Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Item #4

This long-delayed film directed by an aging permanent A list director will finally premiere in about two months.  Three aging A-list actors are featured in starring roles.  This group is so far past their prime, that even the concept of a big-budget film in this genre today would be laughable.  That is, to everyone except the streaming giant.  Yet another colossal waste of money, but the streaming service has already sent signals out that they will spare no expense, legal or not, to try and buy as many awards as possible, for this white elephant of a film.


  1. Scorsese's Irishman. DeNiro, Pacino, & Pesce.

  2. A Scorsese directed film with Deniro, Pacino and Pesci is in no way laughable. Regardless of the output or lack of from the actors.

  3. So hard to respect Netflix these days

  4. Sounds like it will be as laughable as DeNiro's southern accent in the Scorcese's directed Cape Fear.

  5. Many of these aging actors are an embarrassment. Sylvester Stallone and Arnold? Lawwwdy they'll be changing eachothers diapers soon. 80years old jumping outa airplanes smdh

  6. Pretty much all the originals Netflix puts out these days are extremely mediocre. It has gone downhill real fast and with so many other streaming devices coming out in the next couple of years...I doubt Netflix will be the staple it was even 2 years ago. That being said...I still think the Irishman will get a lot of clicks. I'll end up watching because I loved Goodfellas. Ray Liota in that movie....dayyyum. LOL

  7. Netflix, perfectly willing to waste other people's money.

  8. Rosie -- That reminds of the old Mad magazine gag re. 70s geriatric TV detective Barnaby Jones: 'Just let me put on my orthopedic shoes and my rubber underwear...'

  9. If it flops DiNero will have to keep doing shite adverts for Kia cars.

    1. And don't forget the Warburtons bagels!

  10. And, agreed about DeNiro's southern accent. Some actors should just not do accents...EVER. And, a director should be honest with the talent about how bad one is when filming.

    I grew up in the South and I cannot get through a movie when the accent is BAD. I expect British, Australians and Bostonians and NewYorkers feel the same way..

  11. I don't know about laughable ... it may be a waste of money, but the movie could still be good.

  12. DeNiro's accent sucked in Cape Fear, but it was still an intense and focused performance.
    The character was credible and scary.

    My nomination for the worst accent ever is Morgan Freeman in 'Robin Hood'.

    That was a train wreck.

  13. I’m not a fan of any of them, over rated in my not so humble opinion, but in the past, great stars even in their old age made great films. This contempt for the old is deplorable

  14. Everyone knows its just a money grab. Same reason Godfather III happened so the actors could cash in and Coppola could fund his winery.

  15. News flash: everything a for profit enterprise does is a cash grab.

    Enty's mud slinging at Netflix is so over the top - they must have turned him down for a job in legal.

  16. I am really looking forward to the movie and these actors as so many of the younger ones are complete c#@p nowadays. Who cares if it's on Netflix. I love Netflix but I love all the documentaries, food shows like Chef's Table etc. I also like all the British programming. Try watching a channel like TCM- Turner Classic Movies- it's stellar, no movies nowadays will ever be replayed 70-80 years from now like the ones on TCM are, NEVER, EVER.

  17. Well the Expendables shit the bed badly, didn't it.

  18. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Worst accents: Jude Law and Ray Winstone in Cold Mountain

    Best accents: the entire cast of Next of Kin but special mention for Liam Neeson.

  19. Just imagine how much a new CSNY album would suck and you have this film.

  20. it's hard to outdo the bad accent Keanu Reeves had in Dangeous Liasons.

    Keanu in 18th-century France, in a wig. Sure, that works.

    1. Keanu's English accent in Bram Stoker's Dracula was terrible, too. So bad he nearly ruined the fucking movie lmao

  21. I am still against Oscars for films w/o a full roll out in theaters.

  22. It was intensely painful to watch and downright pathetic when compared to Mitchum in the same role. To each his own, I guess.

  23. Orson Welles is to blame for bad accents. His Scottish and Irish accents were not found in nature and yet his influence on "generic" accents is still stinking up the joint. For 'Murrican actors, mumbling is the foundation of every attempt at a foreign accent and Welles was the original mumble core method actor. Aside from yelling "STELLA!!!" I haven't been able to understand one thing Welles stable boy Brando ever said. And they all go Hawaiian shirt fat and mincing in their later years. No Oscars for you!

  24. What about Samuel Jackson in the first Kingsman flick? I mean, what the fuck was that?

  25. Shit accents is it?

    Three words, dick, van and dyke.

  26. Wait a minute... no insinuation that one of them is a pedo (particularly De Niro) or totally about to be exposed in the upcoming months??? Is enty feeling okay?

    Anyway, this is barely a blind so much as it is a dig at Netflix.

  27. @ Nutty-Flavor oh Keanu may have BEAT OUT Keanu for how bad he was in that Dracula movie. SO bad!

  28. I love the noms for worst accent! Morgan Freeman did better than Kevin Costner's coming and going accent in Robin Hood. Morgan was bad, but at least he was consistent. And no, Jude Law didn't exactly pass for a southerner in Cold Mountain, did he?

  29. How have we talked about terrible accents and not mentioned Connery yet???

  30. Hummingbird -- Amen! And so grateful for TCM and Retro!

    LOVE the bad accent talk! Im drawing blanks right now, but Costner in Robin Hood was comical in its peek a boo inconsistency, yet I still found the movie enjoyable. Agreed with Keanu. Flashy, I think the UK should pick a region to train everyone to speak like Dick Van Dyke, just to legitimize the fabulousness of that accent!😊

  31. And for best accent - Christian Bale - all of them - when I finally heard him speak in his real Welsh accent I had to look it up and confirm that yep, that was his real accent.

