Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Item #5 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited

This is from November 1, 2017

This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when the feds were questioning lots of people. The thing is though, lots of those people lied to the feds. Some were granted immunity and still lied. Why? Going to jail for lying to the government gets you Martha Stewart time and a book deal. Telling the truth gets you jail for a long time and no career or friends when you get out.

Can you imagine a place where Hollywood types and rich executives from around the world can gather in one place and have sex with underage boys and girls without any interference from any governments or parents? Yeah, well there was such a place. There probably is a replacement somewhere. The problem is in finding it. When people are flying in from different corners of the globe, it can be tough. When your only choice before was to fly in a private plane to a private island, people knew where it was.

I think there is some shady stuff going down in Joe Francis Land, but nothing like the hundreds of teen boys and girls that were raped and abused and forced to be with men for weeks and months on end.

Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn't speak English. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn't want any record. No record means the feds didn't even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.

There will be way more than these three who go down if it happens. There are probably a dozen A list types who spent time on the island.


  1. They have 2,000 pages of evidence, I'm sure they found a lot of names who signed into the island.

  2. James Woods for the A list actor?
    Spielberg the permanent A list director?

  3. Spacey,Singer,and for the director who would kill himself,I will say it Spielberg.

  4. I'm thinking Penn, Singer, and Spielberg, but I'm probably way off.

  5. Oh no! Viking Song is coming for me for crimes against punctuation! Enty please get an edit button! 😓

  6. Based on inside info will run to Allen - Spiel - Gump - Clintys - Travis Bickle and many many more.

  7. Yeah Spacey for the actor not Woods he likes little girls.

  8. Also the blind is before Spacey became "disgraced"

  9. Woody!

    But has this hole thing gone away?? thought it would eb in the media and nothing at all has happened

  10. Ok changing my guess to Spacey. He's a violent prick.

    1. I'm thinking Robert DiNero?

    2. @Lulu, which one of those blinds does De Niro fit? He's not a director and he's not into men.

  11. remember the name rachael "ray" chandler. she will become central to this.

  12. Other celebrities who visited this place: Chris Evans, Chris Tucker, Minnie driver .... shit

  13. Clinton was there, it has been said in a previous post

  14. Spacey should be "dual threat" but he has been mentioned as nearly killing some boys. Scotland Yard interview and wasn't held? Hmmmm.

    1. Scotland Yard wouldn't be able to hold him, out of jurisdiction as I believe they flew to the States to interview him.

    2. Maybe he's done a deal and it was for British names they interviewed him ?

  15. @Ulf,check your news feed,the sh*t has hit the fan bigtime. Monday should bring more as well.

  16. If the A-list actor is Spacey, that would explain a lot of the leniency we've seen on his court cases/investigations lately. The FBI cooperation trumps all. Remember bthat creepy message he sent as Frank Underwood? Wasn't the consensus at the time he was up to something? Maybe informing is it!

    1. Yep that video was like a warning to anyone who might try to off him.

  17. Aha, thank you, Guesser. Will be exciting to see what happens.

  18. Spacey, Singer, Spielberg?

  19. I'll believe it when I see it re Spielberg.

  20. Since Woody Allen is actually implicated with Epstein, I'm going to go with him for the A-list director.

    I know Hanks, Spielberg, and De Niro are every Pizzagaters fave guess for everything but they have no connection to this case.

  21. @ E

    Remember that creepy message he sent as Frank Underwood

    he was talking to the Royal Family in that video

  22. Right after Spacey was outed as pedo., didn't he hold up a cup with the queen of england's picture on it? ( Read, if I go down, you do too). A journalist I respect is saying Trump is distancing himself from GB and Trump has said himself that Europe was the biggest threat to the US. Here is a complete list of names in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book. Few royals in it.

  23. Unknown: Ew, Allen would make sense. The blind said he'd kill himself though. But he didn't kill himself after all the bad press about Soon Yi and Dylan.

    Someone who has a family friendly impeccable image though...

  24. molly how many names are in it? Can you put the list here? As gossip or speculation, of course.

  25. @Samantha: True but enty has been known to fudge things.

    'Berg just doesn't make sense to me as a guess.

  26. 26 times on the"Lolita Express" even more other ways.

  27. Spielberg did (first time I saw his name mentioned in gossip) would (if true) surprise me also, Unknown.

  28. @Samantha, oh Spielberg was a regular fixture here in 2017, back when insinuating that he's a pedo was super popular. I've never seen a shred of evidence to confirm that, however.

  29. Not Spielberg Enty always classified him "Permanent A+ list", in a blind a few days ago even..

  30. Who would want to be called "Grandpa?" I mean, who would that make hot?

  31. @Samantha,President Clinton. He oddly took Epstein's plans often,when he could have been more discreet.

