Monday, July 29, 2019

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list entertainer has been battling an illness since childhood that causes episodes of baldness.They have been able to hide this for the most part with custom wigs that are undetectable until the hair has grown back. A recent relapse has been more severe with almost total hair loss. This was triggered by stress after the entertainer was assaulted by a significant other, also an entertainer. Thankfully our entertainer split from this person recently and is moving on with their life. The vindictive former significant other is now spreading rumors among insiders that the entertainer has substance abuse issues and is losing their hair because of that. The entertainer is fed up with the rumors and will be going public soon with the disease and abuse story. This will be good. 


  1. Siegfried and Roy?

  2. Woah! That's a guess out of left field.

  3. That is peak Tricia

  4. I am getting vibes from the lack of pronouns this may be a woman, or as Tricia guessed, a same-sex couple

    1. That’s the kind of vibe I got (like a Barry Manilow-;he’s still with hubby who is a manager,not entertainer though). Like a Vegas type.

  5. Did Howard Stern and Beth break up? I wouldnt put elder abuse past her. She allegedly comes from a family of grifters.

  6. What does enty usually mean by "entertainer"? He usually specifies actor/singer/host, etc.

  7. Well, we probably should be looking for someone who we don’t think/know has substance abuse issues, since that what the threat is so that would automatically leave out Depp, Heard, and WW.

  8. celine..and gal pal?

  9. I thought one of them got ate by a tiger?🐅

    1. i thought Roy died of a stroke?

    2. No Roy(Horn) was mauled and hen suffered stroke. Alive still I believe... he’s the younger one by 10 or so years..

    3. He prob *wishes* he got ate by that tiger.

    4. the tiger died not Roy. hope he us being well taken care of!

  10. I remember an early episode of the Simpsons where Vegas German magicians with tigers, Gunther and Ernst - extremely obviously Seigfried and Roy - try to entice Bart (10 yrs old, remember) back to their hotel to party.

    Were the Simpsons writers trying to tell us something?

  11. @Flashy I remember that episode and the tiger also Attacked Roy in the episode. Great episode.

  12. That gorilla lady from real housewives.

  13. @Flashy Vic, unfortunately,most of these inside jokes in cartoon series tend to ring true. I will leave it at that.

  14. @SD Auntie: I think you got it with Celine. She’s been looking not only anorexic but quite bald lately.

  15. Roy getting eaten by a giant pussy is nuclear level irony.

  16. Simpsons and South Park predicts the joke.

    "Bart to the Future" back in 2000 predicts Donald Trump as president.

  17. Howard Stern will never admit to being bald. He will wear that hideous hair system in his coffin. And yes his father-in-law is a corrupt insurance fraud committing felon ex-dentist.

    1. what did Elderly Stern do? he should be 100 by now!! @ Alf Landon


  18. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA)
    December 17, 2001


    Probation for fraud

    A former oral surgeon from Fox Chapel was sentenced in federal court last week
    to three years of probation for health care fraud.
    It is Beth's father.

    Robert F. Ostrosky, 60, was a licensed oral surgeon who created a false claim
    for payment for extensive oral surgery procedures which he did not perform in
    order to receive $8,600 from Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.

    In addition to the probation term, Senior U.S. District Judge Gustave Diamond
    also sentenced Ostrosky to six months of home detention and ordered him to pay a
    $10,000 fine and perform 200 hours of community service.

    1. thanks @ Alf. very interesting! felon 4 sure!

  19. you can't blame a guy for his father in law's actions

    1. Hunter: it is just to display that his wife comes from phony grifters, and he is easily susceptible to that type of person. Dr. Sarno, Marci Turk, the shrink he has been seeing 3x per week for 30+ yrs and made no progress with, etc

  20. Wendy Williams, talk show host?

  21. Alf, what is your screen name at RadioGunt?

  22. @SD Auntie that would also explain Celine's short hair cuts and her thinness would exasperate hairloss

  23. There's a disease that causes hair loss and then it grows back? I've never heard of such a thing? Anybody know what it is?

  24. Alopecia. it is a dermatological disorder.

  25. What about Nicole K. Her hubby is a singer and there was talk about her wearing wigs before.

  26. Princess Caroline had that for a while

  27. Keira Knightley has it, Viola Davis has it, Tyra has had it.

    1. Knightly probably had hair loss due to eating disorder.

  28. People w/out alopecia can experience hair loss, too. For women, pregnancy/hormonal changes, or for anyone, thyroid issues, stress.

  29. Jada Pinkett Smith also has it, so does Neve Campbell.

  30. Right, but the blind said this is a disease that causes episodes of baldness, which typically is alopecia. This person has had it since childhood, accotding to the blind.

  31. Maybe Toni Braxton & Birdman, she has lupus (although it's not a secret).

  32. girl at me grammar school had it really bad. have no clue what happened to her and she stuttered and looked very sickly. unfortunately Celine has been giving off this vibe for the last couple of years. maybe her hubby gave her stability and now he is gone. hopefully one of her kids will step up.

