Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #4

Considering how much they are not getting along right now and what a disaster that last overseas trip ended up being, this upcoming trip should be one for the ages. I wonder if the foreign born permanent A+ list celebrity really knew what he was in for when he got married.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. +1 Tricia
    But how was the last overseas trip a disaster? Was that when they went to Morocco?

    1. I think so... I remember reading something about MM/etiquette (I think)?

    2. The Morocco £100k Oscars dress for a casual lunch was a wee bit of a disaster for British tax payers.

  3. They came here for a baseball game over the weekend and he appeared to ignore her talking to him as he talked to a friend.

  4. Lol @ this grifter moron.

    Of highly questionable patrilineage.

  5. The game was in the U.K., they are scheduled to do the African tour in late August

  6. Should have listened to your older brother you donkey!

  7. Their female bodyguard quit after the Morocco trip because Meghan kept changing plans whilst they were in motion and going into unsafe areas; can’t do your job if your client is making it impossible to keep you safe!

  8. I call bs on Harry ignoring her while she talked to him. He was already engaged in conversation with someone else and he rightfully continued with it and did not allow her to interrupt. I do not call that willfully ignoring her.

  9. What about Bieber? Wasn't he recently on a prayerful trip that he bailed on to go smoke drugs with his friends?

  10. No, he probably didn't think this out.
    However,here he is. Baby and all.

    I'm sure many of us have been swayed by our hormones and *gasp* even made babies or married a regrettable one or two.
    Hey. Where's Nutty been?

  11. Harry needs to hammer that dirtbox and fuck that broads brains back in.

  12. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Considering MM is only going to one of four African countries Harry should have plenty of solo time to do his own thing. I'm looking forward to this African tour lots of great entertainment coming our way.

  13. @Simon...”and he rightfully continued with it and did not allow her to interrupt”. Yes...that’s called “ignoring”. He didn’t do any “hold on a sec” gestures or even move his head towards her - he acted as if she hadn’t spoken. And he didn’t turn to her when he’d finished speaking to the man, either. Her embarrassed smile when she wasn’t acknowledged says it all. Honeymoon is definitely over.

  14. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Harry just needs to cut his losses.

  15. Yeah, I totally make babies and then just shrug it off. Shit happens.

  16. Hate to say it, but i've noticed it with a lot of my friends but a BF/GF can be the most amazing person in the world, and once they know they have you cause you moved in with them / got married/ had a child, only then their true nature come out.

  17. @J, it's better for him to get divorced now so the child can grow up in a stable environment 50% of the time than be around crazy 100% of the time. It's mitigates a lot of the damage from the abuse to the child. T

  18. My wife ignores me all the time.

  19. Men don't make babies, @J. Women do. You MRAs have sealed your own fates and you're too thick to realise it.

    Harry should never have married MM. It will undoubtedly end in divorce. Oh, well. It's not like there has never been a divorce in the Royal family before.

    1. Ya because women can procreate without men. Fuck off

  20. @gauloise, it would be nice if people thought all that out beforehand.

    Not sure about the environment with Harry being 50% stable time, but no doubt it would be 50% stupid time.

  21. Viking Song, this man doesn't anyway. Had the operation. Can't think of money better spent.

    So, from my perspective, my fate -- let's say destiny -- looks pretty good at this point. Sunshine, travel, wine, interesting work, lots of books, and even a few sensible women.

    How's life in the bedsit?

  22. MM deserves it. She's an ignorant hoe.

  23. If he hates her -- which he probably does, understandably, like most people do -- he wishes she were a million miles away and feels his blood freeze every time he hears her voice.

  24. Listen, TriSHA beatstick, even hating Viking Song doesn't make you less of a jagoff. Get a fucking life.

  25. she is planning a big PR event in about 2 weeks. According to Lainey:

    And I’ve been writing often lately about how Meghan seems to have been modelling some of her PR after BeyoncĂ©’s example. We could be getting set for a major gossip moment happening in two weeks. In addition to a blockbuster movie.

    maybe she will be in the Lion King live action with Beyonce?

  26. +1 @Simon

    Sorry but I don't trust a single word that Faux News says about anything.

  27. @ Melissa that was a game played IN the UK. They didn't come here.

  28. Okay, watched the video everyone is chiming in on. ONE it is not ABROAD. It was a UK based baseball game and... she said something and he was a still speaking to someone else. It was loud, Maybe he didn't hear her. Ridiculous to videotape every single second of their interactions and micro-dissect a blip or second that happens between ANY couples and decide it is a slight indicative of something more etc. This could be a blind CREATED from that very thing. If it IS based off this slight moment, it is a badly bungled/written blind because it is NO trip abroad. And come on.

  29. The video clearly shows he cannot tolerate her presence.

  30. Foster/Mcfee, maybe

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  32. Don't worry, Nutty. I have no abiding interest in these sponges, so won't be darkening your doorstep. Best wishes for your blog, though.

  33. My wife(future) always ignores me! Granted, we are yet to start dating and she is unaware of my existence but this technicality is no reason to ignore me! If I can remember that one time 2 years ago when i held the door open for her, she should be able to remember it too! Just mean and cruel on her part!

  34. I love Megan and Harry. It is so tiresome how the media just has to rip apart women. Spend your time ripping apart their pedophile relatives; she just had a baby and moved countries, got married, gave up her profession, enough.

  35. @Nutty & @Hunter I just figured you two don't post on weekends and holidays because you have lives. Or places without high speed internet, or wi-fi.

  36. I don't think she gave up her profession at all. She's participating at the highest level in it: the world's oldest btw.

  37. Just occurred to me...did they choose to not give Archie a title because it would make a custody battle easier? If he's not "royal" he wouldn't automatically stay in Britain with The Firm. Personally, though, I think this is a love match and they'll go the distance.

  38. Mischi-- wow! I had read Lainey was pro-markle, but that is really fluffy!

    Im guessing the Lion King event wont be hMeghan and Harry dueting "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" at the premiere.

    is baby Archie going along on Meghans part of the Africa tour

  39. @Seamus
    "it is a love match, they'll go the distance"

    Dumbest comment ever

  40. I think 18 months is when the typical infatuation relationship ends, although he probably jumped ship earlier. She probably sold him as being this fun girl, now he's learning the truth.

  41. Could this be referring to the Australia/New Zealand trip? The expensive dresses, dramatic tummy changes, etc.

  42. Dont forget sparkles is demanding 400 k a year as salary

  43. Does anyone ever know what they’re getting into when they get married? Honestly

  44. @Drew, Well if she's pumping out tourist attractions from her legs for the good of the country she should be compensated. That's the argument I always hear, that royalty is good for tourism.

  45. Markle is like a real-life version of The Blob, enveloping PH constantly and completely. He can't even have a conversation with someone, and she's interrupting.
    Don't worry about her professions, she will always be a Grifter.

  46. Anonymous10:55 PM


    Harry was walking on the beach...
    when he saw something coming out of the Fog...
    It had long hair, and wore a trenchcoat...
    (Insert John Carpenter music _here_)

  47. The trip abroad was the Australia tour. She had a bunch of people quit after that tour, including her personal assistant. Apparently Meghan was verbally abusive to her. When she quit, the royal family thanked her for her service which is VERY unusual. Normally, it would be the royal closest to the aide thanking him/her. In this case, an official statement was issued by Buckingham Palace.

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