  32. Oh...ew! But wait, that's the same one the blind said couldn't take public scrutiny?

  33. Oh...sorry you meant the 26 times question, not the grandpa question.

  34. Why do I get the feeling that most of the charges will eventually be dropped? I still hope that there are many men sweating bullets right now. That includes Prince Andrew, although we know he would never see the inside of a courtroom, being a precious member of the RF and all.

  35. Spacey



    Expose everything, please and thank you ( cross the fingers )

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. @unknown Just an FYI, the Chris Evans in the black book posted is the UK Chris Evans, he’s a dj and was on top gear.

  38. Well, we won’t find out for a couple of weeks I believe. Anonymous people in the indictment have 2 weeks to file an appeal. So doubt we will know too much tomorrow.

  39. Q Anon has entered the chat

    Re being called ‘Grandpa’: agreed that it’s not most people’s cup of tea (see what I did there?) but knowing that men will fuck sheep and dogs, asking a little girl to call you that doesn’t seem like the craziest kink.

  40. Pretty sure this was already revealed

  41. This site and QAnon are the exact same thing with different faces.

  42. @Simon: The most important thing about trow is whether or not he’s going to be granted bail. Hopefully not, as he’s a huge flight risk.

  43. De Niro......Dirty Granpa

  44. Oh yeah. Because De Niro is totally an A-list director AND apparently into both underage boys and girls AND present with Polanski and Epstein and probably Bryan Singer at his parties too! Might as well call him pedo Forrest Gump.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. @aquagirl, absolutely. I fear he will get bail though. Will take his passport and perhaps give him home confinement with an ankle bracelet would be my guess. Not only a flight risk but a danger to society,

  47. Is Nic Cage now an A-list director too?

    I know I'm sounding rude but it's pretty annoying to me when commenters don't even read the blinds.

  48. @John You're right that enty ran a blind that De Niro liked being called grandpa but a) that was with someone legal, b) this specifies a director and c) the actor in this blind is specified as being into boys, not girls.

  49. In an old Blind ent lawyer tells us is Robert De Niro is the one who likes to be called grandpa. So we can end the speculation. It's out there, May 14th 2019.

  50. @John Yes but he still doesn't fit THIS blind which specifies it was a director.

  51. No wonder Sarah F. is still allowed to hang with the RF. She knows what the ex has been up to. god knows, I love the Queen - hope she can distance herself from this.

  52. This has all been pointed out before & it's on YouTube also - The blind is Spacey , Woody Allen (grandpa) & Bryan Singer

  53. kevin spacey
    bryan singer
    spielberg (would kill himself rather than face public scrutiny - creepy self casting young children in movies that dont need young children)

    didnt spielberg visit jackson's ranch and allegedly molested girls there? wasnt he the one that would lift them up and down on the carousel and groped their crotch everytime they lifted them?

    1. That was george lucas's ranch and yes

  54. Richard Branson is listed in the Black Book as well.

  55. I can't believe all those people on notthisagain's list were there for the illegal activities. What else would be the draw?

  56. @gentle

    I agree, a lot of them likely werent there for rape/molestation/whatever else

    but they definitely could be called/subpoena'd to testify

  57. isn't ron howard "family friendly"?

  58. Re Spielberg being the permanent A-list director:the blind says "the feds thing before probably scared him to death". It could be the Woodman/Dylan thing, but wouldn't the stalker that was attempting to break into SS's compound to torture and rape him be the type of incident that would scare someone? Not only for the potential violence, but the real reason the guy wanted to do that in the first place

  59. Wasnt Spielberg the popular guess for Heather O'Rourke blind? It was alleged she was raped and molested by a director, and then further by producepr and execs. Spielberg "discovered" her....

  60. I never said your lazy typing was a "crime," @Guesser, but there's really no excuse to not place spaces between words. Your postings come across as being illiterate. If you want people to read your comments then use spaces. It hardly requires a Herculean effort to type properly..

    Oh, and Spacey, Woody Allen and De Niro are my guesses for this blind.

    1. @VikingSong, I will ask the question I did the other guesser. Since when is De Niro an A-list DIRECTOR?

      I know he's the big bad liberal celebrity boogeyman right now but he's not the answer to EVERY blind.

    2. And Woody Allen's not into men, if he's your guess for the second one.

  61. The answer to this question is clearly Spacey, Singer, and Allen. Y'all either don't read or just throw out names you don't like. This site is insufferable.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I literally cannot believe this is actually all coming out again and it may lead to the arrest of these disgusting evil people.

    I think Spacey, Hanks, DeNiro (who has been especially loud against Trump), Spielberg.

  64. Woody Allen creeps me out,but...I can’t see him venturing out of NYC for much of anything.
    Isn’t he notoriously phobic and into daily routine?

