Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #5

He never watches his sister have sex, but this A- list celebrity often has his sister in attendance when he is having sex with a woman for the first time. Ostensibly she is there to make sure he can't be accused of rape. Uh huh. That celebrity family is all kinds of messed up.


  1. I thought of the smith family too. Jaden likes girls though??

    1. I can’t see it but maybe lol.
      Also-in a struggle my money is on the girl winning!

    2. No contest at all lol

  2. I'll throw out Joaquin Phoenix.

  3. Don Jr./Ivanka, since it could be anyone.

  4. That's a terrible strategy anyway. Woman could claim the sister wouldn't let her leave while the brother raped. Boom, you've just doubled your settlement money AND publicity.

  5. @Meg
    I thought Joaquin also....
    But also thought Jake Gyllenhaal and I am pretty sure that is incorrect....
    also...a bunch of skaars?
    also arquettes (old but still)
    Horrible how many brother/sister celebs there are that could be in this "space"

  6. I thought Joaquin as well.

  7. If true, some weird ass families.

    I would assume it is probably a family where this A- celebrity has been nude in sex scenes before on tv/film. But...all of those mentioned/ thrown out above....have. Soo.....LOL .

  8. agree w/Derek and Julianne

  9. It says celebrity and not actor so I feel like it can’t be Joaquin or Jake or any of those. Probably jaden

  10. Prince and Paris Jackson?

  11. Maybe, but, I have seen celebrity and actor interchanged before on here. But, good point! Even though Jaden has acted.

    I do know in Sweden you have to actively and affirmatively consent (seriously, you have to ask, may I have sex with you before you can perform) =, but, I could easily see Jake and Maggie as well if it is an acting family.

    Again, weird ass family dynamics no matter who it is. Having said that....come on ENTY....reveal this one! haha

    But, since Jada was mentioned below and ENTY usually has a theme....but, is Jaden and the Karthrashians or the Houghs considered "A-." That is why I thought actor.


  12. Ew. Yuck. Sadly, it could be any of these mentioned lol

  13. It would be less shameful to fight an accusation with an attorney and firm NO, rather than say Ask My Sister/She Was There!

  14. Derek H ain't straight, this is the Smith's.

  15. Clinton's love-child son?

  16. I thought Jaden came out as gay. LOL ....SO ......WHAT?!?

    I am baffled that Jada is A-. Will will always be A, but, most people I know wouldn't have a clue who or what Jada was doing for her to be A-. LOL She would be described as "Will Smith's weird ass wife or his weird ass kids" LOL

  17. Ew

    Some are saying, in this type of situation, just film her instead.

    That is a stupid "strategy" being touted on the manosphere. (Videotape it.) Couldn't the woman/victim simply add "unwillingly videotaped and forced to appear compliant" to the list.

    It's a bunch of hogwash, trying to imply that all women want to cry rape like it's fun.

    Are women really lining up for whoever this guy in the blind is?

  18. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I can see this being Jaden and his sister. I don't get everyone's hate for Jada. I like her. She's open about her life, her mistakes, and she admits when she's wrong. Sometimes she overshares but that's just her. Her marriage may be an open marriage but it works for them.

  19. I just cannot even phantom watching my brothers.......

    Why not hire some voyeuristic freak with your money and not your sister. Plus, in court, there is always that assumption that family members always take the side of other family members.

    Maybe they learned this in Scientology? Always keep watch.....

  20. Not the Gyllenhaals!

  21. Rob and Khloe?

  22. A- actor is Jake G.

  23. "Ostensibly she is there to make sure he can't be accused of rape." If it's part of the cult, that is NOT the reason why. It is to have someone there who says she was a willing participant - not so that if she accused him of rape there would be "proof" (like that would even stand up, your sister says you didn't do it, of course we believe it), but so that the higher ups in the cult would have something against her and could threaten to destroy her life if she reported the rape. They've done it before, and very recently.

  24. Who ever it is they are sick in the head—— that’s just wrong on so many levels and weird

  25. LOL Joaquin is so weird but I find him so unbelievably attractive and mesmerizing and I have since I was 12

    So I am just going to pretend it is anyone mentioned above except him!! LOL I actually cannot wait for the Joker and I do not even like superhero movies.

  26. I liked the smith family guess but Jaden is gay AF like his 'dad'

  27. This is the Colin/Claudine Farrell blind again.

    Entry posts this every three years or so.

  28. TeeHee - only Swedish men are forced to ask for explicit consent. 'Migrants' can rape Swedish women to the point of Sweden having become the rape capital of Europe, and nobody bats an eye. In fact, they are protected and defended by the government. Please try to keep up.

  29. "Manosphere" sounds like a gay nightclub. Yet further evidence that today's generation of White "males" should have been aborted by the women they owe their lives too.

  30. I don`t think Joaquin is a "celebrity". he would be an "A list actor Oscar nominee/winner".
    My guess is Paris and Prince Jackson.
    What an F Ed up family THAT IS.

  31. Colin Farell & his sister?

  32. Half these guys listed are gay. Too freaky whom ever it is.

  33. Ray Jay and Brandi

  34. Definitely not Jake G. Whoever it is, what kind of woman/girl would let the sister watch? Just gross.

  35. My first thought was Gyllenal’s. No reason, as I think about it.

  36. Oh and Colin Ferrell was in the DM today. So probably him!

  37. Eric Trump/Ivanka Trump Kushner

  38. Bille and Phineas
