Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blind Item #6

This disgraced director is getting plenty of work from the mogul and others who have him working behind the scenes on multiple projects which won't earn him credits but is earning him a great deal of money.


Tricia13 said...


Heather said...

At what point is Geffen taken down too?

cheesegrater15 said...

Geffen is a Jimmy Saville situation. He won't be exposed until he's dead.

longtimereader said...

Enty is of the opinion that like CO$, he's kinda untouchable at this point. Too much money/influence accrued over the decades.

Troy Dyer said...

Agree with the above. Bring down the velvet mafia!!!!

filmfanb said...

Can Geffen really be taken down or is he even bigger than Epstein

Nonya Bidness said...

He is way bigger than Epstein, he has had people "permanently silenced" over the years.

Hopefully if Eps takes a hard fall and all of his cronies and customers are outed it can have a ripple effect.

AListDiva said...

Hopefully someone has enough solid evidence to take Geffen down and this whole house of cards will tumble!

notthisagain said...

geffen makes epstein look simple by comparison. geffen is evil incarnate.

notthisagain said...

if spielberg falls, geffen might

Large Marge said...

Perhaps the MALE SEX PROBLEM needs to be addressed. Something needs to be fixed here. If women were doing this, there would be more laws and prisons and asylums than in a George Orwell book. Somthing is wrong wth men.

Isighalot said...

geffen-head of gay mafia

Miss Teak said...

Geffen is evil but not a pedo. He’s into straight military guys. That’s coming from the horse’s mouth and nothing I ever saw gave me reason to doubt him.

TwoDots said...

Ugh, Geffen. I hope the cards tumble down soon,

Nicole said...

Can we get Oprah included in the take down somehow?


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