Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blind Item #5

With all the reporters clamoring to talk to this former Housewife about an anniversary, none of them have asked about her connections to the procurer/recruiter/madam.


  1. JFK Jr Deathiverary, Caroline Radziwill, Ghisalane Maxwell, Epstein et al

    1. Ah yes.. the Anniversary. She is also writing another book I think

  2. Caroline Radizwill, Steven Tyler's doppelganger.

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Carole Radziwell. DM had an article she did yesterday. All about the wonderful couple (JFK/Caroline). I read it because I wanted to see if she had any more insights into why their marriage was on the rocks and divorce was in the works. I remember he was living in a hotel near his magazine. Nope, nada everything was wonderful in the marriage so I think I'm going to pass on this book.

  4. carole. i saw her for a split second on a commercial for an interview of the anniversary of jfkjrs death

  5. @SunshineLuna - LOL. She IS!!!!!!!!!

  6. Carole R overbite non eating bitch stop with the attention seeking, since you said you dint do that.

  7. Radziwell. Claims to be “ best friends”with Bessemer during the time the marriage was falling apart due to her drug use. The poor sister flew to try to get them together. He was living in the Stanhope because he said she was “ a Coke head”. Ed Klein wrote it all in VF
    So again fake Camelot

    No real news interviewer would be falling for this diversion and not ask thiswoman abiut her friendship with Epstein’s alleged procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell. She was the enforcer. Why so many pictures of her and Carole together? Could care less about RHNY
    This ” fake liberal” gives speeches about female empowerment when she hangs with very publicly alleged underanged sex traffickers

    Even by marriage another Kennedy hypocrite

  8. She just waited for Lee to pass. She is a real hypocrite. So gross.

  9. Carole should tell us all about her friendship, well documented in photos , etc with Ghislaine Maxwell
    Trying to get ahead of the story ( and ? Deposition )

    Funny what outrages her regarding the treatment of women vs underaged women
    Funny company she keeps

  10. Pretty hypocritical of her. She waited for Lee to pass and let loose for some cash. She is gross.

  11. Is Radziwill a Bouvier, i.e. Kennedy adjacent by birth?

  12. Samantha Carole married a radziwell who was the son of Jackie's sister, so she's family by marriage. He was JFK Jr's. Cousin.

  13. sandybrook: thank you :)

  14. carole radziwill is epstein's black book

  15. Definitely Carole, she likes them really young too! In my opinion, I personally do not find that skeletor is attractive in anyway, plus her personality is like rancid milk.

  16. Don’t know about JFK, Jr. but CBK had a huge coke problem as well as a crazy temper. A friend of mine & her husband were at the same vacation spot as them and they alternated between fighting & storming away from each other. They were discussing divorce when they were barely into the marriage.

    @Veritas: I thought that Lauren flew because she needed a ride and they were going to drop her off.

  17. Carole - exploiting the tragic death of her 'best friends' since 1999 and doubling down since Lee's death

    she's a low-rent piece of trash who's hideous both on the inside and the outside
