Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Item #6

One kiss and apparently the alliterate talk show host has a guy living with her and ready to get married. She wants the world to know she has move on but this is kind of ridiculous.


  1. I like that she knows her limitations and is just bouncing from pimp to pimp.

  2. She's all shades of screwy. Damn girl, get a hold of yourself.

  3. He’s already publicly said that he’s not into her. She must love public humiliation! Stay single for awhile, Wendy, and try to develop some self esteem.

  4. She’s just having fun with her newfound freedom. An upbeat Wendy is so much more fun than a subjugated, drugged up, possibly poisoned one. Peoplr are giving her lots of love these days. Her friends and son will keep her grounded. Plus she’s pretty shrewd. She’s a lot of talk.

  5. She’s in Menopause
    Do ya really think she moved him in
    to bump uglies 24/7?

  6. Those ankles... hope she's cutting big checks.

  7. Her meds need adjusted. I can't even handle her effusive giggling ATM. Where's the Snark Wendy?!

  8. Poor Wendy trying to prove to the world that she can get a man.. Please take care of yourself

  9. @Trapped: Anybody can ‘get a man’. The question is, what issues are you willing to put up with regarding said man. Having a husband who cheats on you, steals your money, and gets his mistress pregnant? Dating an ex-con? Telling the public that you’re so happy with a new guy when he’s publicly said he’s not into you?

    The last thing Wendy needs at the moment is a man. She needs to focus on herself & her physical and mental well-being. Maybe she should stop hanging with the K’s, and find some real friends to help her through this difficult time.

  10. 🎵one kiss is all it takes
    Fallin’ in love with me🎵

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I look like all you need

      Sing it baby

  11. she's full of it.
    I love wendy, but the charade needs to stop.
    she probably still cries herself to sleep every night :/

  12. I think she is having a real breakdown her husband was drugging her or had her addicted to

  13. Preach, Aquagirl!

    I enjoy Wendy, even though I was gagging during her Kardashian droolfest😜.

    She says the ankles were diagnosed edema that is being treated with a circulation machine

    Thankfully the young'un was just a friend that she was Mother Hen-ning, and she'll get herself more rational about the doc.

    Still pulling for her!
