Monday, July 08, 2019

Blind Item #6

In addition to yet another imminent divorce filing against her husband again, this A/A- list mostly movie actress fulfilled all of The Club's requirements this weekend. I don't know why she would do that unless they started accepting people who don't have Oscar noms/wins. She definitely meets the fame portion of it all.


  1. Yes, Megan Fox, seen out with her children.

  2. Great answer. I still don't get why they all want to be in this "club". I mean, what do they get out of it?

  3. They don't get anything out of it because there is no club.
    This is an enty yarn that will spin for years to come so the plebs can gossip about 'the club' for years

  4. It's clever marketing for sure. Then again, it's ALL clever marketing.

  5. It seems to be more of a fad just like adopting foreign kids or carrying those teacup dogs in your purse. Having a transfer kid so young shows how progressive you are

  6. Megan Fox is C List, never higher.

  7. Enty saw the pic we all did of a long hair boy in the DM and wrote it.

    Apply the CDAN Disclaimer to this one.

  8. LOL @rosieriveter I saw that pic as well! Good point.

  9. The first rule of The Club is...

  10. @ Shaddup Mimsey

    " I still don't get why they all want to be in this "club". I mean, what do they get out of it? " there are many possible reasons for a club like that, share
    esperiences, opinions, seek help by people with the same life and children's problematic

    If we see this" club" for what really may be and not a club for " trans children" this club doesn't sound bad at all

    ( Well, except for its exlusivity, but in Hollywood wouldn't be so strange )

    idk if this" club" really exists, but if it is like it looks, a club for moms that are raising their kids following no " traditional" rules, then there isn't nothing weird about it

    and people should learn what " trans" mean before writing ignorant comments

  11. MJ, you do realize you're actually saying there is something weird about what's going on with this "club" right?

  12. Why would they have a freaking rule about winning Oscars or having at least a nomination? It's funny that "The Club" happens to have criteria that match Enty's most common tip. So, it may not be long before a requirement is to be "alliterate".

    But, seriously, do you really believe that actors make decisions about who they socialize with based on trophies and nominations? Do they have parties where on one side, there are "noms/wins" and on the other the "hoi polloi"? Sure, jealousy can be a factor for some people, but it's hard to believe that any secret society would take June Squibb before Emily Blunt...

  13. Replies
    1. Me too, what is this "club"?

  14. some comments, i swear

  15. @ Bubbles

    What's " weird" ?

  16. The Club is just like the Church and the House. Bullshit.

  17. and like The Island

  18. Aren't some of these kids too young to be labelled by their parents? What if they wind up becoming closet heterosexuals?

  19. Some people here never had abusive parents who forced their ideology on them. If their kids want to be that way, no harm, but there are a lot of parents more into themselves than their kids.

    I have friends whose feminist mother's made them have short hair, boys clothes and toys, no make up or dolls. And they are salty AF to this day.

  20. @shakey. 100% absolutely.

    Charlize Theron, Angie and Megan Fox raising their children at age 3 to be "gender fluid" and gaslighting them into thinking they are something that is so much more complex than any 3 year old understanding is wrong. How anyone can justify this is beyond me....

    But, I do like the suggestion that this is not a club just the latest Hollywood trend...just at the price of their kids mental health. These kids raised in Hollywood never stood a chance did they?

  21. @tee hee. I don't think there is any formal 'club' either - just a supposition that this trend has a connection other than maybe a random one or one actress seeing it works wonders for another in pap exposure, press, progressive ideologies. A club suggests a leader or overseer who decides or dictates membership. While blinds suggest you must be an Oscar winner to be in, WHO would decide this? the same exact PR rep for all or for a magazine who has concocted and dreamed this up? Sounds utterly manufactured. I can see it as a trend some Hollywood moms jump on to get press, etc. but a club you actually garnish membership too and have obligations and rites of passage in, f-ing BS!

  22. and btw don't doubt for a second that Charlize really IS the wicked Queen (mother) ala her role. Cold bitch. Distant, no one wants to marry her, adopts kids she traipses out outside her race, history of family violence, blinds on here suggesting she is a Mommy Dearest. Don't doubt it for a sec.

  23. Megan Fox said that during her pregnancy with her first son, ‘her maternal instincts told her that he would not subscribe to gender stereotypes.’ 🤮 Which in my mind, means she’s been forcing this upon him since birth.

  24. I guess Fox, though, enjoys the "gender stereotypes" of believing in "maternal instincts" and referring to whatever it is as a "son" and "he."

  25. I don’t believe it’s a ‘club’ either, but I also don’t think that it’s beneficial to these actresses careers. Most of the general public looks at kids such as Shiloh, Charlize’s son, Megan’s 3 sons, and now one of Naomi’s sons, and think ‘WTF are these Mother’s doing to these kids?’ So they are not gaining popularity from the public by doing this. Are they pushing their progressive ideologies? Sure. But is this worth the damage that they’re doing to their children?

  26. I have seen pics of Megan's son Noah dressed like Elsa from Frozen...he looked pretty happy and comfortable to me

    ( i think many people gives too importance to the word" Club" like is a secret Cult or so )

    And lol at who said " why should someone prefer June Squibb over Emily Blunt " , yeah, right..ahow many CHILDREN has J Squibb?

  27. Sick hollyweird bs. Look how the will and jadas family turned out!

  28. I find it interesting the fact that Danny bonaduce went to school with in Hollywood I believe back in his day. I went to school in the 80s and never heard nor seen a transgender...

  29. I;m glad my mom didn't turn me into a trans because I was a tomboy.

  30. Right? I was also a tomboy and now as an adult I grew into myself and I am super feminine and wear dresses and skirts all the time because that I how I feel the most comfortable. I wasn't gender fluid as a child. I was a girl trying to fit in with my brothers and the boys at school on the soccer fields during recess.

    ANd, I agree though that I don't think this is helping their career and I think they are surrounded by so many "yes people in their echo chamber of Hollywood "progressiveness" that they are not understanding that most people at best find it weird and at worst think it is gaslighting and child abuse and they should lose custody (I am in this group).

    Charlize Theron latest movie bombed hard. Megan Fox hasn't really had a hit lately has she? And, neither has Angie and she is mostly behind the scenes now. Will not be supporting these women as I think anyone using their kid as part of their own agenda and gaslighting them into thinking they are gender nonconformists when 50% of these people commit suicide (well, transgenders) is abuse.

  31. "The Club" seems invented.

    It does seem odd that so many high profile people are saying their very young child is trans...Was being trans always this common or are sociopaths (actors) going for easy publicity?

  32. People are taking the blind too literally. Have you never heard of the expression 'joining the club' meaning when a person gets involved with something popular? They've "joined the club."

    He probably just means that there is a trend in Hollywood for celebrities to have "transgendered" children. Just like there was a trend, some years ago, for White celebrities to adopt African and Asian et al., children.

  33. Dunno VS but there's been at least 2 (maybe 3?) blinds now about The Club like it's a thing you have to be invited to join.

  34. Yeah Fox is C at best. And mentally damaging your children shouldn't be given attention to either.

  35. Statistically speaking, the number of trans kids being declared by that cohort is too many. That's all I know for sure.