    1. after they reach adulthood of course.

  33. My first thought was Janine Garafolo...I dontvthink she is perm A though.

  34. A fair number of celeb women wear wigs. Apart from aging, or health issues, it's also easier for consistent photos and travel and multiple appearances.

    A few who've been rumored to have wig collections: Joan Collins, Lisa Rinna, Eva Gabor, Wendy Williams...probably a lot more but some are better at spotting wigs than others. Probably Joy Behar, too.

    My guess on the blind is Wendy Williams.

  35. And a lot of celebs do extensions, before those became so available there were clip in or partial clip in hair pieces. Jose Eber talks about those in his book from a looong time ago. How to use them, how to hide them.

  36. Pamela Anderson and Advil Rami?

  37. Wrong guy. That is NOT Howard Stern's father-in-law.

    1. Bullshit it aint. That story has been around for years.

  38. Just stop it kappy.
    That is Beth O Stern's father.

  39. Wendy would have fit easily a few months ago, but has already had a very public split and makes no secret of her wig collection.
    I remember when Princess Caroline had an open bout with alopecia, wearing head scarves at times, etc.

    It'll be interesting to know who this is, sounds like a dramatic story in there!

  40. @Count: I have to disagree with you about Dr. Sarno. Many years ago I hurt my shoulder by doing something really stupid (running through an airport in high heels carrying my purse plus another bag & throwing my laptop over my shoulder.) I sort of twisted my shoulder and was in horrible pain, but figured ice & Tylenol would fix it. It didn’t. If I rolled over during the night, I would wake up crying, that’s how bad it was. I went to a doctor who told me that I had ‘frozen shoulder’ and needed surgery. I refused. Luckily, during this time I had a yoga teacher who knew of Dr. Sarno and was reading one of his books as she had injured herself. I made an appt. to see him. Without going into all of the details, I was able to totally heal myself in a few months with the help of Dr. Sarno & a physical therapist. I followed his program to the letter and my pain gradually went away and never came back. I have actually loaned my books to people, and they have healed themselves as well without ever meeting him. I’ve also known several people who have been told that they have a torn rotator cuff and need surgery. I try to convince them not to have the surgery but they do and are still in pain after. And the pain never really goes away.

    I had no idea about the Howard Stern connection until I read your comment; I just pulled up a clip online, and it turns out that Howard was told that he also had a ‘frozen shoulder’. Simply put, doctors make a lot more money by performing surgery so they encourage it.
    And most patients take their advice.

    Unfortunately Dr. Sarno passed away 2 years ago, but luckily people still have access to his books and methodology. I felt the need to respond to you because he helped thousands of people, including me, and I found your comment referring to him as a grifter quite offensive.

    Apparently you were also incorrect about his father-in-law. Perhaps you should stay away from the medical topics. It doesn’t seem to be your forte based on your comments about SID’s on another blind.

  41. @Vita: I think it’s Celine, and as SD Auntie said, maybe the girlfriend. She doesn’t seem to be in the picture anymore, since Celine is usually seen with that personal trainer guy or her oldest son these days.

  42. Sorry, Aquagirl, but thank the physical therapist, not the quack. And that certainly was her father. Keep drinking snake oil though.

    Alf: first article was enough. you cant cite TheDirty. Didnt GaryPuppet submit that to the site?

  43. In that simpson's episode, Sig and Roy were talking about going to get some babes after the show. Their tiger rolls it's eyes. So funny.
    Also, the tiger who hurt Roy was not killed. Don't know if it's still alive, but it wasn't euthanized because of what happened.
    They were just in the news because Sig had a coronary and was luckily in Germany for Roy's treatment and received top notch medical care.

  44. Arianna

    Wendy has talked about dealing with hair lost due to thyroid when she was on radio.

  45. Everyone who is guessing Wendy: it can’t be her because we already know she has substance abuse issues. So the ‘former significant other’ is not the one who would be revealing that.

  46. Wendy has Grave's Disease, thyroid diseases do cause hair loss. She has always worn wigs (and been honest about it) so would easily be able to hide it.
    Kevin would definitely be vindictive and would be possibly one of the few people to see her wig-less. Since everyone knows about her addiction issues, perhaps it is more about outing her now full-baldness under those wigs, to humiliate her, but imply that it's due to all the substance abuse and not the thyroid condition?

  47. Another hair loss condition is Telogens Effluvium - basically caused by physical/and/or emotional stress or trauma. This is what I have after a hospital operation went badly wrong and I almost died in ICU.
    The hair mostly grows back, slowly though.

  48. Telogens Effluvium is another hair loss condition. It's what I had/have after trauma in hospital. The hair usually does grow back though.

  49. Mod sun/Bella thorne??

  50. Or lady gaga she would fit a list entertainer...not sure what her ex does though

  51. Brittany Spears



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