Friday, July 26, 2019

Blind Item #5

Umm, you would think after all these years that this former A+ list tweener actress turned A-/B+ list adult singer would know the rules. You sign the dotted line and agree to perform on the award show and you get nominated. If your team is good enough you make sure it is a win rather than just a nomination. That is how it has gone for the entire existence of the cable award show. 


  1. Miley will be Madonna in 20 years

  2. @Rosie GaGa has already claimed that role

  3. Miley doesn't want to do it? It would be big news. Too bad her recent work hasn't been good enough to deserve a win. @Rosie riveter I think old Miley will go country.

  4. Miley was alright in Black Mirrors. Maybe she will fall back on acting. Or pornography will get leaked and people will care. She seems like she would be fun to hang out with. But she's definitely not going to be able to make conversation about anything important unless she's doing a Joe Rogan and only remembering what others have said and passing it off as your passionately thought out opinions.

  5. Another blind that isn't blind. Ariana Grande reported has the VMA's "scrambling" after she canceled on them.

  6. It wouldn't kill Miley to release a straight up rock record. She lit it up at the Chris Cornell tribute show singing "Say Hello to Heaven."

  7. Boy does Ariana have a competent manager*snigger*.

  8. @Rosie.

    Miley can only dream of being a tenth as big as Madge was back in the day.
    Plus Madge was hotter than 12 suns back in the 'Sex' days. I doubt not even the Count would put his hand anywhere near his groin over Miley's tiny spaniel eared rugs, bony arse or rancid nether regions.

    1. I would totally rather bang a prime Miley than a prime Madonna. Miley seems the type where if she remotely thinks you are cool, she will do anything to have you say she is cool. After a coked up Penn, Madonna probably barking out orders the entire time.

  9. Miley is a solid A/A+ singer

  10. Angry, sexless incels slagging off the bodies of female celebrities is always amusing..

    1. They and the rest of the MRA/redpill/maga-loving trash are pretty much enty's most loyal stans and Believers. He is The Provider of one of their sacred safe spaces.

    2. Bitter old hags, hating the men who wont fuck em and the young hotties who are getting fucked. Atleadt you people got it easy nowadays. Instead of having to go to a seedy porn shop to buy cooter blasting apparatus, you can purchase them via Amazon and have batteries auto shipped to you each month.

  11. Aw Vikey, I thought we were cool now too.☹️

  12. +1,000,000,000 - We Stone Them

  13. I watched that Black Mirror episode, too. I thought she basically played herself.

    Perhaps whomever this is doesn't really give a crap because the "award" is for nothing.

  14. @FlashyVic Agreed!! Nowhere near Madonna status.

  15. Miley wasn't even nominated though, so she doesn't have to perform under this "contract"

  16. Oh great, more whining perpetually offended comment police! Just what this place needs. Someone make a funny comment? Better complain endlessly and call in the shrill harpy brigade! I hope their multiple cats are getting fed.

  17. Miley does have an A+ vocal talent and I agree with the rock album idea, she's definitely a rocker chick at heart, I bet she'd do great Heart songs!

    She is also well respected as a professional who shows up on time and delivers, so if she takes the gig they know she'll show up. Can't say that about a lot of people.

  18. Men think women are jealous of other women because guys want the younger one? When most older women see aging as a relief from being hounded by guys in that way. It is one of the main if few benefits of aging.

    It's more like "I feel bad for anyone going through that, I know what it's like." Not "I wish all those catcalls from cars and random guys pinching my butt were still for me."

    1. Yes, all women love losing their looks and sex appeal. That is why plastic surgery is a forgotten art.

  19. Miley's song with Mark Ronson is really good .
