's working, like a charm

    ...everybody's talking
    brilliant strategy to microinject the formerly unspeakable into the main stream cycle

  73. @samantha - TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome. It describes the posters (like Lucky13, twodots, & nonyabidness) that basically spurt out DNC/shareblue talking-points regardless of their basis in reality or facts and mostly in the face of the same. They're despartely trying to steer people away from the truth, and blame all things bad on Trump.

    Not to be confused with the Pedo-protection Squad (krab, plot, et al), who magically find their way to these comments whenever a pedophile is being discussed to deflect the conversation away from the topic.

    Sometimes more sane commentors will refer to these two groups as "Shills." Think of them as paid Public Relations posters for evil.

  74. They are also the ones always complaining about "enty this and enty that" and how stupid this site is and how stupid we are for reading it, let alone believing anything on it, every fucking day on every fucking blind., almost like it's their job to comment here rather than just leaving a site they hate so much (see paid shills above), but magically disappear when something like Epstein comes into the light and enty/cdan has been reporting on it for 3 years prior.

    Then they show-up with new screen names, and the cycle starts anew.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. @ Bonby Haud

    Jesus...get off Trump's junk for five seconds, already. Nobody's impressed with your brainwashed word salads, and prior to this week Q never once outlined (by name or otherwise) Les Wexner's involvement in anything.

    But you little knee-benders will do anything to prop up your precious little Cheeto Christ.

  77. @Thot Crimes You DO know that there's been public reporting on Epstein since 2015 at the least right? It didn't "magically" come to light and everyone and their mom knew he was into sex trafficking. You all (and enty) aren't vindicated in the slightest.

  78. Unknown said... "@Thot Crimes...blah blah bloviating bullshitter.." Fuck off shill; I don't read your shillyness.

  79. Translation: You have a point and I can't actually rebut it, so I'm going to call you a shill. :)

  80. Could be Ted Turner ... but I don’t think it is. His family recently announced that he has really bad dementia so I don’t think anything will happen to him. I don’t think it’s him.

  81. is sumner redstone involved? i heard he was one of the super elite top dogs

  82. Nobody said it had to be a man, right?

    1. Bad marriage, head of govt. agency, $$, real estate in Caribbean/NY, etc., has a daughter, hmmm...?

  83. trump seems to be in love with his daughter and was friends with epstein ... i think it was him

  84. I like Allen Greenspan.

  85. I like Allen Greenspan

  86. Yes, Allen Greenspan imo. No idea about the director and the 15-year-old...but I think Shia would be about the right age range for the late-nineties/early aughts. I have always wondered how someone like him got in in Hollywood. Another name I have been wondering about is Dominique Strauss-Kahn--it would just be too perfect.

  87. how do we know the 15 year old current A-lister is a male?

  88. Peter Jackson and Kate Winslet as the director and actress?
