Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #6

This recently married A+ list mostly movie actor has an appointment next week for a hair transplant consultation. He is fast going bald.


  1. Somewhere Ana is smiling about this

  2. I'm sure this would be difficult. But. Men look good bald.
    He might should think of going in for an appt to reconsider his values and principles, however.

  3. An appointment not until next week!? This guy's hair is dying on the table, man! Triage!

  4. I cant wait until i am gray and horseshoe bald, so i can grow a ponytail again. They wait wont be too much longer.

  5. *Some* men look good bald - Pratt won't. He'll look greasy and desperate, like he should be wearing short-sleeved work shirts and selling low-budget office supplies from the back of his windowless, no-air conditioning, 2006 Ford Econoline van.

  6. Aren't all men?

    Yesterday I had a full head of hair!
    It was thick, full of body and the girls just loved running their fingers through it!

    This AM, 95% of it is gone!
    Okay, okay, I'm exaggerating.

    96% is gone!

    And the spouse said the shape of my head didn't fit being a bald, old, white guy!


  7. My husband got a hair transplant & he' so much happier!! It's growing in great :) If this is what that actor wants, no shame.

  8. @Queen bee. Did it hurt? I heard they do. No one blames an actor for vanity. Bald is only hot if you truly embrace and own it like Bruce Willis etc and SHAVE that puppy totally hairless. "Balding" as in hiding it, growing it long to distract from a bald(ing) spot, all the other thinning etc stuff.... useless, insecure, silly.

  9. Guys
    When you get that big old bald patch in the center of your head, just shave it all off and rock the bald look. You'll look 100 times better than the "horseshoe" or god forbid, the combover that fools absolutely no one.

  10. Steroids cause male pattern baldness his body changed so dramatically he couldn't have done it naturally.

  11. Go ask and ONLY go ask the guy who did former Chelsea manager Antonio Conte's hair. If you don't know him, google image him from the '90's and now. WOW,just wow.

  12. If my infant-stage Friar Tuck gets any worse I will definitely want the Conte treatment.

  13. Forgot to add, Conte looked really good with a shaved head so lucky bastard either way.

  14. Wow, the Full Conte is just majestic.

  15. Pratt already wears a transplant makes perfect sense for him. Propecia® works for some men but you must continue to use it the rest of your life. Surprising how Fallon and many other men just continue with the ridiculous wiggery; for instance, check out the sudden hair growth Dax Shepard has miraculously revealed on his new Fox game show. Pity someone doesn't tell these guys that their "weaves" are so obvious (and often hilarious).

  16. I cant stand chris pratt but I wish there wasnt such a selfconsciousness for men to be bald. granted, I am a lady and Im not baldng, but still - it just seems cruel to feel bad bc youre bald. just like men feeling bad about their height, which they cannot help.

    bald can be sexy! bald guys, you do you!

    tho I hate chris pratt. he can go do himself, somewhere. ew? whatever

  17. I know someone who went through two sessions of ultra-fine hair transplants (not the older doll-like plugs), and said the pain was awful. The results were good, though. What I dont understand is, if you are destined for a larger pattern of baldness, wont you just be left with the transplanted pieces?

    I think most people look better just being happy going with what they've been given. Especially when it is just silly hair.

  18. He should go for a full wig, none of this half-assed sh!t.

  19. Vita-Yes, that’s exactly what happens. It happened to a non-alliterative leader of the free world.

  20. Count, my love. Please look at Terence Stamp's latest pics. A long buzz cut without the tail. MMMMMwhah!

  21. Lil Nips is one of the most self-conscious actors in Hollywood that I'm actually surprised he hasn't done it sooner.

  22. Chris Prat is A+? When did that happen?

  23. @Vita: I worked on a project several years ago during which I interviewed both men & women who were suffering from hair loss. NONE of them thought that it was just ‘silly hair.’ They were devastated! I met with people of all ages and backgrounds. I had a 25-year-old gay guy who was starting to lose his hair tell me that he needed to find a permanent partner soon, or else he never would if he kept losing his hair. So sad. But even worse were the women. On some level, men expect that they will or might lose their hair at some point. But for women, it comes as a total shock as it’s much rarer situation (unless someone undergoes chemo, for example.) So many women consider hair a key part of their identity/look. The person who the majority of females that I interviewed thought had the most beautiful hair was JLo. When I told them that she has extensions, they didn’t believe me at first. They honestly idolized JLo’s hair, which I found heart-breaking, given that her hair is not actually ‘hers.’

    As far as ‘silly’, I’d definitely use that word to describe Pratt, who actually is just that...a silly Pratt. Embarrassingly so.

  24. Aquagirl- i guess silly was the wrong word, and I didnt mean it as dismissive of their feelings about it at all, so much as emphasizing gratitude that it's not a vital organ or affecting the senses, etc. Believe me, I'm plenty self-conscious and get the feelings. And, actually, the person I mentioned above IS a woman, who was completely devastated by female hair thinning. thankfully this solution helped her tremendously.

  25. No plugs, no drugs, no rugs.

  26. @Vita, after trauma/major operations in hospital, and where I ended up on life support. I was later diagnosed with 'Telogen Effluviam' which is basically hair loss due to trauma/stress. Also, the texture of my hair that I did have changed to candy floss! I have been using Waterman's Grow Me shampoo (from Amazon and eBay) and it has worked. (The matching conditioner didn't do anything though.)

  27. Kimberley -- I hope you are doing better in all ways, and the health scares are behind you, too! I appreciate the info on the shampoo and will pass it along. Thanks!

  28. I'm much better now, thanks Vita!