  32. And they could do it. People vote for the parties and swag. Some film companies do not even send screeners to voting members. Good luck with that.

    A lot of people don't even see what they voted for. They just want and remember the freebies.

  33. SubD - Did Welles and Brando even know each other? Kazan directed the Broadway original production of Streetcar.

  34. Alma - Mitchum was brilliant, so were the other cast members in the original Cape Fear.

    Mitchum - very underrated actor.

  35. I'll watch it...I love Pacino and I don't care what the haters say.

  36. Same first commenter every time = boring.

  37. I would rather watch this film than another silly superhero movie.

  38. Angelina is up there with the worst accent. She always sounds Russian.

    Oh and how can we forget Pacino in Scarface

  39. filmfanb, I really did not like The Depahted. I think Mark Wahlburg was either nominated or there was talk he was going to be nominated for Best Supporting Actor. smdh.

    Sook, Samuel L. Jackson had a lisp in The Kingsmen. I think he was trying to be a Russell Simmons-styled megalomaniac.

  40. Southern speech has a cadence,so it's not always necessary to change the pronunciation of individual words. Joanne Woodward in Rachel, Rachel and 3 faces of Eve really stank.

  41. I saw the DeNiro Cape Fear in the theater and it scared the shite out of me. Just horrific.
    and hooray for TCM!

  42. What a ridiculous, ageist post....these people are responsible for some of the best films in the past few decades. They should be put out to pasture? You'd rather see Netflix making Sierra Burgess or mediocre rom coms that bringing in a new film by MS?? You'd rather they keep throwing money at C list comedians....cause the world needs one more Netflix comedy show?? Are you implying that artists at a certain age should move out of the way so that Noah Centineo can have more artistic space?

  43. GentleBreeze, are you aware Joanne Woodward grew up in Georgia and South Carolina, before going to college in Louisiana? I think she was able to “get” a southern accent and speech pattern.

  44. The Departed was fantastic. Everyone died! That’s what made it so great.

    DeNiro doing a Southern accent? Hahahaha yeah ok, that’s gotta be something to behold 😂 His only good movie was Casino, anyway.

  45. Casino? Have you seen DeNiro in early Scorsese?

  46. I am with you, Samantha. Mitchum and Peck were outstanding (don't get me started on the Nick Nolte role in Cape Fear—WTF???). And I like DeNiro's acting (Raging Bull, for instance), but not in Cape Fear.

  47. DeNiro is ridiculous with his anti-Trump stance.
    You should instead watch the works of a very underrated actor, James Woods, who's a vocal Trump supporter. Check Once Upon a Time in America, it's a fabulous film.

  48. Trixie, I had no idea! Just seemed over the top to me.

  49. Angela, why is DeNiro being a vocal advocate for his beliefs any different from James Woods being a vocal advocate for his? Sounds like you a Trumpster which pretty much invalidates anything you have to say. Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to this country, seconded only by the feeble-minded that support him. Oh, and if you are wondering about James Wood's character, talk to Amber Tamblyn who Woods tried to pick up when she was 16 years old!

  50. I was joking. I was trying to force a few idiots to watch Once Upon a Time in America by telling them it is a Woods vehicle. After half an hour, their heads would also explode when they realize that De Niro is indeed playing a Jew.

  51. I like Keanu but he's not who I'd cast for a 'period piece.'

  52. I like Michelle Pfeiffer but she is not one who I'd cast for a 'period piece' i.e. the Scorsese thing. Nothing about her body language or anything else fit the milieu.

  53. James Woods is a known horndog and has a ginormous head. As in, he could double as a parade float, if he really wanted to.

    Guess that's to house his ginormous brain with its ginormous IQ that got into MIT.

  54. Once Upon A Time In America promotes underage prostitution.

  55. That movie "Once Upon a Time in America" had some weird parts, though I don't remember it that clearly. Didn't the neighbor girl begin selling her services and later became a madam? Is that the part you meant CJ?

    Parts of the movie were brilliant, as well, although they should've aged Elizabeth McGovern at least a little bit at the end. "Age Does Not Wither Her" is one thing, looking like a vampire or time traveler is another.

    1. Yes, she was a 13yr old whore, trading her pie for pastry.

  56. I thought DeNiro was good in the movie, Angela.

    I don't always enjoy his acting as much in a comedy. I thought he was good in the first Fockers movie. I couldn't really get through the sequel.

  57. It really shows just how old the fanbase here is on CDAN. I love Scorsese but this movie is most likely going to be hot trash. There's a reason literally everyone else in Hollywood passed on it. Neither Pesci, DeNiro, nor Pacino has made a decent movie in years plus the de-aging CGI just looks fucking stupid in the trailer.

  58. A Scorsese film, hot trash? What a moron. Name one film of his that was hot trash? Studios passed on it because the price tag was 160million. If a studio goes in for that type of investment it will cost at least that much to market the film. Since the studios are only pushing these ridiculous superhero movies they aren't going to take that kind of risk. Netflix doesn't release films theatrically(save for a few theaters for their bigger movies) so there is almost no marketing cost.

  59. How have we talked about terrible accents and not mentioned Connery yet???

    Unknown-- not sure to what you are referring. I don't think Connery every attempted an accent. He just used his own no matter what the role... which never bothered me. ha ha