  65. Well, a google search with the question, "How many movies did Robert de Niro direct?" gave me this answer: "2." Although he has primarily been an actor, I suppose if someone directs even a low number of movies, they are still considered a director. Personally, I would see this as being Woody Allen, because he is just strange enough to have been in pyschoanalysis for over 20 years. Therapists don't want to see someone for 20 years. His analyst must have thought of him as a cash cow (but still did not report him). When all this comes to light, the behavioral licensure boards and the detectives will be asking questions of the therapists.

    Secondly, just because someone is in a relationship with an adult, does not mean that they have that same gender preference for a child. They can be interested in one gender of a child, and another of an adult. Especially if there is a financial incentive to appear to be interested in a specific type, or to hide their activities from others.

    Honestly, I believe that the world of celebrity is drive by sex and money. The drugs are to help people cope with that world.

    1. This is true. But FYI, that's not how enty does the rankings. He has always referred to people who are primarily actors as "mostly movie actors". This is just another case of CDAN commenters trotting old whatever liberal celebrity of the week they're mad at.

  66. What if Trump were one of the people named and shamed? Would his supporters still think he was great? He has made statements about being able to pardon himself, and that he can be pardoned for anything. So he must be the only one of these guys not sweating anything, if he did have sex with underage females. (And before any of his supporters go off into "But but but Clinton....!" (as a diversion tactic from the question), just let me say that I am in favor of anyone who did this being locked up. Sitting president or not, royalty or not, favorite movie actor, director, singer, or not. I quit watching Polanski and Allen films a long time ago, because I found their behavior to be reprehensible.

  67. Woody Allen did a world tour with Soon Yi in some documentary about them and that band he plays clarinet in.

    I think he's not nearly as fearful as the image he created implies.

  68. Hey guys, sorry if this question has been answered before. Where is the location of this Mysterious Island?

  69. Queen ..Kevin Annette used to be a minister in the Anglican church of Canada. He wanted the Native people to attend his church. In talking to them, he found out that the state run boarding schools had 50% death rate of Native children. They were tortured, raped and killed.The Native people who had grown up showed him the graves and they dug up lots of bones. They also told him that Queen and Phillip made a visit to one of the schools. Ten children were fed bathed and dressed up to meet them. Queen and Phillip took them to the woods and the children never came back.Kevin didn't have much luck getting the Natives to attend church but he did get busy making the atrocities known and took on the vatican, anglican church , Queen and Canadian govt. for their part . Kevin was going to hold a citizens court in England with one of the survivors of Queen's visit , who had seen it all.Survivor in England grew suddenly ill, taken to hospital and died the next day...which lends credibility to me, of his veracity. (sp?) Canadian govt. also issued an apology.......pope made a general apology. Kevin's work can be seen at his website, murderbydecree . Modern day saint. He lost everything by standing up for those who had no voice.

  70. @ micheleksd

  71. after reading AGCMAINPAGE, i change my guess for the permanent A List director to Woody Allen

    but why should he feel " ashamed"? Hasn't he been trough public exposition with his daughter 's sexual harrassment case already ?

    Unless he fears that if his name comes out in this case, it will be a confirmation of his old accuses and even those that sill defend him would abandon him

  72. I'll say Deniro for all 3 just because it's driving "unknown" batty.

    I hope whoever these creeps are, they get strung up.

  73. Did anyone mention DeNiro? I don't think he directs, but he DOES like the very young girls calling him 'grandpa'

  74. @Kansa This is what I've found about Trump: "Trump, meanwhile, was reportedly the "only one" to help a prosecuting attorney representing one of Epstein's alleged victims. The President is also said to have booted Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago club after he was found trying to recruit underage girls."

  75. Soon Yi has the body-type of a 10-year-old boy, which was prolly what attracted the Woody's woody in the first place. That he kid diddles is not in question, and the sex of the victim is irrelevant.

  76. Nothing is going to happen to anyone beyond Epstein. If there are a bunch of rich people who used Epstein's services, they will be protected especially if there are any politicians alive (especially Democrat politicians) who took part in it. This is America where justice isn't blind and the corrupt have power and money. The most that will happen will be as the 2020 election gets closer anti Trump NY attorneys and media will try to tenuously link Trump to Epstein as Trump's friend like Chuck Schumer (who I believe himself took in donations from Epstein) did recently. If Clinton was involved, it will be covered up because no way will Republicans and Democrats allow a former American president to be prosecuted or smeared especially given how close the Bushes and Clintons are. If the rabbit hole goes as deeply as some of you guys think, then the people in power will not allow those people to fall and be disgraced. Spacey's recent trial was dismissed and most likely Weinstein's recent trial will end up scuttled. All this #metoo was mostly a show to gin up support for Democrats as champions of women in the midterm and it worked with the careers of a few Hollywood actors temporarily derailed. Weinstein/Spacey and the like will all walk free and not see a day in jail. This is America.

  77. The three people mentioned here are, quite obviously:

    Kevin Spacey

    Bryan Singer

    Woody Allen
