Friday, July 12, 2019

Blind Item #6

Child protective services can't find this former Teen Mom not named Jenelle to find out if a child is going to school or not. There is not a stable address for the former Teen Mom. There is also the question of whether the child has been exposed to the sex work the former Teen Mom does.


  1. Farrah, and yes that poor child has been exposed

  2. Is Back Door Farrah's daughter old enough to be in school?

  3. I'm sure the answer is already there and it be Farrah.

  4. absolutely farrah.

    that poor little girl. :(

  5. So happy Enty is monitoring comments today!

    The last few days of invalidation and bullying was getting on my nerves.

    Thank you, Enty!

  6. That child was obnoxious and hateful when she was 2-3 years old - it's obvious that she never had a decent, stable household or parental figure from either Farrah OR her nutty mother Debra. Unfortunately, Sophia's sad future was written before she was even born, and there's little chance it can ever improve.

  7. Can't CPS check with the skewl to see if the child is attending? Or is this saying that CPS, who are supposed to be protecting the child since that's what their name implies, have lost complete and total track of the kid?

  8. That show should go away. Not improving lives or making any relevant social comment, except perhaps the need for great public education around sex and access to birth control.

    The kid should have been taken away long ago, whoever it is.

  9. Me Again - +1 that show should have been a one-off cautionary tale, not a multi-seasoned, contract-seeking, series bc producers made money.

    This does sound like farrah and the IG daughter that gets dragged wherever her mom's ambitions take her. However, it's she missing from mandatory summer school, or enrollment for next year???? I wonder if the kid has a steady academic record for any school year

  10. lol, Farrah in the news condemning two other Teen Moms for their poor choices. Hilarious!!

  11. How can they not find Farrah? The girl lives for publicity and being seen.

  12. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Jon, in this state yes, CPS can ask if the child is attending school, however, most school districts are closed for the summer and classes won't be in session until August / September. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they lost track of the child. It's not that uncommon for parents/children to disappear over the summer, and if they never enroll the child in a new district, we have no idea where they have gone.

  13. The only chance of that little girl having a good life is if she is taken away by the authorities.

  14. Ask phoebe price !

  15. Speaking of Jenelle and David they are now saying the dog ran away or some BS like that?

    Authorities need to get smart and think two steps ahead or thing could get tragic on The Land.



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